1,764 research outputs found

    Connes' embedding problem and Tsirelson's problem

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    We show that Tsirelson's problem concerning the set of quantum correlations and Connes' embedding problem on finite approximations in von Neumann algebras (known to be equivalent to Kirchberg's QWEP conjecture) are essentially equivalent. Specifically, Tsirelson's problem asks whether the set of bipartite quantum correlations generated between tensor product separated systems is the same as the set of correlations between commuting C*-algebras. Connes' embedding problem asks whether any separable II1_1 factor is a subfactor of the ultrapower of the hyperfinite II1_1 factor. We show that an affirmative answer to Connes' question implies a positive answer to Tsirelson's. Conversely, a positve answer to a matrix valued version of Tsirelson's problem implies a positive one to Connes' problem

    Resonance energy transfer: The unified theory revisited

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    Resonanceenergy transfer (RET) is the principal mechanism for the intermolecular or intramolecular redistribution of electronic energy following molecular excitation. In terms of fundamental quantum interactions, the process is properly described in terms of a virtual photon transit between the pre-excited donor and a lower energy (usually ground-state) acceptor. The detailed quantum amplitude for RET is calculated by molecular quantum electrodynamical techniques with the observable, the transfer rate, derived via application of the Fermi golden rule. In the treatment reported here, recently devised state-sequence techniques and a novel calculational protocol is applied to RET and shown to circumvent problems associated with the usual method. The second-rank tensor describing virtual photon behavior evolves from a Green’s function solution to the Helmholtz equation, and special functions are employed to realize the coupling tensor. The method is used to derive a new result for energy transfer systems sensitive to both magnetic- and electric-dipole transitions. The ensuing result is compared to that of pure electric-dipole–electric-dipole coupling and is analyzed with regard to acceptable transfer separations. Systems are proposed where the electric-dipole–magnetic-dipole term is the leading contribution to the overall rate

    The Hilbertian Tensor Norm and Entangled Two-Prover Games

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    We study tensor norms over Banach spaces and their relations to quantum information theory, in particular their connection with two-prover games. We consider a version of the Hilbertian tensor norm γ2\gamma_2 and its dual γ2∗\gamma_2^* that allow us to consider games with arbitrary output alphabet sizes. We establish direct-product theorems and prove a generalized Grothendieck inequality for these tensor norms. Furthermore, we investigate the connection between the Hilbertian tensor norm and the set of quantum probability distributions, and show two applications to quantum information theory: firstly, we give an alternative proof of the perfect parallel repetition theorem for entangled XOR games; and secondly, we prove a new upper bound on the ratio between the entangled and the classical value of two-prover games.Comment: 33 pages, some of the results have been obtained independently in arXiv:1007.3043v2, v2: an error in Theorem 4 has been corrected; Section 6 rewritten, v3: completely rewritten in order to improve readability; title changed; references added; published versio

    Explicit lower and upper bounds on the entangled value of multiplayer XOR games

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    XOR games are the simplest model in which the nonlocal properties of entanglement manifest themselves. When there are two players, it is well known that the bias --- the maximum advantage over random play --- of entangled players can be at most a constant times greater than that of classical players. Recently, P\'{e}rez-Garc\'{i}a et al. [Comm. Math. Phys. 279 (2), 2008] showed that no such bound holds when there are three or more players: the advantage of entangled players over classical players can become unbounded, and scale with the number of questions in the game. Their proof relies on non-trivial results from operator space theory, and gives a non-explicit existence proof, leading to a game with a very large number of questions and only a loose control over the local dimension of the players' shared entanglement. We give a new, simple and explicit (though still probabilistic) construction of a family of three-player XOR games which achieve a large quantum-classical gap (QC-gap). This QC-gap is exponentially larger than the one given by P\'{e}rez-Garc\'{i}a et. al. in terms of the size of the game, achieving a QC-gap of order N\sqrt{N} with N2N^2 questions per player. In terms of the dimension of the entangled state required, we achieve the same (optimal) QC-gap of N\sqrt{N} for a state of local dimension NN per player. Moreover, the optimal entangled strategy is very simple, involving observables defined by tensor products of the Pauli matrices. Additionally, we give the first upper bound on the maximal QC-gap in terms of the number of questions per player, showing that our construction is only quadratically off in that respect. Our results rely on probabilistic estimates on the norm of random matrices and higher-order tensors which may be of independent interest.Comment: Major improvements in presentation; results identica

    Multiplicativity of completely bounded p-norms implies a new additivity result

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    We prove additivity of the minimal conditional entropy associated with a quantum channel Phi, represented by a completely positive (CP), trace-preserving map, when the infimum of S(gamma_{12}) - S(gamma_1) is restricted to states of the form gamma_{12} = (I \ot Phi)(| psi >< psi |). We show that this follows from multiplicativity of the completely bounded norm of Phi considered as a map from L_1 -> L_p for L_p spaces defined by the Schatten p-norm on matrices; we also give an independent proof based on entropy inequalities. Several related multiplicativity results are discussed and proved. In particular, we show that both the usual L_1 -> L_p norm of a CP map and the corresponding completely bounded norm are achieved for positive semi-definite matrices. Physical interpretations are considered, and a new proof of strong subadditivity is presented.Comment: Final version for Commun. Math. Physics. Section 5.2 of previous version deleted in view of the results in quant-ph/0601071 Other changes mino

    Long time, large scale limit of the Wigner transform for a system of linear oscillators in one dimension

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    We consider the long time, large scale behavior of the Wigner transform W_\eps(t,x,k) of the wave function corresponding to a discrete wave equation on a 1-d integer lattice, with a weak multiplicative noise. This model has been introduced in Basile, Bernardin, and Olla to describe a system of interacting linear oscillators with a weak noise that conserves locally the kinetic energy and the momentum. The kinetic limit for the Wigner transform has been shown in Basile, Olla, and Spohn. In the present paper we prove that in the unpinned case there exists γ0>0\gamma_0>0 such that for any γ∈(0,γ0]\gamma\in(0,\gamma_0] the weak limit of W_\eps(t/\eps^{3/2\gamma},x/\eps^{\gamma},k), as \eps\ll1, satisfies a one dimensional fractional heat equation ∂tW(t,x)=−c^(−∂x2)3/4W(t,x)\partial_t W(t,x)=-\hat c(-\partial_x^2)^{3/4}W(t,x) with c^>0\hat c>0. In the pinned case an analogous result can be claimed for W_\eps(t/\eps^{2\gamma},x/\eps^{\gamma},k) but the limit satisfies then the usual heat equation
