36 research outputs found

    Source term calculation and validation for 18^{18}F-production with a cyclotron for medical applications at HZDR

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    In this document we present the calculation and experimental validation of a source term for 18^{18}F-production with a cyclotron for medical applications operating at 18 MeV proton energy and 30 μA proton current. The Monte Carlo codes MCNP6 and FLUKA were used for the calculation of the source term. In addition, the radiation field around the 18^{18}O-enriched water target was simulated with the two codes. To validate the radiation field obtained in the simulation, an experimental program has been started using activation samples which are placed close to the water target during an 18^{18}F-production run of the cyclotron. After the irradiation, the samples are analysed and the resulting activation is compared to Monte Carlo calculations of the expected sample activation. We find good agreement between simulations and experimental results, with most calculation to experiment (C/E) ratios well between 0.6 and 1.4

    Study of high temperature and high density plasmoids in axially symmetrical magnetic fields

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    Within the framework of an Institutional Partnership of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Novisibirsk (BINP) and Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf worked together in a joint project devoted to the research at the coupled GDT-SHIP facility of the BINP with the focus on the study of plasma phenomena within the SHIP mirror section. The project began at July 1st, 2005 and ended on August 30th, 2008. It included work packages of significant theoretical, computational and analyzing investigations. The focus of this final report is on the presentation of results achieved whereas the work that was done is described briefly only. Chapter 2 illustrates the GDT-SHIP facility and describes shortly the planned topics of the SHIP plasma research. Chapter 3 explains the main extensions and modifications of the Integrated Transport Code System (ITCS) which were necessary for the calculations of the fast ion and neutral gas particle fields in SHIP, describes briefly the scheme of computations and presents significant results of pre-calculations from which conclusions were drawn regarding the experimental program of SHIP. In chapter 4, the theoretical and computational investigations of self-organizing processes in two-component plasmas of the GDT-SHIP device are explained and the results hitherto achieved are presented. In chapter 5, significant results of several experiments with moderate and with enhanced plasma parameters are presented and compared with computational results obtained with the ITCS. Preparing neutron measurements which are planned for neutron producing experiments with deuterium injection, Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations with the MCNP code were also carried out. The results are presented. Finally, from the results obtained within the joint research project important conclusions are drawn in chapter 6

    Monte-Carlo Programm TRAMO - Moeglichkeiten und Anleitung zur Nutzung

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    The report is intended for readers familiar with the fundamentals of the Monte Carlo method. Those readers might be interested in learning about successful generalisations as well as new ideas for curbing the statistical errors involved. Another intention however is to explain the significant basic features of the multigroup Monte Carlo code TRAMO, including the required input, so that readers will be able to performing the required adjustments to the specific calculation technique and develop their own tools for performing their specific calculations. An indispensable code needed for such TRAMO applications is the TRAWEI Monte Carlo code which calculates he required weightings for applications of the variance reducing Weight Window Method; other codes required are those for generating the neutron cross-section data and the group data. The TRAMO code calculates, with given source distribution of neutrons in multigroup approximation, multigroup flux data, integrated group flux data, and dose values for given partial volumes and surfaces. There are further code versions for calculation of neutron and gamma fluxes, or criticality data, but these are not considered in the report. (orig./CB)Dieser Bericht ist fuer mit den Grundlagen der Monte-Carlo Methode vertraute Leser bestimmt. Von Interesse fuer solche Leser koennten erfolgreiche Verallgemeinerungen und neue Ideen zur Verbesserung der statistischen Fehler sein. Andererseits sollen die wichtigsten Grundlagen des Vielgruppen-Monte-Carlo Programms TRAMO dargestellt und das Programm einschliesslich notwendiger Eingabe so weit beschrieben werden, dass man nach in jedem Fall notwendige Anpassung an die spezielle Rechentechnik eine wesentliche Grundlage fuer die Durchfuehrung eigenstaendiger Rechnungen hat. Fuer die meisten Probleme unumgaengliches Hilfsmittel fuer TRAMO ist ein Programm, welches fuer die Anwendung der varianzreduzierenden 'Weight Window Method' die notwendigen Gewichte berechnet (Monte-Carlo Programm TRAWEI), sowie Programme zur Erzeugung der Neutronenquerschnittsdaten und Gruppendaten. Das Programm TRAMO berechnet bei gegebener Quellverteilung von Neutronen in Vielgruppennaeherung Vielgruppenfluesse, integrierte Gruppenfluesse und Dosiswerte fuer vorgegebene Teilvolumina und Flaechen. Es gibt weitere Programmversionen zur Berechnung von Neutronen- und Gammafluessen sowie zur Kritikalitaet, welche jedoch nicht Gegenstand dieses Berichtes sind. (orig./Eh)Available from TIB Hannover: RR 1847(245) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Shielding and activation calculations around the reactor core for the MYRRHA ADS design

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    In the frame of the FP7 European project MAXSIMA, an extensive simulation study has been done to assess the main shielding problems in view of the construction of the MYRRHA accelerator-driven system at SCK·CEN in Mol (Belgium). An innovative method based on the combined use of the two state-of-the-art Monte Carlo codes MCNPX and FLUKA has been used, with the goal to characterize complex, realistic neutron fields around the core barrel, to be used as source terms in detailed analyses of the radiation fields due to the system in operation, and of the coupled residual radiation. The main results of the shielding analysis are presented, as well as the construction of an activation database of all the key structural materials. The results evidenced a powerful way to analyse the shielding and activation problems, with direct and clear implications on the design solutions

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    Shielding and activation calculations around the reactor core for the MYRRHA ADS design

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    In the frame of the FP7 European project MAXSIMA, an extensive simulation study has been done to assess the main shielding problems in view of the construction of the MYRRHA accelerator-driven system at SCK·CEN in Mol (Belgium). An innovative method based on the combined use of the two state-of-the-art Monte Carlo codes MCNPX and FLUKA has been used, with the goal to characterize complex, realistic neutron fields around the core barrel, to be used as source terms in detailed analyses of the radiation fields due to the system in operation, and of the coupled residual radiation. The main results of the shielding analysis are presented, as well as the construction of an activation database of all the key structural materials. The results evidenced a powerful way to analyse the shielding and activation problems, with direct and clear implications on the design solutions