114 research outputs found

    Optical signature of erythrocytes by light scattering in microfluidic flows

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    A camera-based light scattering approach coupled with a viscoelasticity-induced cell migration technique has been used to characterize the morphological properties of erythrocytes in microfluidic flows. We have obtained the light scattering profiles (LSPs) of individual living cells in microfluidic flows over a wide angular range and matched them with scattering simulations to characterize their morphological properties. The viscoelasticity-induced 3D cell alignment in microfluidic flows has been investigated by bright-field and holographic microscopy tracking, where the latter technique has been used to obtain precise cell alignment profiles in-flow. Such information allows variable cell probability control in microfluidic flows at very low viscoelastic polymer concentrations, obtaining cell measurements that are almost physiological. Our results confirm the possibility of precise, label-free analysis of individual living erythrocytes in microfluidic flows

    Impact of the 2014–2016 marine heatwave on US and Canada West Coast fisheries: Surprises and lessons from key case studies

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    Marine heatwaves are increasingly affecting marine ecosystems, with cascading impacts on coastal economies, communities, and food systems. Studies of heatwaves provide crucial insights into potential ecosystem shifts under future climate change and put fisheries social-ecological systems through “stress tests” that expose both vulnerabilities and resilience. The 2014–16 Northeast Pacific heatwave was the strongest and longest marine heatwave on record and resulted in profound ecological changes that impacted fisheries, fisheries management, and human livelihoods. Here, we synthesize the impacts of the 2014–2016 marine heatwave on US and Canada West Coast fisheries and extract key lessons for preparing global fisheries science, management, and industries for the future. We set the stage with a brief review of the impacts of the heatwave on marine ecosystems and the first systematic analysis of the economic impacts of these changes on commercial and recreational fisheries. We then examine ten key case studies that provide instructive examples of the complex and surprising challenges that heatwaves pose to fisheries social-ecological systems. These reveal important insights into improving the resilience of monitoring and management and increasing adaptive capacity to future stressors. Key recommendations include: (1) expanding monitoring to enhance mechanistic understanding, provide early warning signals, and improve predictions of impacts; (2) increasing the flexibility, adaptiveness, and inclusiveness of management where possible; (3) using simulation testing to help guide management decisions; and (4) enhancing the adaptive capacity of fishing communities by promoting engagement, flexibility, experimentation, and failsafes. These advancements are important as global fisheries prepare for a changing oceanWe are grateful to Nate Mantua, Manuel Hidalgo, Kiva Oken, and Cori Lopazanski for feedback on manuscript drafts. We thank Jean Lee for sharing a non-confidential version of the Gulf of Alaska commercial fisheries landings data and Evan Damkjar and John Davidson for sharing non-confidential versions of British Columbia's commercial and recreational fisheries landings data. CMF was funded by The Nature Conservancy, California. BM was partially supported by the Future Seas II project under NOAA's Climate and Fisheries Adaptation Program (NA20OAR431050). The scientific results and conclusions, as well as any views or opinions expressed herein, are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the Department of Commerce.Ye

    Usability Evaluation Methods for Special Interest Internet Information Services

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    The internet provides a wide range of scientific information for different areas of research, used by the related scientific communities. Often the design or architecture of these web pages does not correspond to the mental model of their users. As a result the wanted information is difficult to find. Methods established by Usability Engineering and User Experience can help to increase the appeal of scientific internet information services by analyzing the users� requirements. This paper describes a procedure to analyze and optimize scientific internet information services that can be accomplished with relatively low effort. It consists of a combination of methods that already have been successfully applied to practice: Personas, usability inspections, Online Questionnaire, Kano model and Web Analytics

    Elementos traza en agua en una zona rural de Villa Mercedes, San Luis

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    Galindo G., Pachoud M., Hellmers M., Herrero M.A., Fernandez-Turiel J. L., Gimeno D. Elementos traza en agua en una zona rural de Villa Mercedes, San Luis. In: Diaz E.L., Tomás J.R., Santi M., Paris M., Dalla Costa O. (eds.), V Congreso Argentino de Hidrogeología, 2007, Paraná, Argentina, pp. 251-261. ISBN 978-987-23936-3-2.[EN] Different water uses as urban, irrigation, recreational are provided from surface and groundwater in this region. The aim of this work was to determinate trace origin and its migration process in groundwater. Studied zone belongs to Quinto River alluvial plane deposit. Eleven free wells (depth between 12 to 20 meters) were selected in order to obtain water samples. Four surface samples were obtained from Quinto River. Temperature, pH and Electric Conductivity were determined in situ. Traces and main elements concentration were determined in laboratory using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Water type was determined with Piper diagram. Natural contributions as anthropic were observed in relationship to industry and agronomical pollution. Samples results were analyzed since different viewpoints, as human, irrigation and cattle applications, according to standard methods. Surface and groundwater samples analysis show sodium chloride sulfated compositions, and groundwater particularly sulfated. Both of them are alkaline, with larger conductivity in groundwater (1760 μS) and 1292 mg/L TDS average, which duplicate surface values. SO4 excess has relation to Cretaceous evaporites. Cl, SO4, B, Fe, As, Be and Se amounts are not suitable for human consume. For irrigation applications B, Zn, Mo, V andU are over the aloud limits. For cattle consumption, only Zn and V are excessive. Fe and Mn excess came from soil composition, B, Se,As, U, V and Zn due to the Pampas loess with high content of volcanic sediments. Pollution sources must be controlled. Water quality must be determined before considering its employment in rural development.[ES] Esta región se abastece fundamentalmente de aguas subterráneas y superficiales para los distintos usos (humano, animal, recreacional y riego). El objetivo fue conocer el origen de elementos traza en aguas subterráneas. La zona se sitúa sobre los depósitos de planicie aluvial actual del río Quinto. Se muestrearon 11 perforaciones del acuífero libre (entre 10 y 20 m de profundidad) y 4 puntos superficiales sobre el río Quinto, ubicadas con GPS. Se determinaron in situ pH, T y CE. En laboratorio se determinaron las concentraciones de elementos mayoritarios y trazas mediante espectrometría de masas con fuente de plasma acoplado por inducción. Se utilizó el Diagrama de Piper para establecer los tipos de agua. Se vio sus implicaciones en la detección de aportes naturales como antrópicos, relacionados con contaminación industrial y agropecuaria. Se analizaron para consumo humano, riego y ganadería, utilizándose las normas nacionales vigentes. La composición hidroquímica indica que las muestras de aguas superficiales y subterráneas presentan composiciones sulfatadas cloruradas sódicas, con tendencia en el caso de las subterráneas a una mayor evolución a sulfatadas. Las aguas superficiales y subterráneas con predominancia de cationes alcalinos, la conductividad promedio es mayor en las subterráneas (1760 μS/cm) que en las superficiales, y con TDS promedio de 1292 mg/L, el doble que el promedio de las aguas superficiales. Las aguas subterráneas presentan exceso de sulfatos, vinculado a las evaporitas del Cretácico. En algunos sitios, los valores de cloruros, sulfatos, B, Fe, As, Be y Se, que exceden los niveles de referencia para agua de bebida, en otros se superan los niveles de B, Zn, Mo, V y U establecidos para riego; y para ganado sólo superan el Zn y V. Los excesos de Fe y Mn en agua provienen del suelo; los contenidos de B, Se, As, U, V y Zn en el agua se deben al loess pampeano, con alto contenido de sedimentos volcánicos. Los casos de contaminación puntual detectados deben ser controlados para ser minimizados o eliminados.Peer reviewe

    Arsénico y otros elementos traza en agua en la cuenca del Río Quinto, Villa Mercedes, San Luis

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    Galindo G., Pachoud M., Hellmers M., Herrero M.A., Fernandez-Turiel J. L., Gimeno D. Arsénico y otros elementos traza en agua en la cuenca del Río Quinto, Villa Mercedes, San Luis. In: Galindo G., Nicolli H. (eds.) II Taller sobre arsénico en aguas: Hacia una integración de las investigaciones, V Congreso Argentino De Hidrogeologia - III Seminario Hispano-LatinoAmericano de Temas Actuales de la Hidrología, 2007, Paraná, Argentina, pp. 99-106. ISBN 978-987-23936-4-9.[EN] The origin and mobility of the potentially toxic trace elements (e.g., arsenic) in groundwater and surface water has been investigated in an area at the south of Villa Mercedes (San Luis Province, Argentina), in the upper part of the Quinto River watershed. Shallow groundwater was sampled in the alluvial plane of Quinto River; also surface water of this river was collected. Temperature, pH, and specific conductivity (SC) were determined in situ. In the laboratory, major ions and trace elements were determined by ICP-MS and ICP-OES. The sulphate-chloride-sodium compositions dominate in the surface waters, while the groundwater is mainly of sulphate-sodium composition. The pH is always slightly alkaline (7,15 a 7,91) and the SC is larger in groundwater (mean, 1760 μS/cm) than in surface water (1102 μS/cm). The high contents of sulphate are related to Cretaceous saline sediments. The high concentrations of B, Se, As, U, V and Zn seem to be related to Pampean loess with high contents of volcanic ash. There are probably also industrial and farming influences of contamination on the studied waters.[ES] Se ha estudiado el origen y los procesos implicados en la migración de arsénico y otros elementos trazas potencialmente tóxicos en un área de la parte alta de la cuenca del Río Quinto al sur de Villa Mercedes en la Provincia de San Luis (Argentina). Se muestrearon perforaciones someras del acuífero libre en la planicie aluvial del Río Quinto, así como aguas superficiales de este río. Se detemúnaron in situ temperatura, pH y conductancia eléctrica específica (CEE) y en laboratorio las concentraciones de iones mayoritarios y elementos trazas mediante espectrometría de masas y espectrometría de emisión óptica con fuentes de plasma acoplado por inducción. Entre las aguas superficiales domina la composición sulfatado-clorurado sódica y en las subterráneas las sulfatadas sódicas. El pH es alcalino (7,15 a 7,91) en todas y la CEE es mayor en lassubterráneas (media, 1760 μS/cm) que en las superficiales (media, 1102 μS/cm). La elevada concentración de sulfato en las aguas subterráneas está vinculada con la ocurrencia de evaporitas cretácicas. Las altas concentraciones de B, Se, As, U, V y Zn parecen estar relacionadas con los loess pampeanos con alto contenido de material de origen volcánico. También se han detectado probables indicios de contaminación industrial y agropecuaria.Peer reviewe