6,369 research outputs found

    Thirty Years of Turnstiles and Transport

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    To characterize transport in a deterministic dynamical system is to compute exit time distributions from regions or transition time distributions between regions in phase space. This paper surveys the considerable progress on this problem over the past thirty years. Primary measures of transport for volume-preserving maps include the exiting and incoming fluxes to a region. For area-preserving maps, transport is impeded by curves formed from invariant manifolds that form partial barriers, e.g., stable and unstable manifolds bounding a resonance zone or cantori, the remnants of destroyed invariant tori. When the map is exact volume preserving, a Lagrangian differential form can be used to reduce the computation of fluxes to finding a difference between the action of certain key orbits, such as homoclinic orbits to a saddle or to a cantorus. Given a partition of phase space into regions bounded by partial barriers, a Markov tree model of transport explains key observations, such as the algebraic decay of exit and recurrence distributions.Comment: Updated and corrected versio

    Retrograde transport pathways utilised by viruses and protein toxins

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    A model has been presented for retrograde transport of certain toxins and viruses from the cell surface to the ER that suggests an obligatory interaction with a glycolipid receptor at the cell surface. Here we review studies on the ER trafficking cholera toxin, Shiga and Shiga-like toxins, Pseudomonas exotoxin A and ricin, and compare the retrograde routes followed by these protein toxins to those of the ER trafficking SV40 and polyoma viruses. We conclude that there is in fact no obligatory requirement for a glycolipid receptor, nor even with a protein receptor in a lipid-rich environment. Emerging data suggests instead that there is no common pathway utilised for retrograde transport by all of these pathogens, the choice of route being determined by the particular receptor utilised

    Possible incorporation of SV40 genome within capsid proteins of adenovirus 4.

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    The Influence of the effect of solute on the thermodynamic driving force on grain refinement of Al alloys

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    Grain refinement is known to be strongly affected by the solute in cast alloys. Addition of some solute can reduce grain size considerably while others have a limited effect. This is usually attributed to the constitutional supercooling which is quantified by the growth restriction factor, Q. However, one factor that has not been considered is whether different solutes have differing effects on the thermodynamic driving force for solidification. This paper reveals that addition of solute reduces the driving force for solidification for a given undercooling, and that for a particular Q value, it is reduced more substantially when adding eutectic-forming solutes than peritectic-forming elements. Therefore, compared with the eutectic-forming solutes, addition of peritectic-forming solutes into Al alloys not only possesses a higher initial nucleation rate resulted from the larger thermodynamic driving force for solidification, but also promotes nucleation within the constitutionally supercooled zone during growth. As subsequent nucleation can occur at smaller constitutional supercoolings for peritectic-forming elements, a smaller grain size is thus produced. The very small constitutional supercooling required to trigger subsequent nucleation in alloys containing Ti is considered as a major contributor to its extraordinary grain refining efficiency in cast Al alloys even without the deliberate addition of inoculants.The Australian Research Council (ARC DP10955737)

    Quantitative Trait Loci for Vegetative Traits in Perennial Ryegrass (\u3cem\u3eLolium Perenne\u3c/em\u3e L.)

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    Physiological (EP) research in forage grasses relates traits such as leaf elongation rate (LER), leaf elongation duration (LED), and leaf appearance interval (ALf), to forage yield (Chapman & Lemaire, 1993). This paper reveals preliminary quantitative trait locus (QTL) discovery for eight EP traits in perennial ryegrass. It also investigates the potential role of multivariate analyses such as principal component analysis (PCA) in QTL analysis of EP data

    'A light in a very dark place' : The role of a voluntary organisation providing support for those affected by encephalitis

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    Voluntary organisations are seen as contributing to the ‘democratisation’ of health and social care. Little, however, is written about their role and this paper, by focusing on the work of The Encephalitis Society, provides insights into the challenges facing voluntary organisations as they manage twin roles as service providers and advocates, of people with neurological disorders. Two studies are presented: a review conducted by the Society, focusing on patient’s experiences of neurological services; and an external evaluation of the Society’s current provision. The first, based on a postal survey of its members affected by encephalitis (n = 339), illustrates the Society’s advocacy role. The survey provided support for the Association of British Neurologists’ recommendation for nationally agreed standards of care. The second study, a postal survey of recent contacts (n = 76) and in-depth telephone interviews (n = 22), illustrates the Society’s value role as a service provider and supports its role in helping rehabilitate affected individuals and their families. These studies provided the Society with information for policy and service development. Importantly, providing the basis of informed action and partnership with stakeholders and informing the organisation’s sense of purpose, in the changing context of welfare provision in the UK

    Qualitative exploration of the potential for adverse events when using an online peer support network for mental health: Cross-sectional survey

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    Background: Online peer support networks are a growing area of mental health support for offering social connection, identity, and support. However, it has been reported that not all individuals have a positive experience on such networks. The potential for adverse events within a moderated online peer support network is a new area of research exploration. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine if use of an online moderated peer networks leads to adverse events for users. Methods: Four biannual online surveys (October 2014 to March 2016) were conducted by a large national UK mental health charity, with users of their online peer support network exploring personal safety, moderation, experiences on the site, and how the site could be improved. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis by 2 independent researchers using a priori themes: negative experiences of moderation, social exclusion, contagion, negative interactions with other users, online relationships, co-rumination and collusion, and other. Results: In total, 2353 survey responses were logged with 197 (8.37%) documenting an adverse event of negative experience. A dominant theme of negative experiences of moderation emerged (73/197, 37.1%) with evidence of social exclusion (50/197, 25.4%). Reading user posts was shown to be a cause of worry and distress for a few users, and analysis highlighted several instances of depressogenic and emotional contagion as well as some limited evidence of behavioral contagion (46/197, 23.4%). Very limited evidence of co-rumination (1/197, 0.5%) and no evidence of collusion were identified. Conclusions: Evidence of adverse events was identified at low levels in the sample of respondents, although we have no comparison data to indicate if levels are low compared with comparable platforms. Not all users of online peer support networks find them wholly beneficial. Research must explore what works for whom. The next stage of service development should consider which users may be likely to receive no benefit, or even deteriorate, as a result of using the service

    MMP-13 Selective α-sulfone Hydroxamates: a Survey of P1\u27 Heterocyclic Amide Isosteres

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    Seeking compounds preferentially potent and selective for MMP-13, we reported in the preceding Letter on a series of hydroxamic acids with a flexible benzamide tail groups.(1a) Here, we replace the amide moiety with non-hydrolyzable heterocycles in an effort to improve half-life. We identify a hydroxamate tetrazole 4e that spares MMP-1 and -14, shows \u3e400-fold selectivity versus MMP-8 and \u3e600-fold selectivity versus MMP-2, and has a 4.8 h half-life in rats. X-ray data (1.9 Ã…) for tetrazole 4c is presented

    Grain refinement of stainless steel in ultrasound-assisted additive manufacturing

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    Metals and alloys fabricated by fusion-based additive manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, undergo complex dynamics of melting and solidification, presenting challenges to the effective control of grain structure. Herein, we report on the use of high-intensity ultrasound that controls the process of solidification during AM of 316L stainless steel. We find that the use of ultrasound favours the columnar-to-equiaxed transition, promoting the formation of fine equiaxed grains with random crystallographic texture. Moreover, the use of ultrasound increases the number density of grains from 305 mm-2 to 2748 mm-2 despite an associated decrease in cooling rate and temperature gradient in the melt pool during AM. Our assessment of the relationship between grain size and cooling rate indicates that the formation of crystallites during AM is enhanced by ultrasound. Furthermore, the use of ultrasound increases the amount of constitutional supercooling during solidification by lowering the temperature gradient in the bulk of the melt pool, thus creating an environment that favours nucleation, growth, and survival of grains. This new understanding provides opportunities to better exploit ultrasound to control grain structure in AM-fabricated metal products.Comment: Paper published in Additive Manufacturin

    Heteroclinic intersections between Invariant Circles of Volume-Preserving Maps

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    We develop a Melnikov method for volume-preserving maps with codimension one invariant manifolds. The Melnikov function is shown to be related to the flux of the perturbation through the unperturbed invariant surface. As an example, we compute the Melnikov function for a perturbation of a three-dimensional map that has a heteroclinic connection between a pair of invariant circles. The intersection curves of the manifolds are shown to undergo bifurcations in homologyComment: LaTex with 10 eps figure
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