34 research outputs found

    Mise Ă  jour 2014 des recommandations du GEFPICS pour l’évaluation du statut HER2 dans les cancers du sein en France

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    De nouvelles recommandations internationales pour l’évaluation du statut HER2 dans les cancers du sein, basĂ©es sur plus de dix ans d’expĂ©rience et sur les rĂ©sultats d’études cliniques et de concordance entre les diffĂ©rentes techniques de dĂ©tection, viennent tout juste de voir le jour. Le prĂ©sent article a pour objet de faire le point sur ces nouvelles recommandations, Ă  la lumiĂšre de la publication rĂ©cente du groupe de travail de l’American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) et du CollĂšge des pathologistes amĂ©ricains (CAP), adaptĂ©es Ă  la pratique de la pathologie en France et revues par le groupe GEFPICS. À l’ùre de la mĂ©decine personnalisĂ©e, la dĂ©termination du statut HER2 reste un Ă©lĂ©ment phare dans le panel des biomarqueurs thĂ©ranostiques des cancers du sein. Si l’interprĂ©tation du statut HER2 dans les cancers du sein est aisĂ©e dans la majoritĂ© des cas, un certain nombre de situations anatomocliniques est d’interprĂ©tation plus dĂ©licate, telles que la possibilitĂ© rare mais rĂ©elle de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© intra-tumorale du statut de HER2, les formes Ă  diffĂ©renciation micropapillaire ou la rĂ©-Ă©valuation du statut des biomarqueurs lors de la rechute mĂ©tastatique. Ces nouvelles recommandations abordent ces diffĂ©rentes questions, reprĂ©cisent les conditions prĂ©-analytiques optimales et les critĂšres d’interprĂ©tation (notamment des cas 2+), afin de rĂ©duire au maximum le risque de faux nĂ©gatifs. Plus que jamais, la mobilisation de la spĂ©cialitĂ© d’anatomo-cytopathologie autour de la qualitĂ© des tests thĂ©ranostiques tĂ©moigne de son implication dans la chaĂźne des soins en cancĂ©rologie., Summary International guidelines on HER2 determination in breast cancer have just been updated by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and College of American Pathologists (CAP), on the basis of more than ten-year practice, results of clinical trials and concordance studies. The GEFPICS group, composed of expert pathologists in breast cancer, herein presents these recommendations, adapted to the French routine practice. These guidelines highlight the possible diagnosis difficulties with regards to HER2 status determination, such as intra-tumor heterogeneity, special histological subtypes and biomarker re-evaluation during metastatic relapse. Pre-analytical issues and updated scoring criteria (especially for equivocal cases) are detailed, in order to decrease the occurrence of false negative cases. In the era of personalized medicine, pathologists are more than ever involved in the quality of oncotheranostic biomarker evaluation.

    Recommandations du GEFPICS concernant la phase prĂ©-analytique pour l’évaluation de HER2 et des rĂ©cepteurs hormonaux dans le cancer du sein : mise Ă  jour 2014

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    Les tumeurs fixĂ©es et incluses en paraffine sont quotidiennement utilisĂ©es pour l’évaluation des biomarqueurs nĂ©cessaires au traitement des patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein invasif. Les nouvelles recommandations internationales sur la phase prĂ©-analytique ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cemment revues, confirmant l’importance de la prise en charge optimale des prĂ©lĂšvements pour garantir des tests d’immunohistochimie ou d’hybridation in situ de qualitĂ©, quel que soit le biomarqueur envisagĂ©. Incluant les procĂ©dĂ©s de fixation et de prĂ©paration des tissus, toutes les procĂ©dures prĂ©-analytiques doivent ĂȘtre validĂ©es, standardisĂ©es et tracĂ©es. Elles nĂ©cessitent la collaboration et la formation de toutes les personnes impliquĂ©es dans le circuit du prĂ©lĂšvement, du prĂ©leveur jusqu’au technicien de pathologie et au pathologiste en passant par l’infirmiĂšre, ou le coursier. La prise en charge initiale optimale des piĂšces et une fixation de qualitĂ© sont des Ă©tapes majeures Ă  maĂźtriser dans la phase prĂ©-analytique. Cette mise Ă  jour des recommandations du groupe d’étude des facteurs pronostiques immunohistochimiques dans le cancer du sein (GEFPICS) dĂ©taille et commente les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes prĂ©-analytiques. L’observation de ces rĂšgles de bonne pratique, l’utilisation rigoureuse de tĂ©moins internes et externes et la participation rĂ©guliĂšre Ă  des programmes d’assurance qualitĂ© sont autant de garanties pour une Ă©valuation correcte et pĂ©renne des biomarqueurs oncothĂ©ranostiques., Summary Biomarker assessment of breast cancer tumor samples is part of the routine workflow of pathology laboratories. International guidelines have recently been updated, with special regards to the pre-analytical steps that are critical for the quality of immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization procedures, whatever the biomarker analyzed. Fixation and specimen handling protocols must be standardized, validated and carefully tracked. Cooperation and training of the personnel involved in the specimen workflow (e.g. radiologists, surgeons, nurses, technicians and pathologists) are of paramount importance. The GEFPICS’ update of the recommendations herein details and comments the different steps of the pre-analytical process. Application of these guidelines and participation to quality insurance programs are mandatory to ensure the correct evaluation of oncotheranostic biomarkers

    Transnational Expert Discourse on Vagrancy around 1900

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    Improvement in staff behavior during surgical procedures to prevent post-operative complications (ARIBO2): study protocol for a cluster randomised trial

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    Background Inappropriate staff behaviour during surgical procedures may disrupt the surgical performance and compromise patient safety. We developed an innovative monitoring and feedback system combined with an adaptive approach to optimise staff behaviour intraoperatively and prevent post-operative complications (POC) in orthopaedic surgery. Methods/design This protocol describes a parallel-group, cluster randomised, controlled trial with orthopaedic centre as the unit of randomisation. The intervention period will last 6 months and will be based on the monitoring of two surrogates of staff behaviour: the frequency of doors opening and the level of noise. Both will be collected from incision to wound closure, using wireless sensors and sonometers, and recorded and analysed on a dedicated platform (LivepulseÂź). Staff from centres randomised to the intervention arm will be informed in real time on their own data through an interactive dashboard available in each operating room (OR), and a posteriori for hip and knee replacement POC. Aggregated data from all centres will also be displayed for benchmarking. A lean method will be applied in each centre by a local multidisciplinary team to analyse baseline situations, determine the target condition, analyse the root cause(s), and take countermeasures. The education and awareness of participants on the impact of their behaviour on patient safety will assist the quality improvement process. The control centres will be blinded to monitoring data and quality improvement approaches. The primary outcome will be any POC occurring during the 30 days post operation. We will evaluate this outcome using local and national routinely collected data from hospital discharge and disease databases. Thirty orthopaedic centres will be randomised for a total of 9945 hip and knee replacement surgical procedures. Discussion The field of human factors and behaviour in the OR seems to offer potential room for improvement. An intervention providing goal-setting, monitoring, feedback and action planning may reduce the traffic flow and interruptions/distractions of the surgical team during procedures, preventing subsequent POCs. The results of this trial will provide important data on the impact of OR staff behaviour on patient safety, and promote best practice during surgical procedures