179 research outputs found

    Clinical presentations and antimicrobial susceptibilities of Corynebacterium cystitidis associated with renal disease in four beef cattle

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    Background Renal disease caused by Corynebacterium cystitidis in beef cattle may be misclassified as Corynebacterium renale, and limited information about C. cystitidis infections in beef cattle currently is available. Objective To describe clinical presentation, diagnosis, minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), and outcome of renal disease caused by C. cystitidis in beef cattle. Methods Retrospective case series. Animals Four client-owned beef cattle. Results All affected cattle had anorexia as a primary complaint. Of the 3 that had ante-mortem diagnostic tests performed, all had pyelonephritis based on azotemia in combination with urinalysis and ultrasonographic findings. Cultures yielded C. cystitidis which was identified by biochemical testing, 16S RNA sequencing, and mass spectrometry. All affected cattle deteriorated despite aggressive treatment, indicating that C. cystitidis infections in beef cattle may carry a poor prognosis. Bacterial isolates collected from the 4 cattle showed similarities in MICs for ampicillin, florfenicol, gentamicin, neomycin, sulfadimethoxine, trimethoprim sulfonamide, and tylosin. Conclusions and clinical importance Corynebacterium cystitidis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cattle with renal disease. Definitive diagnosis of C. cystitidis as compared to C. renale may be challenging

    One Health proof of concept: Bringing a transdisciplinary approach to surveillance for zoonotic viruses at the human-wild animal interface.

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    As the world continues to react and respond inefficiently to emerging infectious diseases, such as Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome and the Ebola and Zika viruses, a growing transdisciplinary community has called for a more proactive and holistic approach to prevention and preparedness - One Health. Such an approach presents important opportunities to reduce the impact of disease emergence events and also to mitigate future emergence through improved cross-sectoral coordination. In an attempt to provide proof of concept of the utility of the One Health approach, the US Agency for International Development's PREDICT project consortium designed and implemented a targeted, risk-based surveillance strategy based not on humans as sentinels of disease but on detecting viruses early, at their source, where intervention strategies can be implemented before there is opportunity for spillover and spread in people or food animals. Here, we share One Health approaches used by consortium members to illustrate the potential for successful One Health outcomes that can be achieved through collaborative, transdisciplinary partnerships. PREDICT's collaboration with partners around the world on strengthening local capacity to detect hundreds of viruses in wild animals, coupled with a series of cutting-edge virological and analytical activities, have significantly improved our baseline knowledge on the zoonotic pool of viruses and the risk of exposure to people. Further testament to the success of the project's One Health approach and the work of its team of dedicated One Health professionals are the resulting 90 peer-reviewed, scientific publications in under 5 years that improve our understanding of zoonoses and the factors influencing their emergence. The findings are assisting in global health improvements, including surveillance science, diagnostic technologies, understanding of viral evolution, and ecological driver identification. Through its One Health leadership and multi-disciplinary partnerships, PREDICT has forged new networks of professionals from the human, animal, and environmental health sectors to promote global health, improving our understanding of viral disease spillover from wildlife and implementing strategies for preventing and controlling emerging disease threats

    \u3ci\u3eSalmonella enterica\u3c/i\u3e induces biogeography-specific changes in the gut microbiome of pigs

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    Swine are a major reservoir of an array of zoonotic Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica lineage I serovars including Derby, Typhimurium, and 4,[5],12:i:- (a.k.a. Monophasic Typhimurium). In this study, we assessed the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome composition of pigs in different intestinal compartments and the feces following infection with specific zoonotic serovars of S. enterica (S. Derby, S. Monophasic, and S. Typhimurium). 16S rRNA based microbiome analysis was performed to assess for GI microbiome changes in terms of diversity (alpha and beta), community structure and volatility, and specific taxa alterations across GI biogeography (small and large intestine, feces) and days post-infection (DPI) 2, 4, and 28; these results were compared to disease phenotypes measured as histopathological changes. As previously reported, only S. Monophasic and S. Typhimurium induced morphological alterations that marked an inflammatory milieu restricted to the large intestine in this experimental model. S. Typhimurium alone induced significant changes at the alpha- (Simpson’s and Shannon’s indexes) and beta-diversity levels, specifically at the peak of inflammation in the large intestine and feces. Increased community dispersion and volatility in colonic apex and fecal microbiomes were also noted for S. Typhimurium. All three Salmonella serovars altered community structure as measured by co-occurrence networks; this was most prominent at DPI 2 and 4 in colonic apex samples. At the genus taxonomic level, a diverse array of putative short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) producing bacteria were altered and often decreased during the peak of inflammation at DPI 2 and 4 within colonic apex and fecal samples. Among all putative SCFA producing bacteria, Prevotella showed a broad pattern of negative correlation with disease scores at the peak of inflammation. In addition, Prevotella 9 was found to be significantly reduced in all Salmonella infected groups compared to the control at DPI 4 in the colonic apex. In conclusion, this work further elucidates that distinct swine-related zoonotic serovars of S. enterica can induce both shared (high resilience) and unique (altered resistance) alterations in gut microbiome biogeography, which helps inform future investigations of dietary modifications aimed at increasing colonization resistance against Salmonella through GI microbiome alterations

    Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine in the United States: Current efforts, challenges, and opportunities

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global problem facing human, animal, plant, and environmental health by threatening our ability to effectively treat bacterial infections with antimicrobials. In the United States, robust surveillance efforts exist to collect, analyze, and disseminate AMR data in human health care settings. These tools enable the development of effective infection control methods, the detection of trends, and provide the evidence needed to guide stewardship efforts to reduce the potential for emergence and further spread of AMR. However, in veterinary medicine, there are currently no known equivalent tools. This paper reviews efforts to reduce the potential for emergence and further spread of AMR. However, in veterinary medicine, there are currently no known equivalent tools. This paper reviews efforts in the United States related to surveillance of AMR in veterinary medicine and discusses the challenges and opportunities of using data from veterinary diagnostic laboratories to build a comprehensive AMR surveillance program that will support stewardship efforts and help control AMR in both humans and animals

    Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine in the United States: Current e

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global problem facing human, animal, plant, and environmental health by threatening our ability to effectively treat bacterial infections with antimicrobials. In the United States, robust surveillance efforts exist to collect, analyze, and disseminate AMR data in human health care settings. These tools enable the development of effective infection control methods, the detection of trends, and provide the evidence needed to guide stewardship efforts to reduce the potential for emergence and further spread of AMR. However, in veterinary medicine, there are currently no known equivalent tools. This paper reviews efforts to reduce the potential for emergence and further spread of AMR. However, in veterinary medicine, there are currently no known equivalent tools. This paper reviews efforts in the United States related to surveillance of AMR in veterinary medicine and discusses the challenges and opportunities of using data from veterinary diagnostic laboratories to build a comprehensive AMR surveillance program that will support stewardship efforts and help control AMR in both humans and animals

    Health Assessment and Seroepidemiologic Survey of Potential Pathogens in Wild Antillean Manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus)

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    The Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus), a subspecies of the West Indian manatee, inhabits fresh, brackish, and warm coastal waters distributed along the eastern border of Central America, the northern coast of South America, and throughout the Wider Caribbean Region. Threatened primarily by human encroachment, poaching, and habitat degradation, Antillean manatees are listed as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The impact of disease on population viability remains unknown in spite of concerns surrounding the species' ability to rebound from a population crash should an epizootic occur. To gain insight on the baseline health of this subspecies, a total of 191 blood samples were collected opportunistically from wild Antillean manatees in Belize between 1997 and 2009. Hematologic and biochemical reference intervals were established, and antibody prevalence to eight pathogens with zoonotic potential was determined. Age was found to be a significant factor of variation in mean blood values, whereas sex, capture site, and season contributed less to overall differences in parameter values. Negative antibody titers were reported for all pathogens surveyed except for Leptospira bratislava, L. canicola, and L. icterohemorrhagiae, Toxoplasma gondii, and morbillivirus. As part of comprehensive health assessment in manatees from Belize, this study will serve as a benchmark aiding in early disease detection and in the discernment of important epidemiologic patterns in the manatees of this region. Additionally, it will provide some of the initial tools to explore the broader application of manatees as sentinel species of nearshore ecosystem health

    Mass Stranding of Marine Birds Caused by a Surfactant-Producing Red Tide

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    In November-December 2007 a widespread seabird mortality event occurred in Monterey Bay, California, USA, coincident with a massive red tide caused by the dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea. Affected birds had a slimy yellow-green material on their feathers, which were saturated with water, and they were severely hypothermic. We determined that foam containing surfactant-like proteins, derived from organic matter of the red tide, coated their feathers and neutralized natural water repellency and insulation. No evidence of exposure to petroleum or other oils or biotoxins were found. This is the first documented case of its kind, but previous similar events may have gone undetected. The frequency and amplitude of red tides have increased in Monterey Bay since 2004, suggesting that impacts on wintering marine birds may continue or increase

    Salmonella enterica induces biogeography-specific changes in the gut microbiome of pigs

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    Swine are a major reservoir of an array of zoonotic Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica lineage I serovars including Derby, Typhimurium, and 4,[5],12:i:- (a.k.a. Monophasic Typhimurium). In this study, we assessed the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome composition of pigs in different intestinal compartments and the feces following infection with specific zoonotic serovars of S. enterica (S. Derby, S. Monophasic, and S. Typhimurium). 16S rRNA based microbiome analysis was performed to assess for GI microbiome changes in terms of diversity (alpha and beta), community structure and volatility, and specific taxa alterations across GI biogeography (small and large intestine, feces) and days post-infection (DPI) 2, 4, and 28; these results were compared to disease phenotypes measured as histopathological changes. As previously reported, only S. Monophasic and S. Typhimurium induced morphological alterations that marked an inflammatory milieu restricted to the large intestine in this experimental model. S. Typhimurium alone induced significant changes at the alpha- (Simpson’s and Shannon’s indexes) and beta-diversity levels, specifically at the peak of inflammation in the large intestine and feces. Increased community dispersion and volatility in colonic apex and fecal microbiomes were also noted for S. Typhimurium. All three Salmonella serovars altered community structure as measured by co-occurrence networks; this was most prominent at DPI 2 and 4 in colonic apex samples. At the genus taxonomic level, a diverse array of putative short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) producing bacteria were altered and often decreased during the peak of inflammation at DPI 2 and 4 within colonic apex and fecal samples. Among all putative SCFA producing bacteria, Prevotella showed a broad pattern of negative correlation with disease scores at the peak of inflammation. In addition, Prevotella 9 was found to be significantly reduced in all Salmonella infected groups compared to the control at DPI 4 in the colonic apex. In conclusion, this work further elucidates that distinct swine-related zoonotic serovars of S. enterica can induce both shared (high resilience) and unique (altered resistance) alterations in gut microbiome biogeography, which helps inform future investigations of dietary modifications aimed at increasing colonization resistance against Salmonella through GI microbiome alterations
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