44,247 research outputs found

    Post-carboniferous tectonics in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma: Evidence from side-looking radar imagery

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    The Anadarko Basin of western Oklahoma is a WNW-ESE elongated trough filled with of Paleozoic sediments. Most models call for tectonic activity to end in Pennsylvanian times. NASA Shuttle Imaging Radar revealed a distinctive and very straight lineament set extending virtually the entire length of the Anadarko Basin. The lineaments cut across the relatively flat-lying Permian units exposed at the surface. The character of these lineaments is seen most obviously as a tonal variation. Major streams, including the Washita and Little Washita rivers, appear to be controlled by the location of the lineaments. Subsurface data indicate the lineaments may be the updip expression of a buried major fault system, the Mountain View fault. Two principal conclusions arise from this analysis: (1) the complex Mountain View Fault system appears to extend southeast to join the Reagan, Sulphur, and/or Mill Creek faults of the Arbuckle Mountains, and (2) this fault system has been reactivated in Permian or younger times

    Bounds on Information Propagation in Disordered Quantum Spin Chains

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    We investigate the propagation of information through the disordered XY model. We find, with a probability that increases with the size of the system, that all correlations, both classical and quantum, are suppressed outside of an effective lightcone whose radius grows at most polylogarithmically with |t|.Comment: 4 pages, pdflatex, 1 pdf figure. Corrected the bound for the localised propagator and quantified the probability it bound occur

    McStas and Mantid integration

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    McStas and Mantid are two well established software frameworks within the neutron scattering community. McStas has been primarily used for simulating the neutron transport of instruments, while Mantid has been primarily used for data reduction. We report here the status of our work done on the interoperability between the instrument simulation software McStas and the data reduction software Mantid. This provides a demonstration of how to successfully link together two software that otherwise have been developed independently, and in particular here show how this has been achieved for an instrument simulation software and a data reduction software. This paper will also provide examples of some of the expected future enhanced analysis that can be achieved from combining accurate instrument and sample simulations with software for correcting raw data. In the case of this work for raw data collected at large scale neutron facilities.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, POSTPRINT with proofs of article submitted to Journal of Neutron Researc

    A Note on Asymptotic Freedom at High Temperatures

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    This short note considers, within the external field approach outlined in hep-ph/0202026, the role of the lowest lying gluon Landau mode in QCD in the high temperature limit. Its influence on a temperature- and field-dependent running coupling constant is examined. The thermal imaginary part of the mode is temperature-independent in our approach and exactly cancels the well-known zero temperature imaginary part, thus rendering the Savvidy vacuum stable. Combining the real part of the mode with the contributions from the higher lying Landau modes and the vacuum contribution, a field-independent coupling alpha_s(T) is obtained. It can be interpreted as the ordinary zero temperature running coupling constant with average thermal momenta \approx 2pi T for gluons and \approx pi T for quarks.Comment: 4 pages; minor changes, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Right-veering diffeomorphisms of compact surfaces with boundary II

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    We continue our study of the monoid of right-veering diffeomorphisms on a compact oriented surface with nonempty boundary, introduced in [HKM2]. We conduct a detailed study of the case when the surface is a punctured torus; in particular, we exhibit the difference between the monoid of right-veering diffeomorphisms and the monoid of products of positive Dehn twists, with the help of the Rademacher function. We then generalize to the braid group B_n on n strands by relating the signature and the Maslov index. Finally, we discuss the symplectic fillability in the pseudo-Anosov case by comparing with the work of Roberts [Ro1,Ro2].Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Exotic hadrons from dynamical clustering of quarks in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Results from a model study on the formation of exotic quark clusters at the hadronization stage of a heavy ion collision are presented. The dynamical quark molecular dynamics (qMD) model which is used is sketched, and results for exotica made of up to six (anti-)quarks are shown. The second part focuses on pentaquarks. The rapidity distribution are shown, and the distribution of strangeness is found to yield an indicator of thermalization and homogenisation of the deconfined quark system. Relative Theta^+ yields are found to be lower than thermal model estimates.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the proceedings of Strangeness in Quark Matter 2004 (SQM2004), Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 September 200
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