2,882 research outputs found

    The composition of meteoroids impacting LDEF

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    So far we have completed an initial scanning electron microscopy (SEM) survey of craters on the exterior of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) in the 100 micron to 1mm size range and done some quantitative analysis. In typical craters, the residue appears to be a mixture of glass and FeNi and sulfide beads with an overall chondritic elemental composition. In less than 10 percent of the craters, there is a substantial amount of meteoroid debris that also contains unmelted mineral grains. The relatively high abundance of forsterite and enststite among these irregular grains suggests that a high melting point probably plays a role in surviving impact without melting

    Microzooplankton community structure investigated with imaging flow cytometry and automated live-cell staining

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Marine Ecology Progress Series 550 (2016): 65-81, doi:10.3354/meps11687.Protozoa play important roles in grazing and nutrient recycling, but quantifying these roles has been hindered by difficulties in collecting, culturing, and observing these often-delicate cells. During long-term deployments at the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory (Massachusetts, USA), Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) has been shown to be useful for studying live cells in situ without the need to culture or preserve. IFCB records images of cells with chlorophyll fluorescence above a trigger threshold, so to date taxonomically resolved analysis of protozoa has presumably been limited to mixotrophs and herbivores which have eaten recently. To overcome this limitation, we have coupled a broad-application ‘live cell’ fluorescent stain with a modified IFCB so that protozoa which do not contain chlorophyll (such as consumers of unpigmented bacteria and other heterotrophs) can also be recorded. Staining IFCB (IFCB-S) revealed higher abundances of grazers than the original IFCB, as well as some cell types not previously detected. Feeding habits of certain morphotypes could be inferred from their fluorescence properties: grazers with stain fluorescence but without chlorophyll cannot be mixotrophs, but could be either starving or feeding on heterotrophs. Comparisons between cell counts for IFCB-S and manual light microscopy of Lugol’s stained samples showed consistently similar or higher counts from IFCB-S. We show how automated classification through the extraction of image features and application of a machine-learning algorithm can be used to evaluate the large high-resolution data sets collected by IFCBs; the results reveal varying seasonal patterns in abundance among groups of protists.This research was supported in part by NSF (grants OCE-1130140, OCE-1434440), NASA (grants NNX11AF07G and NNX13AC98G), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (grants 934 and 2649), and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Innovative Technology Program

    An Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Map Matching Algorithm for Airport Ground Movements

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    Airports and their related operations have become the major bottlenecks to the entire air traffic management system, raising predictability, safety and environmental concerns. One of the underpinning techniques for digital and sustainable air transport is airport ground movement optimisation. Currently, real ground movement data is made freely available for the majority of aircraft at many airports. However, the recorded data is not accurate enough due to measurement errors and general uncertainties. In this paper, we aim to develop a new interval type-2 fuzzy logic based map matching algorithm, which can match each raw data point to the correct airport segment. To this aim, we first specifically design a set of interval type-2 Sugeno fuzzy rules and their associated rule weights, as well as the model output, based on preliminary experiments and sensitivity tests. Then, the fuzzy membership functions are fine-tuned by a particle swarm optimisation algorithm. Moreover, an extra checking step using the available data is further integrated to improve map matching accuracy. Using the real-world aircraft movement data at Hong Kong Airport, we compared the developed algorithm with other well-known map matching algorithms. Experimental results show that the designed interval type-2 fuzzy rules have the potential to handle map matching uncertainties, and the extra checking step can effectively improve map matching accuracy. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated to be robust and achieve the best map matching accuracy of over 96% without compromising the run time

    Mind the gap! A survey comparing current strength training methods used in men’s versus women’s first team and academy soccer

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    Much less is known about strength and conditioning (S&C) practice in women's versus men's soccer. The aim of this study was to compare S&C practice between coaches working in men's or women's soccer, at first team or academy level, worldwide. A total of 170 participants, who were involved with S&C support at their soccer club (in Europe, USA and South America, within men's or women's first team or academy settings) completed a comprehensive online survey, designed to evaluate (i) their academic qualifications and S&C coaching experience; and their preferred methods for (ii) physical testing; (iii) strength and power development; (iv) plyometric training; (v) speed development; and (vi) periodization. Women's academies had fewer weekly in-season S&C sessions than men's academies (1.6±0.6 vs. 2.3±0.9, p=0.005). Relatively, fewer women's academy S&C coaches (6%) used Olympic weightlifting movements than men's academy S&C coaches (32%, p=0.030). Relatively, more women's academy coaches (47%) used the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) compared to men's academy coaches (15%, p=0.006), but relatively more women's vs. men's first team coaches (61% vs. 38%, p=0.028) and women's vs. men's academy (61% vs. 38% coaches, p=0.049) utilised rating of perceived exertion-based load prescriptions. Notable differences in S&C practice exist between coaches of men's and women's soccer squads, particularly at academy level. Fewer weekly S&C sessions in women academy players may have implications for physical development, while the greater use of subjective load prescriptions in both academy and first team women's squads may lead to sub-optimal performance gains

    Physical testing and strength and conditioning practices differ between coaches working in academy and first team soccer

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    Scientific guidelines exist regarding strength and conditioning (S&C) best practice, for both first team and academy level soccer. However, it is not known if these research-informed guidelines are followed in such applied settings. The aim of this study was to investigate current S&C practice in first team and academy level (men's and women's) soccer, in multiple countries/continents. A total of 170 participants, who were involved with the delivery of S&C support at their soccer club, completed a comprehensive survey, describing their training methods. Data were analysed using Pearson's chi-square test of independence and independent t-tests. Statistical significance was set to p < 0.05. A greater proportion of academy compared to first team coaches assessed acceleration/sprint (92% vs. 83%, p=0.026), jump (95% vs. 83%, p=0.023) and change of direction performance (77% vs. 61%, p=0.031). The weekly training structure differed between groups, particularly within women's squads, with women's academy coaches reporting the lowest session frequency of all groups (1.59 ± 0.62 session per week, 44 ± 17 min duration). A greater proportion of academy (54%) versus first team (35%) coaches prioritised bodyweight training (p=0.031), despite a similar distribution of movement patterns trained. Overall, 44% S&C coaches reported using training intensities below strength training guidelines (≥80% 1RM). To conclude, there were many differences in S&C practice between S&C coaches working with first team and academy squads but particularly noteworthy was the greater proportion of academy coaches prioritising bodyweight training compared to first team coaches, which may limit physical development in academy players

    Neuromuscular function in plant parasitic nematodes: a target for novel control strategies?

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    Over the last decade the need for new strategies and compounds to control parasitic helminths has become increasingly urgent. The neuromuscular systems of these worms have been espoused as potential sources of target molecules for new drugs which may address this need. One facet of helminth neuromuscular biology which has garnered considerable research interest is that of neuropeptidergic neurotransmission, particularly regarding parasites of humans and animals, as well as free-living nematode model species. This research interest has been piqued by the fact that neuropeptides have been demonstrated to be fundamentally important to nematode biology and thus may be of utility in this search for new drug targets. This review focuses on the neuropeptide biology of plant parasitic nematodes, a subject which has been comparatively neglected despite the fact that the search for alternative control measures also extends to these economically important parasites. We focus on the FMRFamide-like peptide (FLP) neuropeptides and the complexity and distribution of this peptide family in plant parasitic nematodes. Possible roles for FLPs in plant parasitic nematode behaviour, as elucidated by a combination of molecular imaging techniques and RNA interference (RNAi), are discussed. We propose that disruption of FLP neurosignalling in plant parasitic nematodes represents a novel form of pest control and speculate as to how this may be achieved