59 research outputs found

    Subsquares Approach - Simple Scheme for Solving Overdetermined Interval Linear Systems

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    In this work we present a new simple but efficient scheme - Subsquares approach - for development of algorithms for enclosing the solution set of overdetermined interval linear systems. We are going to show two algorithms based on this scheme and discuss their features. We start with a simple algorithm as a motivation, then we continue with a sequential algorithm. Both algorithms can be easily parallelized. The features of both algorithms will be discussed and numerically tested.Comment: submitted to PPAM 201

    Positive Semidefiniteness and Positive Definiteness of a Linear Parametric Interval Matrix

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    We consider a symmetric matrix, the entries of which depend linearly on some parameters. The domains of the parameters are compact real intervals. We investigate the problem of checking whether for each (or some) setting of the parameters, the matrix is positive definite (or positive semidefinite). We state a characterization in the form of equivalent conditions, and also propose some computationally cheap sufficient\,/\,necessary conditions. Our results extend the classical results on positive (semi-)definiteness of interval matrices. They may be useful for checking convexity or non-convexity in global optimization methods based on branch and bound framework and using interval techniques

    Komparace úrovně multikulturních kompetencí žáků ZŠ

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    V článku autoři interpretují výsledky výzkumného šetření provedeného na čtyřech základních školách. Cílem výzkumu byla komparace úrovně multikulturních kompetencí žáků škol, které se účastnily projektu Škola pro všechny, a žáků škol, které se tohoto projektu neúčastnily. Dotazníkovým šetřením byly zjištěny diference části multikulturních kompetencí žáků sledovaných skupin a byla zjištěna celková úroveň multikulturních kompetencí žáků

    Enabling onshore CO2 storage in Europe: fostering international cooperation around pilot and test sites

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    To meet the ambitious EC target of an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) needs to move rapidly towards full scale implementation with geological storage solutions both on and offshore. Onshore storage offers increased flexibility and reduced infrastructure and monitoring costs. Enabling onshore storage will support management of decarbonisation strategies at territory level while enhancing security of energy supply and local economic activities, and securing jobs across Europe. However, successful onshore storage also requires overcoming some unique technical and societal challenges. ENOS will provide crucial advances to help foster onshore CO2 storage across Europe through: 1. Developing, testing and demonstrating in the field, under "real-life conditions", key technologies specifically adapted to onshore storage. 2. Contributing to the creation of a favourable environment for onshore storage across Europe. The ENOS site portfolio will provide a great opportunity for demonstration of technologies for safe and environmentally sound storage at relevant scale. Best practices will be developed using experience gained from the field experiments with the participation of local stakeholders and the lay public. This will produce improved integrated research outcomes and increase stakeholder understanding and confidence in CO2 storage. In this improved framework, ENOS will catalyse new onshore pilot and demonstration projects in new locations and geological settings across Europe, taking into account the site-specific and local socio-economic context. By developing technologies from TRL4/5 to TRL6 across the storage lifecycle, feeding the resultant knowledge and experience into training and education and cooperating at the pan-European and global level, ENOS will have a decisive impact on innovation and build the confidence needed for enabling onshore CO2 storage in Europe. ENOS is initiating strong international collaboration between European researchers and their counterparts from the USA, Canada, South Korea, Australia and South Africa for sharing experience worldwide based on real-life onshore pilots and field experiments. Fostering experience-sharing and research alignment between existing sites is key to maximise the investment made at individual sites and to support the efficient large scale deployment of CCS. ENOS is striving to promote collaboration between sites in the world through a programme of site twinning, focus groups centered around operative issues and the creation of a leakage simulation alliance

    Summary of session A4 at the GRG18 conference: Alternative Theories of Gravity

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    More than 50 abstracts were submitted to the A4 session on "Alternatives Theories of Gravity" at the GRG18 conference. About 30 of them were scheduled as oral presentations, that we summarize below. We do not intend to give a critical review, but rather pointers to the corresponding papers. The main topics were (i) brane models both from the mathematical and the phenomenological viewpoints; (ii) Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity in higher dimensions or coupled to a scalar field; (iii) modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND); (iv) scalar-tensor and f(R) theories; (v) alternative models involving Lorentz violations, noncommutative spacetimes or Chern-Simons corrections.Comment: 9 pages, no figure; the GRG18 conference was held in Sydney, Australia, 8-13 July 200

    Construction and models of multicultural competences

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    Studie je zaměřena na multikulturní kompetence, které tvoří významnou součást teorie multikulturní výchovy a vzdělávání. Autor se soustředí na definování multikulturních kompetencí a jejich vývoj a dále na vybrané modely multikulturních kompetencí. Modely multikulturních kompetencí (Hierarchický, Pyramidový, AKS, ICC a Procesní) jsou zde analyzovány především z hlediska jejich konstrukce a konstrukčních prvků. Cílem studie je podat přehled o problematice modelůmultikulturních kompetencí, provést jejich základní klasifikaci za pomoci vybraných modelů a poukázat na některé rozdíly, které se mezi uvedenými modely vyskytují.The paper is focused on multicultural competences which are an important part of multicultural education. The author focuses on multicultural competences definition and development, and then on selected models of multicultural competences. Models of multicultural competences (Hierarchical, Pyramid, AKS, ICC and Process) are analyzed in the light of their construction and construct elements. The aim of this paper is to provide a basic presentation of multicultural competences’ models, accomplish their basic classification and show some differences between the above mentioned models

    Paradigms dualism of research on multicultural education

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    Článek vychází z potřeby přiblížit základní koncepce výzkumu v multikulturní výchově v USA, které mohou sloužit jako prostředek k popisu situace v této oblasti v rámci českého pedagogického prostředí. Domácí výzkum v oblasti multikulturní výchovy postrádá jasně vymezené cíle, obsah i metody, přičemž jejich definování není možné bez formulace základních přístupů k výzkumu v této oblasti. V příspěvku jsou uvedena dvě základní možná paradigmata, na základě kterých lze realizovat výzkum v multikulturní výchově. Jde o deterministické a indeterministické paradigma vycházející z ideových konceptů etnocentrismu a kulturního relativismu. V rámci těchto přístupů můžeme nacházet nejen inspiraci, ale také ponaučení z chyb dvou paradigmat formulovaných v USA: z asimilacionistického a pluralistického paradigmatu.Basic concepts of research on multicultural education in the USA are described in this article. These concepts can be used as instruments for the description of the situation in this research area in the the Czech pedagogical background. Domestic research on multicultural education lacks clear aims, contents and methods. Definition of these attributes is not possible without formulation of basic approach to research on multicultural education. In the paper, two possible basic approaches are described, based on these approaches we can do research on multicultural education. Deterministic and indeterministic approaches are based on ideological concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Two paradigms from USA: assimilation and pluralism, can be inspirational for Czech research community