114 research outputs found

    Implementing quantum electrodynamics with ultracold atomic systems

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    We discuss the experimental engineering of model systems for the description of QED in one spatial dimension via a mixture of bosonic 23^{23}Na and fermionic 6^6Li atoms. The local gauge symmetry is realized in an optical superlattice, using heteronuclear boson-fermion spin-changing interactions which preserve the total spin in every local collision. We consider a large number of bosons residing in the coherent state of a Bose-Einstein condensate on each link between the fermion lattice sites, such that the behavior of lattice QED in the continuum limit can be recovered. The discussion about the range of possible experimental parameters builds, in particular, upon experiences with related setups of fermions interacting with coherent samples of bosonic atoms. We determine the atomic system's parameters required for the description of fundamental QED processes, such as Schwinger pair production and string breaking. This is achieved by benchmark calculations of the atomic system and of QED itself using functional integral techniques. Our results demonstrate that the dynamics of one-dimensional QED may be realized with ultracold atoms using state-of-the-art experimental resources. The experimental setup proposed may provide a unique access to longstanding open questions for which classical computational methods are no longer applicable

    Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories using Wilson fermions

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    Quantum simulators have the exciting prospect of giving access to real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories, in particular in regimes that are difficult to compute on classical computers. Future progress towards scalable quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories, however, hinges crucially on the efficient use of experimental resources. As we argue in this work, due to the fundamental non-uniqueness of discretizing the relativistic Dirac Hamiltonian, the lattice representation of gauge theories allows for an optimization that up to now has been left unexplored. We exemplify our discussion with lattice quantum electrodynamics in two-dimensional space-time, where we show that the formulation through Wilson fermions provides several advantages over the previously considered staggered fermions. Notably, it enables a strongly simplified optical lattice setup and it reduces the number of degrees of freedom required to simulate dynamical gauge fields. Exploiting the optimal representation, we propose an experiment based on a mixture of ultracold atoms trapped in a tilted optical lattice. Using numerical benchmark simulations, we demonstrate that a state-of-the-art quantum simulator may access the Schwinger mechanism and map out its non-perturbative onset.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Resistive flow in a weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We report the direct observation of resistive flow through a weak link in a weakly interacting atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. Two weak links separate our ring-shaped superfluid atomtronic circuit into two distinct regions, a source and a drain. Motion of these weak links allows for creation of controlled flow between the source and the drain. At a critical value of the weak link velocity, we observe a transition from superfluid flow to superfluid plus resistive flow. Working in the hydrodynamic limit, we observe a conductivity that is 4 orders of magnitude larger than previously reported conductivities for a Bose-Einstein condensate with a tunnel junction. Good agreement with zero-temperature Gross-Pitaevskii simulations and a phenomenological model based on phase slips indicate that the creation of excitations plays an important role in the resulting conductivity. Our measurements of resistive flow elucidate the microscopic origin of the dissipation and pave the way for more complex atomtronic devices.Comment: Version published in PR

    Squeezing and quantum approximate optimization

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    Variational quantum algorithms offer fascinating prospects for the solution of combinatorial optimization problems using digital quantum computers. However, the achievable performance in such algorithms and the role of quantum correlations therein remain unclear. Here, we shed light on this open issue by establishing a tight connection to the seemingly unrelated field of quantum metrology: Metrological applications employ quantum states of spin-ensembles with a reduced variance to achieve an increased sensitivity, and we cast the generation of such squeezed states in the form of finding optimal solutions to a combinatorial MaxCut problem with an increased precision. By solving this optimization problem with a quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), we show numerically as well as on an IBM quantum chip how highly squeezed states are generated in a systematic procedure that can be adapted to a wide variety of quantum machines. Moreover, squeezing tailored for the QAOA of the MaxCut permits us to propose a figure of merit for future hardware benchmarks.Comment: 8+7 pages, 4+8 figure

    Модернизация установки подготовки нефти на Игольско-Таловом месторождении

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    Объект исследования – водонефтяная эмульсия, технология промысловой подготовки нефти Игольско-Талового месторождения. Цель работы – модернизация установки подготовки нефти Игольско-Талового месторождения для повышения эффективности разделения нефтяной эмульсии, а также снижения себестоимости нефти за счет увеличения производительности установки и снижения расхода деэмульгатора. Для достижения этой цели предлагается в существующую схему обезвоживания и обессоливания нефти после двух параллельно работающих отстойников включить электродегидратор. Рассчитана производительность электродегидратора с учетом свойств нефти месторождения «Игол», производительность составляет 437 т/час; а также определено остаточное содержание воды на выходе из электродегидратора, которое составляет 0,6% при исходном содержании воды равном 5%. Внедрение электродегидратора позволяет получать стабильные результаты по содержанию воды в нефти на выходе, тогда как в настоящее время содержание воды в нефти после отстойников колеблется в пределах 1,5-10%.Purpose – modernization of installation of preparation of oil Galskogo field to improve the efficiency of separation of oil emulsion and reduce the cost of oil by increasing plant performance and reduce the consumption of demulsifier. To achieve this goal is proposed in the existing scheme of dehydration and desalting of crude oil after two clarifiers operating in parallel to enable electrical dehydrator. The calculated performance of a desalter based on the properties of oil fields, "Igol", the performance is 437 tons/hour; and also defined the residual water content at the outlet of the desalter, which is 0.6% at an initial water content equal to 5%. The introduction of the desalter allows to obtain stable results for water content in oil output at the present time, the water content in the oil after the sump is in the range of 1.5-10%. The payback period is 3 years and 10 months

    Interferometric measurement of the current-phase relationship of a superfluid weak link

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    Weak connections between superconductors or superfluids can differ from classical links due to quantum coherence, which allows flow without resistance. Transport properties through such weak links can be described with a single function, the current-phase relationship, which serves as the quantum analog of the current-voltage relationship. Here, we present a technique for inteferometrically measuring the current-phase relationship of superfluid weak links. We interferometrically measure the phase gradient around a ring-shaped superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) containing a rotating weak link, allowing us to identify the current flowing around the ring. While our BEC weak link operates in the hydrodynamic regime, this technique can be extended to all types of weak links (including tunnel junctions) in any phase-coherent quantum gas. Moreover, it can also measure the current-phase relationships of excitations. Such measurements may open new avenues of research in quantum transport.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Contact S. Eckel (below) for supplemental informatio

    Coherent Backscattering of Ultracold Atoms

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    We report on the direct observation of coherent backscattering (CBS) of ultracold atoms, in a quasi-two-dimensional configuration. Launching atoms with a well-defined momentum in a laser speckle disordered potential, we follow the progressive build up of the momentum scattering pattern, consisting of a ring associated with multiple elastic scattering, and the CBS peak in the backward direction. Monitoring the depletion of the initial momentum component and the formation of the angular ring profile allows us to determine microscopic transport quantities. The time resolved evolution of the CBS peak is studied and is found a fair agreement with predictions, at long times as well as at short times. The observation of CBS can be considered a direct signature of coherence in quantum transport of particles in disordered media. It is responsible for the so called weak localization phenomenon, which is the precursor of Anderson localization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure