2,304 research outputs found

    FY2016 National Defense Authorization Act: Selected Military Personnel Issues

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    [Excerpt] Military personnel issues typically generate significant interest from many Members of Congress and their staffs. Ongoing operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, along with the regular use of the reserve component personnel for operational missions, further heighten interest in a wide range of military personnel policies and issues. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has selected a number of the military personnel issues considered in deliberations on H.R. 1735 as passed by the House and by the Senate and the final bill, S. 1356, as enacted (P.L. 114-92). This report provides a brief synopsis of sections in each bill that pertain to selected personnel policy. These include major military retirement reforms, end strengths, compensation, health care, and sexual assault, as well as less prominent issues that nonetheless generate significant public interest

    Encouraging practitioners in infection prevention and control to publish: a cross-sectional survey

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    Aim: The aim of this cross-sectional survey was to determine the views of infection prevention and control practitioners (IPCPs) on publishing research. Methods: A convenience sample was obtained by approaching delegates at the 2015 Infection Prevention Society conference and data was captured via a hand-held electronic device. Findings: Of the 79 respondents most (83%) read Journal of Infection Prevention (JIP) and found it useful for informing their practice (72%). However, most (91%) had never published in JIP, and less than half (40%) published elsewhere. The main barrier to publication was not having work suitable for publication (38%). Support (37%), training in writing for publication (10%) and time (9%) were considered to be important facilitators in encouraging respondents to publish. Discussion: Strategies that support IPCPs in developing their writing skills may encourage more IPCPs to disseminate evidence to support best practice by publishing their work in peer reviewed journals

    Variations in pre-analytical FFPE sample processing and bioinformatics: challenges for next generation molecular diagnostic testing in clinical pathology

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    Advances in cellular pathology techniques will improve diagnostic medicine. However, such improvements have to overcome many challenges including variations in pre-analytical sample processing, bioinformatics data analysis and clinical interpretation of data. In order to resolve such challenges, bioinformatics needs to become more tightly coupled to the experimental methodology development

    Reaching the Masses:A New Subdiscipline of App Programmer Education

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    Programmers’ lack of knowledge and interest in secure development threatens everyone who uses mobile apps. The rise of apps has engaged millions of independent app developers, who rarely encounter any but low level security techniques. But what if software security were presented as a game, or a story, or a discussion? What if learning app security techniques could be fun as well as empowering? Only by introducing the powerful motivating techniques developed for other disciplines can we hope to upskill independent app developers, and achieve the security that we’ll need in 2025 to safeguard our identities and our data

    Is disclosing an autism spectrum disorder in school associated with reduced stigmatization?

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordDisclosing an autism diagnosis is associated with reduced stigmatization for autistic adults. However, it is unknown whether this is true for autistic adolescents. We used a vignette-and-questionnaire design to study stigmatizing attitudes with adolescents (aged 11- 12 and 14-16 years, total N=250) in a UK school. We investigated the effect of disclosing that a fictional adolescent was autistic on stigmatizing attitudes of peers by testing the effect of disclosure on the social and emotional distance pupils wanted to maintain from the autistic adolescent and their assessment of the adolescent’s responsibility for their own behaviour. Moderation of effects by gender and age-group were analysed. Disclosing autism made no improvement to the social and emotional distance peers wanted to maintain from the autistic adolescent, but was associated with significant reduction in personal responsibility attributed to the adolescent’s behaviour. Boys attributed more personal responsibility to the autistic adolescent than girls, but this gender effect was reduced when autism was disclosed. These findings suggest that disclosing autism to other pupils may be of limited use in reducing stigmatization by peers in UK schools.Wellcome Trus

    Whose expertise is it? Evidence for autistic adults as critical autism experts

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordAutistic and non-autistic adults' agreement with scientific knowledge about autism, how they define autism, and their endorsement of stigmatizing conceptions of autism has not previously been examined. Using an online survey, we assessed autism knowledge and stigma among 636 adults with varied relationships to autism, including autistic people and nuclear family members. Autistic participants exhibited more scientifically based knowledge than others. They were more likely to describe autism experientially or as a neutral difference, and more often opposed the medical model. Autistic participants and family members reported lower stigma. Greater endorsement of the importance of normalizing autistic people was associated with heightened stigma. Findings suggest that autistic adults should be considered autism experts and involved as partners in autism research.Professional Staff CongressCity University of New Yor
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