207 research outputs found

    Історичне краєзнавство як складова національної освіти: теоретичний аспект

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    Аналізується процес утвердження історичного краєзнавства в системі національної освіти. Розглядаються теоретичні питання про предмет, об’єкт і завдання історичного краєзнавства. Акцентується увага на виховній і консолідуючій функції історичного краєзнавства в процесі відродження української нації.Анализируется процесс становления исторического краеведения в системе национального образования. Рассматриваются теоретические вопросы о предмете, объекте и задачах исторического краеведения. Внимание акцентируется на воспитательной и консолидирующей функциях исторического краеведения в процессе возрождения украинской нации.The processes of the formation of the local history studies in the system of the national education had been analyzed. The theoretical aspects of the objects and tasks of the local history studies had been shown. The educational and consolidation functions of the local history studies in the Ukrainian national resurrection process had been pointed

    Validity of an enhanced EQ-5D-5L measure with an added cognitive dimension in patients with stroke

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    Objective: The 5-level EuroQoL (EQ-5D-5L) is a patient-reported outcome measure frequently used in stroke research. However, it does not assess the cognitive problems many patients with stroke experience. The aim of this article is to compare the content validity, internal consistency and discriminative ability of the EQ-5D-5L with and without an additional cognitive domain (EQ-5D-5L+C), administered three months post-stroke. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Six general hospitals in the Netherlands. Subjects: In all, 360 individuals with stroke three months after the event. Interventions: Not applicable. Main measures: The modified Rankin Scale and EQ-5D-5L+C were administered in telephone interviews three months post-stroke. Results: A total of 360 patients with stroke were included. Mean age was 68.8 years (standard deviation (SD) = 11.7), 143 (40%) were female, 334 (93%) had had an ischemic stroke, 165 (46%) had a National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score ⩽ 4 at presentation and the Barthel Index was 17.2 (SD = 4) four days post-stroke. Cognitive problems were reported by 199 (55%) patients three months post-stroke. Internal consistencies of the EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-5L+C were 0.75 and 0.77, respectively. Adding a cognitive domain resulted in a decrease of the ceiling effect from 22% to 14%. Both EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-5L+C showed good discriminative ability, but differences between patients with different modified Rankin Scale scores and with/without reported decrease in health and daily activities were slightly larger with the EQ-5D-5L+C compared to the EQ-5D-5L. Conclusions: The EQ-5D-5L+C, which includes a cognitive domain that is highly significant for stroke patients, showed increased content validity and good discriminative ability, without losing internal consistency

    Neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury:topical analgesics as a possible treatment

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    STUDY DESIGN: Review of the literature and semi-structured interviews. OBJECTIVE: To explore the possible use of topical analgesics for the treatment of neuropathic pain (NP) in spinal cord injury (SCI). SETTING: Institute for Neuropathic Pain, Soest, The Netherlands. METHODS: A review was performed of studies on topical analgesics for SCI-related NP published up to May 2019. In addition, eight persons with SCI-related NP who were treated with topical analgesics were interviewed in a semi-structured interview on their experience with topical analgesics. RESULTS: Seven studies (five case reports and two case series) were found that evaluated the use of topical analgesics for SCI-related NP. None of the studies used a control treatment. Topical analgesics included baclofen, ketamine, lidocaine, capsaicin, and isosorbide dinitrate. All studies reported a decrease in NP over time. Persons interviewed were 49-72 years of age and all but one had an incomplete SCI. They used topical agents containing phenytoin, amitriptyline, baclofen, ketamine or loperamide. All showed a decrease in pain of at least 3 points on the 11-point numeric rating scale during this treatment. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS: Evidence on the use of topical analgesics in SCI is scarce. Case reports, case series and interviews suggest that the use of topical analgesics can be beneficial in treating SCI-related NP. Placebo-controlled studies are required to investigate the effect of topical analgesics on SCI-related NP

    Validity of the Utrecht scale for evaluation of rehabilitation-participation restrictions scale in a hospital-based stroke population 3 months after stroke

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    Background:The Utrecht Scale for Evaluation of Rehabilitation-Participation Restrictions scale (USER-P-R) is a promising patient-reported outcome measure, but has currently not been validated in a hospital-based stroke population. Objective:To examine psychometric properties of the USER-P-R in a hospital-based stroke population 3 months after stroke onset. Methods:Cross-sectional study including 359 individuals with stroke recruited through 6 Dutch hospitals. The USER-P-R, EuroQol 5-dimensional 5-level questionnaire (EQ-5D-5 L), Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System 10-Question Global Health Short Form (PROMIS-10), modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and two items on perceived decrease in health and activities post-stroke were administered in a telephone interview 3 months after stroke. The internal consistency, distribution, floor/ceiling effects, convergent validity and discriminant ability of the USER-P-R were calculated. Results:Of all participants, 96.9% were living at home and 50.9% experienced no or minimal disabilities (mRS 0-1). The USER-P-R showed high internal consistency (alpha = 0.90) and a non-normal left-skewed distribution with a ceiling effect (21.4% maximum scores). A substantial proportion of participants with minimal disabilities (mRS 1) experienced restrictions on USER-P-R items (range 11.9-48.5%). The USER-P-R correlated strongly with the EQ-5D-5 L, PROMIS-10 and mRS. The USER-P-R showed excellent discriminant ability in more severely affected individuals with stroke, whereas its discriminant ability in less affected individuals was moderate. Conclusions:The USER-P-R shows good measurement properties and provides additional patient-reported information, proving its usefulness as an instrument to evaluate participation after 3 months in a hospital-based stroke population

    Corrigendum to: Associations between illness cognitions and health-related quality of life in the first year after diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (vol 132, 109974, 2020)

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    The authors regret that in the original published article the first and surnames for two authors were presented in the incorrect order and should be swapped around. The correct names for the second and fifth authors are M.W.M. Post and J.M.A. Visser-Meily respectively. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused

    Patients with Severe Poststroke Fatigue Show a Psychosocial Profile Comparable to Patients with Other Chronic Disease: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Objective. To obtain a psychosocial profile of patients with poststroke fatigue (PSF), which could aid in optimizing treatment strategies. Methods. Eighty-eight outpatients with severe PSF measured with the Checklist Individual Strength-fatigue subscale (CIS-f) and the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) were selected. Depression and anxiety, psychological distress, coping, social support, and self-efficacy of this group were compared to reference groups of healthy controls and patients with other chronic diseases. Associations between psychosocial characteristics and fatigue were calculated. Results. Compared to healthy controls, patients with PSF reported more psychological distress, less problem-focused coping, and more positive social support. Minor or no differences were found in comparison with other chronic patients. The CIS-f correlated with somatic complaints and the FSS with cognitive complaints. Conclusion. Patients with PSF show a psychosocial profile comparable to patients with other chronic disease. Implications for diagnosis and treatment are discussed

    Associations between illness cognitions and health-related quality of life in the first year after diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Objective: To describe illness cognitions among patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), to study crosssectional associations between illness cognitions and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and to study the predictive value of illness cognitions measured shortly after the diagnosis for HRQoL at follow-up. Methods: Prospective longitudinal design. We administered Self-report questionnaires at study onset (n = 72) and follow-up (n = 48). Median follow-up period was 10.0 months. At baseline median ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised was 43, median time since onset of symptoms was 13.6 months, 79% of patients presented with spinal onset. Illness cognitions Helplessness, Acceptance and Disease Benefits were measured with the Illness Cognitions Questionnaire (ICQ) and HRQoL with the ALS Assessment Questionnaire (ALSAQ-40). Correlational and regression analyses were used. Results: Patients experienced more Helplessness at follow-up. We found no significant changes in Acceptance or Disease Benefits at follow-up. In cross-sectional analyses, Helplessness was independently related to worse HRQoL at baseline (beta = 0.44; p =.001) and Acceptance and Disease Benefits were independently related to worse HRQoL at follow-up (beta = -0.17, p =.045) and (beta = -0.186, p =.03 respectively). Longitudinal analyses showed that, adjusted for disease severity at baseline, Helplessness at baseline was a predictor of worse HRQoL at follow-up (beta = 0.43; p =.006). None of the illness cognitions were a significant predictor of HRQoL with adjustment for baseline HRQoL. Conclusion: Helplessness was independently associated with HRQoL in the cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. These results can help us identify patients shortly after diagnosis who might benefit from psychological interventions

    Exploring patients’ experience using PROMs within routine post-discharge follow-up assessment after stroke:a mixed methods approach

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    Background: Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) are being used increasingly to measure health problems in stroke clinical practice. However, the implementation of these PROMs in routine stroke care is still in its infancy. To understand the value of PROMs used in ischemic stroke care, we explored the patients’ experience with PROMs and with the consultation at routine post-discharge follow-up after stroke. Methods: In this prospective mixed methods study, patients with ischemic stroke completed an evaluation questionnaire about the use of PROMs and about their consultation in two Dutch hospitals. Additionally, telephone interviews were held to gain in-depth information about their experience with PROMs. Results: In total, 63 patients completed the evaluation questionnaire of which 10 patients were also interviewed. Most patients (82.2–96.6%) found completing the PROMs to be feasible and relevant. Half the patients (49.2–51.6%) considered the PROMs useful for the consultation and most patients (87.3–96.8%) reported the consultation as a positive experience. Completing the PROMs provided 51.6% of the patients with insight into their stroke-related problems. Almost 75% of the patients found the PROMs useful in giving the healthcare provider greater insight, and 60% reported discussing the PROM results during the consultation. Interviewed patients reported the added value of PROMs, particularly when arranging further care, in gaining a broader insight into the problems, and in ensuring all important topics were discussed during the consultation. Conclusions: Completing PROMs appears to be feasible for patients with stroke attending post-discharge consultation; the vast majority of patients experienced added value for themselves or the healthcare provider. We recommend that healthcare providers discuss the PROM results with their patients to improve the value of PROMs for the patient. This could also improve the willingness to complete PROMs in the future.</p

    Self-Efficacy Predicts Personal and Family Adjustment Among Persons With Spinal Cord Injury or Acquired Brain Injury and Their Significant Others:A Dyadic Approach

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    Objectives: To investigate whether the combination of self-efficacy levels of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) or acquired brain injury (ABI) and their significant others, measured shortly after the start of inpatient rehabilitation, predict their personal and family adjustment 6 months after inpatient discharge. Design: Prospective longitudinal study. Setting: Twelve Dutch rehabilitation centers. Participants: Volunteer sample consisting of dyads (N=157) of adults with SCI or ABI who were admitted to inpatient rehabilitation and their adult significant others. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Self-efficacy (General Competence Scale) and personal and family adjustment (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and McMaster Family Assessment Device General Functioning). Results: In 20 dyads, both individuals with SCI or ABI and their significant others showed low self-efficacy at baseline. In 67 dyads, both showed high self-efficacy. In the low-self-efficacy dyads, 61% of the individuals with SCI or ABI and 50% of the significant others showed symptoms of anxiety 6 months after discharge, vs 23% and 30%, respectively, in the high-self-efficacy dyads. In the low-self-efficacy dyads, 56% of individuals with SCI or ABI and 50% of the significant others reported symptoms of depression, vs 20% and 27%, respectively, in the high-self-efficacy dyads. Problematic family functioning was reported by 53% of the individuals with SCI or ABI and 42% of the significant others in the low-self-efficacy dyads, vs 4% and 12%, respectively, in the high-self-efficacy dyads. Multivariate analysis of variance analyses showed that the combination of levels of self-efficacy of individuals with SCI or ABI and their significant others at the start of inpatient rehabilitation predict personal (V=0.12; F-6,F-302=2.8; P=.010) and family adjustment (V=0.19; F-6,F-252=4.3; P Conclusions: Low-self-efficacy dyads appear to be more at risk for personal and family adjustment problems after discharge. Screening for self-efficacy may help healthcare professionals to identify and support families at risk for long-term adjustment problems. (C) 2020 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Problem Behavior in Children of Chronically Ill Parents: A Meta-Analysis

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    The aim of this meta-analysis is to examine whether children of chronically ill parents differ from norm groups in problem behavior. We report moderator effects and overall effect sizes for internalizing, externalizing and total problem behavior assessed by children and parents. In fixed effect models, we found a significant overall effect size for internalizing problem behavior (number of studies k = 19, total sample size N = 1,858, Cohen’s d = .23, p < .01) and externalizing problem behavior (k = 13, N = 1,525, d = .09, p < .01) but not for total problem behavior (k = 7; N = 896). Effects for internalizing and externalizing problem behavior were larger in non-cancer studies, in samples including younger children and younger ill parents, in samples defined by low average SES and in studies including parents with longer illness duration. In addition, effects for externalizing problem behavior were larger in studies characterized by a higher percentage of ill mothers and single parents. With exclusive self-report, effect sizes were significant for all problem behaviors. Based on these results, a family-centered approach in health care is recommended