103 research outputs found

    Calibration of the Politrack® system based on CR39 solid-state nuclear track detectors for passive indoor radon concentration measurements

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    Swiss national requirements for measuring radon gas exposures demand a lower detection limit of 50 kBq h m−3, representing the Swiss concentration average of 70 Bq m−3 over a 1-month period. A solid-state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) system (Politrack, Mi.am s.r.l., Italy) has been acquired to fulfil these requirements. This work was aimed at the calibration of the Politrack system with traceability to international standards and the development of a procedure to check the stability of the system. A total of 275 SSNTDs was exposed to 11 different radon exposures in the radon chamber of the Secondary Calibration Laboratory at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. The exposures ranged from 50 to 15000 kBq h m−3. For each exposure of 20 detectors, 5 SSNTDs were used to monitor possible background exposures during transport and storage. The response curve and the calibration factor of the whole system were determined using a Monte Carlo fitting procedure. A device to produce CR39 samples with a reference number of tracks using a 241Am source was developed for checking the long-term stability of the Politrack system. The characteristic limits for the detection of a possible system drift were determined following ISO Standard 1192

    A codon-optimized luciferase from Gaussia princeps facilitates the in vivo monitoring of gene expression in the model alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has emerged as a superb model species in plant biology. Although the alga is easily transformable, the low efficiency of transgene expression from the Chlamydomonas nuclear genome has severely hampered functional genomics research. For example, poor transgene expression is held responsible for the lack of sensitive reporter genes to monitor gene expression in vivo, analyze subcellular protein localization or study protein–protein interactions. Here, we have tested the luciferase from the marine copepod Gaussia princeps (G-Luc) for its suitability as a sensitive bioluminescent reporter of gene expression in Chlamydomonas. We show that a Gaussia luciferase gene variant, engineered to match the codon usage in the Chlamydomonas nuclear genome, serves as a highly sensitive reporter of gene expression from both constitutive and inducible algal promoters. Its bioluminescence signal intensity greatly surpasses previously developed reporters for Chlamydomonas nuclear gene expression and reaches values high enough for utilizing the reporter as a tool to monitor responses to environmental stresses in vivo and to conduct high-throughput screenings for signaling mutants in Chlamydomonas

    Calibration of the Politrack® system based on CR39 solid-state nuclear track detectors for passive indoor radon concentration measurements.

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    Swiss national requirements for measuring radon gas exposures demand a lower detection limit of 50 kBq h m(-3), representing the Swiss concentration average of 70 Bq m(-3) over a 1-month period. A solid-state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) system (Politrack, Mi.am s.r.l., Italy) has been acquired to fulfil these requirements. This work was aimed at the calibration of the Politrack system with traceability to international standards and the development of a procedure to check the stability of the system. A total of 275 SSNTDs was exposed to 11 different radon exposures in the radon chamber of the Secondary Calibration Laboratory at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. The exposures ranged from 50 to 15000 kBq h m(-3). For each exposure of 20 detectors, 5 SSNTDs were used to monitor possible background exposures during transport and storage. The response curve and the calibration factor of the whole system were determined using a Monte Carlo fitting procedure. A device to produce CR39 samples with a reference number of tracks using a (241)Am source was developed for checking the long-term stability of the Politrack system. The characteristic limits for the detection of a possible system drift were determined following ISO Standard 11929

    Chlorophyll-deficient mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that accumulate magnesium protoporphyrin IX

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    Two Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants defective in CHLM encoding Mg-protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase (MgPMT) were identified. The mutants, one with a missense mutation (chlM-1) and a second mutant with a splicing defect (chlM-2), do not accumulate chlorophyll, are yellow in the dark and dim light, and their growth is inhibited at higher light intensities. They accumulate Mg-protoporphyrin IX (MgProto), the substrate of MgPMT and this may be the cause for their light sensitivity. In the dark, both mutants showed a drastic reduction in the amounts of core proteins of photosystems I and II and light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins. However, LHC mRNAs accumulated above wild-type levels. The accumulation of the transcripts of the LHC and other genes that were expressed at higher levels in the mutants during dark incubation was attenuated in the initial phase of light exposure. No regulatory effects of the constitutively 7- to 18-fold increased MgProto levels on gene expression were detected, supporting previous results in which MgProto and heme in Chlamydomonas were assigned roles as second messengers only in the transient activation of genes by light

    SBP-domain transcription factors as possible effectors of cryptochrome-mediated blue light signalling in the moss Physcomitrella patens

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    Cryptochromes are blue light absorbing photoreceptors found in many organisms and involved in numerous developmental processes. At least two highly similar cryptochromes are known to affect branching during gametophytic development in the moss Physcomitrella patens. We uncovered a relationship between these cryptochromes and the expression of particular members of the SBP-box genes, a plant specific transcription factor family. Transcript levels of the respective moss SBP-box genes, all belonging to the LG1-subfamily, were found to be dependent, albeit not exclusively, on blue light. Moreover, disruptant lines generated for two moss representatives of this SBP-box gene subfamily, both showed enhanced caulonema side branch formation, a phenotype opposite to that of the ppcry1a/1b double disruptant line. In this report we show that PpCRY1a and PpCRY1b act negatively on the transcript levels of several related moss SBP-box genes and that at least PpSBP1 and PpSBP4 act as negative regulators of side branch formation

    An Optimized, Chemically Regulated Gene Expression System for Chlamydomonas

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    BACKGROUND: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a model system for algal and cell biology and is used for biotechnological applications, such as molecular farming or biological hydrogen production. The Chlamydomonas metal-responsive CYC6 promoter is repressed by copper and induced by nickel ions. However, induction by nickel is weak in some strains, poorly reversible by chelating agents like EDTA, and causes, at high concentrations, toxicity side effects on Chlamydomonas growth. Removal of these bottlenecks will encourage the wide use of this promoter as a chemically regulated gene expression system. METHODOLOGY: Using a codon-optimized Renilla luciferase as a reporter gene, we explored several strategies to improve the strength and reversibility of CYC6 promoter induction. Use of the first intron of the RBCS2 gene or of a modified TAP medium increases the strength of CYC6 induction up to 20-fold. In the modified medium, induction is also obtained after addition of specific copper chelators, like TETA. At low concentrations (up to 10 microM) TETA is a more efficient inducer than Ni, which becomes a very efficient inducer at higher concentrations (50 microM). Neither TETA nor Ni show toxicity effects at the concentrations used. Unlike induction by Ni, induction by TETA is completely reversible by micromolar copper concentrations, thus resulting in a transient "wave" in luciferase activity, which can be repeated in subsequent growth cycles. CONCLUSIONS: We have worked out a chemically regulated gene expression system that can be finely tuned to produce temporally controlled "waves" in gene expression. The use of cassettes containing the CYC6 promoter, and of modified growth media, is a reliable and economically sustainable system for the temporally controlled expression of foreign genes in Chlamydomonas

    Downregulation of Chloroplast RPS1 Negatively Modulates Nuclear Heat-Responsive Expression of HsfA2 and Its Target Genes in Arabidopsis

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    Heat stress commonly leads to inhibition of photosynthesis in higher plants. The transcriptional induction of heat stress-responsive genes represents the first line of inducible defense against imbalances in cellular homeostasis. Although heat stress transcription factor HsfA2 and its downstream target genes are well studied, the regulatory mechanisms by which HsfA2 is activated in response to heat stress remain elusive. Here, we show that chloroplast ribosomal protein S1 (RPS1) is a heat-responsive protein and functions in protein biosynthesis in chloroplast. Knockdown of RPS1 expression in the rps1 mutant nearly eliminates the heat stress-activated expression of HsfA2 and its target genes, leading to a considerable loss of heat tolerance. We further confirm the relationship existed between the downregulation of RPS1 expression and the loss of heat tolerance by generating RNA interference-transgenic lines of RPS1. Consistent with the notion that the inhibited activation of HsfA2 in response to heat stress in the rps1 mutant causes heat-susceptibility, we further demonstrate that overexpression of HsfA2 with a viral promoter leads to constitutive expressions of its target genes in the rps1 mutant, which is sufficient to reestablish lost heat tolerance and recovers heat-susceptible thylakoid stability to wild-type levels. Our findings reveal a heat-responsive retrograde pathway in which chloroplast translation capacity is a critical factor in heat-responsive activation of HsfA2 and its target genes required for cellular homeostasis under heat stress. Thus, RPS1 is an essential yet previously unknown determinant involved in retrograde activation of heat stress responses in higher plants

    Ion homeostasis in the Chloroplast

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    peer reviewedThe chloroplast is an organelle of high demand for macro- and micro-nutrient ions, which are required for the maintenance of the photosynthetic process. To avoid deficiency while preventing excess, homeostasis mechanisms must be tightly regulated. Here, we describe the needs for nutrient ions in the chloroplast and briefly highlight their functions in the chloroplastidial metabolism. We further discuss the impact of nutrient deficiency on chloroplasts and the acclimation mechanisms that evolved to preserve the photosynthetic apparatus. We finally present what is known about import and export mechanisms for these ions. Whenever possible, a comparison between cyanobacteria, algae and plants is provided to add an evolutionary perspective to the description of ion homeostasis mechanisms in photosynthesis