7 research outputs found

    Building multi-agent models applied to supply chain management

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    In this paper, a model of a multi-agent system for modelling and optimising supply chains is presented. The most popular methodologies of developing multi-agent systems and selected applications of the agent approach to modelling and optimisation of supply chains are described in brief. A pilot realisation of such a system is also presented, together with a selection of the subsequent experimental results obtained

    Probabilistyczne rozpoznawanie anomalii bazujące na analizie wywołań systemowych

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    We present an application of probabilistic approach to the anomaly detection (PAD). By analyzing selected system calls (and their arguments), the chosen applications are monitored in the Linux environment. This allows us to estimate "(ab)normality" of their behavior (by comparison to previously collected profiles). We've attached results of threat detection in a typical computer environment.W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie propabilistycznego podejścia do rozpoznawania anomalii (PAD). Poprzez analizę wybranych wywołań systemowych (oraz ich argumentów), monitorowane są aplikacje działające pod kontrolą Linux. Pozwala to na oszacowanie (a)normalności ich zachowania (poprzez porównanie z poprzednio zebranymi profilami). Załączone są rezultaty rozpoznawania zagrożeń w typowym środowisku komputerowym

    Propozycja metodologii do zarządzania wiedzą na cele wnioskowania z wykorzystaniem ontologii wyższego poziomu

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    This article describes a proposition of knowledge organization for the purpose of reasoning using an upper-ontology. It presents a model of integrated ontologies architecture which consists of a domain ontologies layer with instances, a shared upper-ontology layer with additional rules and a layer of ontologies mapping concrete domain ontologies with the upper-ontology. Thanks to the upper-ontology, new facts were concluded from domain ontologies during the reasoning process. A practical realization proposition is given as well. It is based on some popular Semantic Web technologies and tools, such as OWL, SWRL, nRQL, Protege and Racer.Artykuł przedstawia propozycję organizacji wiedzy na cele wnioskowania z wykorzystaniem ontologii wyższego poziomu. Prezentuje model architektury zintegrowanych ontologii, składający się z ontologii domenowych z instancjami, współdzielonej ontologii wyższego poziomu z dodatkowymi regułami oraz z warstwy ontologii mapujących. Dzięki wiedzy wyższego poziomu uzyskano nowe fakty podczas wnioskowania. Zaprezentowano rownież propozycje praktycznej realizacji omawianego podejścia przy użyciu popularnych narzędzi i technologii dla Semantic Web, takich jak OWL, SWRL, nRQL, Protege i Racer

    A Decentralised Approach for the Transportation On Demand Problem

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    Summary. Public transport systems are generally organized in a static, a priori way. In such systems, the demand must be adapted to the offer. In this paper, we propose a model based on self-organization in order to dispatch a fleet of vehicles in a purely dynamic Transportation On Demand system (TOD). Our proposal consists in a decentralized approach and a multi-agent system (MAS) to model the environment. This will tackle the problem of vehicles over-concentration or the lack of service in certain areas of the city. We demonstrate that our model addresses these problems by providing vehicle agents, for a given request, to make the final decision thanks to a negotiation process and to calculate overcosts according to an original insertion heuristic. Key words: transportation on demand, vehicle routing problem, collective intelligence, self-organization.

    A robustness approach to the distributed management of traffic intersections

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    [EN] Nowadays, the development of autonomous vehicles has emerged as an approach to considerably improve the traffic management in urban zones. Thanks to automation in vehicles as well as in other sectors, the probability of errors, typically due to repetitive tasks, has been drastically reduced. Therefore, technological aids in current driving systems are aimed to avoid or reduce human errors like imprudences or distractions. According to this, it is possible to tackle complex scenarios such as the automation of the vehicles traffic at intersections, as this is one of the points with the highest probability of accidents. In this sense, the coordination of autonomous vehicles at intersections is a trending topic. In the last few years, several approaches have been proposed using centralized solutions. However, centralized systems for traffic coordination have a limited fault-tolerance. This paper proposes a distributed coordination management system for intersections of autonomous vehicles through the employment of some well-defined rules to be followed by vehicles. To validate our proposal, we have developed different experiments in order to compare our proposal with other centralized approaches. Furthermore, we have incorporated the management of communication faults during the execution in our proposal. This improvement has also been tested in front of centralized or semi-centralized solutions. The introduction of failures in the communication process demonstrates the sensitivity of the system to possible disturbances, providing a satisfactory coordination of vehicles during the intersection. As final result, our proposal is kept with a suitable flow of autonomous vehicles still with a high communication fails rate.González, CL.; Zapotecatl, JL.; Gershenson, C.; Alberola Oltra, JM.; Julian Inglada, VJ. (2020). A robustness approach to the distributed management of traffic intersections. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 11:4501-4512. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-019-01424-wS4501451211Ahn H, Colombo A, Del Vecchio D (2014) Supervisory control for intersection collision avoidance in the presence of uncontrolled vehicles. In: American control conference (ACC). IEEE, pp 67–873Ahn H et al (2016) Robust supervisors for intersection collision avoidance in the presence of uncontrolled vehicles (arXiv preprint). arXiv:1603.03916Bagloee SA et al (2016) Autonomous vehicles: challenges, opportunities, and future implications for transportation policies. J Mod Transp 24(4):284–303Bazzan ALC (2005) A distributed approach for coordination of traffic signal agents. Auton Agents Multi-Agent Syst 10(2):131–164Bazzan ALC, Klügl F (2014) A review on agent-based technology for traffic and transportation. 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