60 research outputs found

    The fine structure of the comparative

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    The paper provides evidence for a more articulated structure of the comparative as compared with the one in Bobaljik (2012). We propose to split up Bobaljik's cmpr head into two distinct heads, C1 and C2. Looking at Czech, Old Church Slavonic and English, we show that this proposal explains a range of facts about suppletion and allomorphy. A crucial ingredient of our analysis is the claim that adjectival roots are not a-categorial, but spell out adjectival functional structure. Specifically, we argue that adjectival roots come in various types, differing in the amount of functional structure they spell out. In order to correctly model the competition between roots, we further introduce a Faithfulness Restriction on Cyclic Override, which allows us to dispense with the Elsewhere Principle

    Double Toil and Trouble: Grade Retention and Academic Performance

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    Some bounds for the degree of commutativity of a p

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    Questioning the effectiveness of technical measures implemented by the Basque bottom otter trawl fleet : Implications under the EU landing obligation

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    The selective properties of a bottom trawl fitted with a 70 mm diamond mesh codend and a 100 mm top square mesh panel (SMP) for hake (Merluccius merluccius), pouting (Trisopterus luscus and Trisopterus minutus) and red mullet (Mullus surmuletus) were investigated over the period 2011-2013. The experiments were carried out over three separate cruises aboard two commercial Basque bottom otter trawlers in the Bay of Biscay area. "Fall-through" experiments were also undertaken to estimate the potential size selection of 100 mm square mesh for the same species. Results from the "Fall-through" experiments and the at-sea selectivity cruises demonstrated that a 100 mm SMP has the potential to enable undersized and immature individuals to escape through the meshes. However, the selectivity cruises demonstrated that in practice, the SMP was largely ineffective at releasing undersized individuals as only a small fraction of the fish entering the trawl attempted to escape through the SMP during their drift towards the codend. The fraction attempting to escape was quantified by the "SMP contact probability" and was less than 4% for hake and red mullet and less than 15% for pouting. Furthermore, for each species, the release potential for the diamond mesh codend was found to be significantly lower than the length-at-maturity and the legal minimum conservation reference size. On average, the proportions of the total catch of undersized individuals of each species retained by the gear, were 52%, 17% and 45% for hake, pouting and red mullet respectively. Based on our findings, we conclude that the gear currently deployed by the Basque bottom otter trawl fleet operating in the Bay of Biscay is largely ineffective at releasing undersized hake, pouting and red mullet. The introduction of the obligation to land all catches, under the 2013 reform of the EU Common Fisheries policy will create new challenges for the Basque bottom otter trawl fleet and thereby an incentive to improve selectivity to avoid unwanted catches of undersized individuals

    Characterization of the CRTM process applicated to a door reinforcement

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    The automotive industry has benefited to some extent from composites for several decades, especially for non-primary structural applications. Technologies such as GMT, LFT or SMC are used to manufacture interior components, functional parts or body parts, with productivity standards and very competitive prices. But despite these successful applications, their expansion to more structural parts is not possible because of the limited properties of the materials and largely because the current manufacturing processes and facilities are not ready for mass manufacturing. When it is intended to manufacture pieces with high fiber contents and / or large pieces, the increase in fiber content decreases the permeability of the preform, necessitating longer filling times, and generating impregnation problems and high pore contents. In order to solve these drawbacks associated with conventional RTM, different alternatives have been explored: increasing the injection pressure, injecting through multiple entries or reducing the viscosity of the resin among others. One of the most promising is the combination of RTM and compression, called CRTM (Compression RTM). Comparing with conventional RTM, the mold remains partially open in the injection phase, generating a space not occupied by the fibers that exerts a preferred flow path for the resin without having to penetrate the preform. The objective of the project has been to characterize the CRTM process and apply this knowledge in the manufacture of a side door reinforcement

    Women and men facing informal caregiving: differences in strategies and meaning

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    The increase of life expectancy in our population has enhanced the importance of dependent elderly care. This task is carried out mainly by women who, as a matter of fact, witness the effects of social change concerning family and work. Objective: Deepen the understanding of the different strategies that women and men take in their role as caregivers through the interpretation and analysis of their own perceptions. Methodology: with the aim of better understanding the significance of all these consequences, a qualitative study based on five focus groups with both men and women caregivers was carried out. Results: the interiorization of the ‘caregiver role’ entails a greater physical and emotional burden among women, who show a higher vulnerability towards its effects. Men respond differently to this situation, which produces unlike effects among them. These differences should be considered when designing strategies focused on gender equity and improvement of dependent elderly care