855 research outputs found

    Turbulence in the coastal environment during HYCODE

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    Turbulence in the coastal environment during HYCODE

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    A tall tripod equipped with two acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs) was deployed at a water depth of 15 m off the coast of New Jersey near the LEO-15 site. Sensors were co-located near the bottom to provide good estimates of Reynolds stress. Thermistors were located within several centimeters of the velocity sample volume to provide simultaneously sampled estimates of turbulent temperature variance and vertical temperature flux. One of the ADVs was equipped with a pressure and a temperature sensor. A wave/tide gauge was placed at 4 meters above bottom. The instruments were deployed late July through early December of 2000 and late June through early August of 2001. For the 2001 deployment, a single beam acoustic Doppler velocity sensor (DopBeam) was added to measure high frequency vertical velocity variance and echo intensity within the bottom boundary layer. A second tripod was deployed nearby and was equipped with an array of LISST sensors and an MSCAT. The purpose of this report is to document the instrumentation and deployment of the tripods and to document the tall tripod data by providing a description of the processing and data formats, time-series summaries of the burst averaged data along with preliminary analyses.Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N00014-99-1-0213

    Using Moored Arrays and Hyperspectral Aerial Imagery to Develop Nutrient Criteria for New Hampshire\u27s Estuaries

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    Increasing nitrogen concentrations and declining eelgrass beds in Great Bay, NH are clear indicators of impending problems for the state’s estuaries. A workgroup established in 2005 by the NH Department of Environmental Services and the NH Estuaries Project (NHEP) adopted eelgrass survival as the water quality target for nutrient criteria development for NH’s estuaries. In 2007, the NHEP received a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to collect water quality information including that from moored sensors and hyper-spectral imagery data of the Great Bay Estuary. Data from the Great Bay Coastal Buoy, part of the regional Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), were used to derive a multivariate model of water clarity with phytoplankton, Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM), and non-algal particles. Non-algal particles include both inorganic and organic matter. Most of the temporal variability in the diffuse attenuation coefficient of Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) was associated with non-algal particles. However, on a mean daily basis non-algal particles and CDOM contributed a similar fraction (~30 %) to the attenuation of light. The contribution of phytoplankton was about a third of the other two optically important constituents. CDOM concentrations varied with salinity and magnitude of riverine inputs demonstrating its terrestrial origin. Non-algal particle concentration also varied with river flow but also wind driven resuspension. Twelve of the NHEP estuarine assessment zones were observed with the hyperspectral aerial imagery on August 29 and October 17. A concurrent in situ effort included buoy measurements, continuous along-track sampling, discrete water grab samples, and vertical profiles of light attenuation. PAR effective attenuation coefficients retrieved from deep water regions in the imagery agreed well with in-situ observations. Water clarity was lower and optically important constituent concentrations were higher in the tributaries. Eelgrass survival depth, estimated as the depth at which 22% of surface light was available, ranged from less than half a meter to over two meters. The best water clarity was found in the Great Bay (GB), Little Bay (LB), and Lower Piscataqua River (LPR) assessment zones. Absence of eelgrass from these zones would indicate controlling factors other than water clarity

    Vorticity measurements within the bottom boundary layer in the Strait of Juan De Fuca

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    Electromagnetic fluctuations and turbulent vorticity fluctuations were measured over a nine month period in the strong tidal flows of the Strait of Juan De Fuca off the coast of the Olympic Peninsula of Washington. A collaborative experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that electromagnetic fluctuations at the sea floor are forced by turbulent vorticity fluctuations in the bottom boundary layer. This report describes the measurement of turbulent vorticity fluctuations and the associated analysis which focuses on testing existing theoretical predictions for the inertial subrange and on characterizing spectra at frequencies below the inertial subrange.Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research through Grant No. N00014-94-I-0436

    Turbulence in the shallow nearshore environment during SANDYDUCK '97

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    An array of five acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADV), which produce high quality measurements of the three-dimensional velocity vector in a sample volume with a scale of one centimeter, was deployed from late August through late November of 1997 at a water depth of approximately 4.5 m off Duck, North Carolina. The sensors were deployed near the sea floor but above the centimeters-thick wave boundary layer, and the sampling scheme was designed to resolve turbulence statistics averaged over tens of minutes, much longer than typical wave periods but shorter than time scales associated with variablity of energetic wind-driven and wave-driven alongshore flows.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OCE-9810609, the Mellon Foundation and Rinehart Coastal Research Center

    Observations of near-bottom flow in a wave-dominated nearshore environment

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    To provide observational data for analysis of near-bottom, wave-induced flows, a downward-looking laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) was deployed to profile the near-bed velocity structure of a six meter water column at a site just outside the surfzone off the coast of North Carolina. 90 second "snap-shots" of the velocity at six elevations below 20 cm above bottom were measured at 25 Hz, while pressure was concurrently measured at 126 cm above bottom. The near-bottom data were supplemented with a benthic acoustic stress sensor (BASS) at approximately 20 cm above bottom which concurrently measured velocity components at 10 Hz. The purposes of this report are to document the collection, processing and archival of these data and to present the profiles for evaluation.Funding was provided by the Coastal Sciences Program of the Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-92-J-12300

    Rapid mixed layer depening by the combination of Langmuir and shear instabilities : a case study

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (2010): 2381-2400, doi:10.1175/2010JPO4403.1.Langmuir circulation (LC) is a turbulent upper-ocean process driven by wind and surface waves that contributes significantly to the transport of momentum, heat, and mass in the oceanic surface layer. The authors have previously performed a direct comparison of large-eddy simulations and observations of the upper-ocean response to a wind event with rapid mixed layer deepening. The evolution of simulated crosswind velocity variance and spatial scales, as well as mixed layer deepening, was only consistent with observations if LC effects are included in the model. Based on an analysis of these validated simulations, in this study the fundamental differences in mixing between purely shear-driven turbulence and turbulence with LC are identified. In the former case, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) production due to shear instabilities is largest near the surface, gradually decreasing to zero near the base of the mixed layer. This stands in contrast to the LC case in which at middepth range TKE production can be dominated by Stokes drift shear. Furthermore, the Eulerian mean vertical shear peaks near the base of the mixed layer so that TKE production by mean shear flow is elevated there. LC transports horizontal momentum efficiently downward leading to an along-wind velocity jet below LC downwelling regions at the base of the mixed layer. Locally enhanced vertical shear instabilities as a result of this jet efficiently erode the thermocline. In turn, enhanced breaking internal waves inject cold deep water into the mixed layer, where LC currents transport temperature perturbation advectively. Thus, LC and locally generated shear instabilities work intimately together to facilitate strongly the mixed layer deepening process.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research through Grants N00014-09-M-0112 (TK) and N00014-06-1-0178 (AP, JT). Author TK also received support from a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Cooperative Institute for Climate and Ocean Research Postdoctoral Scholarship

    Evaluation of the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) for Turbulence Measurements*

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    Accuracy of the acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) is evaluated in this paper. Simultaneous measurements of open-channel flow were undertaken in a 17-m flume using an ADV and a laser Doppler velocimeter. Flow velocity records obtained by both instruments are used for estimating the true (‘‘ground truth’’) flow characteristics and the noise variances encountered during the experimental runs. The measured values are compared with estimates of the true flow characteristics and values of variance (^u92&, ^w92&) and covariance (^u9w9&) predicted by semiempirical models for open-channel flow. The analysis showed that the ADV sensor can measure mean velocity and Reynolds stress within 1% of the estimated true value. Mean velocities can be obtained at distances less than 1 cm from the boundary, whereas Reynolds stress values obtained at elevations greater than 3 cm above the bottom exhibit a variation that is in agreement with the predictions of the semiempirical models. Closer to the boundary, the measured Reynolds stresses deviate from those predicted by the model, probably due to the size of the ADV sample volume. Turbulence spectra computed using the ADV records agree with theoretical spectra after corrections are applied for the spatial averaging due to the size of the sample volume and a noise floor. The noise variance in ADV velocity records consists of two terms. One is related to the electronic circuitry of the sensor and its ability to resolve phase differences, whereas the second is flow related. The latter noise component dominates at rapid flows. The error in flow measurements due to the former noise term depends on sensor velocity range setting and ranges from 60.95 to 63.0 mm s21. Noise due to shear within the sample volume and to Doppler broadening is primarily a function of the turbulence dissipation parameter. Noise variances calculated using spectral analysis and the results of the ground truthing technique are compared with theoretical estimates of noise

    Significance of Langmuir circulation in upper ocean mixing : comparison of observations and simulations

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 36 (2009): L10603, doi:10.1029/2009GL037620.Representing upper ocean turbulence accurately in models remains a great challenge for improving weather and climate projections. Langmuir circulation (LC) is a turbulent process driven by wind and surface waves that plays a key role in transferring momentum, heat, and mass in the oceanic surface layer. We present a direct comparison between observations and large eddy simulations, based on the wave-averaged Navier-Stokes equation, of an LC growth event. The evolution of cross-wind velocity variance and spatial scales, as well as mixed layer deepening are only consistent with simulations if LC effects are included in the model. Our results offer a validation of the large eddy simulation approach to understanding LC dynamics, and demonstrate the importance of LC in ocean surface layer mixing.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research through grants N00014-09-M-0112 (TK) and N00014-06-1-0178 (AP, JT). TK also received support from a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Cooperative Institute for Climate and Ocean Research Postdoctoral Scholarship

    Vertical structure of dissipation in the nearshore

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 37 (2007): 1764-1777, doi:10.1175/jpo3098.1.The vertical structure of the dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy was observed in the nearshore region (3.2-m mean water depth) with a tripod of three acoustic Doppler current meters off a sandy ocean beach. Surface and bottom boundary layer dissipation scaling concepts overlap in this region. No depth-limited wave breaking occurred at the tripod, but wind-induced whitecapping wave breaking did occur. Dissipation is maximum near the surface and minimum at middepth, with a secondary maximum near the bed. The observed dissipation does not follow a surfzone scaling, nor does it follow a “log layer” surface or bottom boundary layer scaling. At the upper two current meters, dissipation follows a modified deep-water breaking-wave scaling. Vertical shear in the mean currents is negligible and shear production magnitude is much less than dissipation, implying that the vertical diffusion of turbulence is important. The increased near-bed secondary dissipation maximum results from a decrease in the turbulent length scale.Funding was provided by NSF and ONR