191 research outputs found

    Genomic predictors of patterns of progression in glioblastoma and possible influences on radiation field design

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    We present a retrospective investigation of the role of genomics in the prediction of central versus marginal disease progression patterns for glioblastoma (GBM). Between August 2000 and May 2010, 41 patients with GBM and gene expression and methylation data available were treated with radiotherapy with or without concurrent temozolomide. Location of disease progression was categorized as within the high dose (60 Gy) or low dose (46 Gy) volume. Samples were grouped into previously described TCGA genomic groupings: Mesenchymal (m), classical (c), proneural (pn), and neural (n); and were also classified by MGMT-Methylation status and G-Cimp methylation phenotype. Genomic groupings and methylation status were investigated as a possible predictor of disease progression in the high dose region, progression in the low dose region, and time to progression. Based on TCGA category there was no difference in OS (p = 0.26), 60 Gy progression (PN: 71 %, N: 60 %, M: 89 %, C: 83 %, p = 0.19), 46 Gy progression (PN: 57 %, N: 40 %, M: 61 %, C: 50 %, p = 0.8) or time to progression (PN: 9 months, N:15 months, M: 9 months, C: 7 months, p = 0.58). MGMT methylation predicted for improved OS (median 25 vs. 13 months, p = 0.01), improved DFS (median 13 vs. 8 months, p = 0.007) and decreased 60 Gy (p = 0.003) and 46 Gy (p = 0.006) progression. There was a cohort of MGMT methylated patients with late marginal disease progression (4/22 patients, 18 %). TCGA groups demonstrated no difference in survival or progression patterns. MGMT methylation predicted for a statistically significant decrease in in-field and marginal disease progression. There was a cohort of MGMT methylated patients with late marginal progression. Validations of these findings would have implications that could affect radiation field size

    Comparative analysis of genome-wide association studies signals for lipids, diabetes, and coronary heart disease: Cardiovascular Biomarker Genetics Collaboration

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    To evaluate the associations of emergent genome-wide-association study-derived coronary heart disease (CHD)-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with established and emerging risk factors, and the association of genome-wide-association study-derived lipid-associated SNPs with other risk factors and CHD events

    Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopic Dynamics of Subarctic Soils and Plants in Southern Yukon Territory and its Implications for Paleoecological and Paleodietary Studies

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    We examine here the carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of bulk soils (8 topsoil and 7 subsoils, including two soil profiles) and five different plant parts of 79 C3 plants from two main functional groups: herbs and shrubs/subshrubs, from 18 different locations in grasslands of southern Yukon Territory, Canada (eastern shoreline of Kluane Lake and Whitehorse area). The Kluane Lake region in particular has been identified previously as an analogue for Late Pleistocene eastern Beringia. All topsoils have higher average total nitrogen δ15N and organic carbon δ13C than plants from the same sites with a positive shift occurring with depth in two soil profiles analyzed. All plants analyzed have an average whole plant δ13C of −27.5 ± 1.2 ‰ and foliar δ13C of ±28.0 ± 1.3 ‰, and average whole plant δ15N of −0.3 ± 2.2 ‰ and foliar δ15N of ±0.6 ± 2.7 ‰. Plants analyzed here showed relatively smaller variability in δ13C than δ15N. Their average δ13C after suitable corrections for the Suess effect should be suitable as baseline for interpreting diets of Late Pleistocene herbivores that lived in eastern Beringia. Water availability, nitrogen availability, spacial differences and intra-plant variability are important controls on δ15N of herbaceous plants in the study area. The wider range of δ15N, the more numerous factors that affect nitrogen isotopic composition and their likely differences in the past, however, limit use of the modern N isotopic baseline for vegetation in paleodietary models for such ecosystems. That said, the positive correlation between foliar δ15N and N content shown for the modern plants could support use of plant δ15N as an index for plant N content and therefore forage quality. The modern N isotopic baseline cannot be applied directly to the past, but it is prerequisite to future efforts to detect shifts in N cycling and forage quality since the Late Pleistocene through comparison with fossil plants from the same region

    Host Genetics and Chlamydia Disease: Prediction and Validation of Disease Severity Mechanisms

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    Genetic mapping studies may provide association between sequence variants and disease susceptibility that can, with further experimental and computational analysis, lead to discovery of causal mechanisms and effective intervention. We have previously demonstrated that polymorphisms in immunity-related GTPases (IRG) confer a significant difference in susceptibility to Chlamydia psittaci infection in BXD recombinant mice. Here we combine genetic mapping and network modeling to identify causal pathways underlying this association. We infected a large panel of BXD strains with C. psittaci and assessed host genotype, IRG protein polymorphisms, pathogen load, expression of 32 cytokines, inflammatory cell populations, and weight change. Proinflammatory cytokines correlated with each other and were controlled by a novel genetic locus on chromosome 1, but did not affect disease status, as quantified by weight change 6 days after infection In contrast, weight change correlated strongly with levels of inflammatory cell populations and pathogen load that were controlled by an IRG encoding genetic locus (Ctrq3) on chromosome 11. These data provided content to generate a predictive model of infection using a Bayesian framework incorporating genotypes, immune system parameters, and weight change as a measure of disease severity. Two predictions derived from the model were tested and confirmed in a second round of experiments. First, strains with the susceptible IRG haplotype lost weight as a function of pathogen load whereas strains with the resistant haplotype were almost completely unaffected over a very wide range of pathogen load. Second, we predicted that macrophage activation by Ctrq3 would be central in conferring pathogen tolerance. We demonstrated that macrophage depletion in strains with the resistant haplotype led to neutrophil influx and greater weight loss despite a lower pathogen burden. Our results show that genetic mapping and network modeling can be combined to identify causal pathways underlying chlamydial disease susceptibility

    The Protective Action Encoding of Serotonin Transients in the Human Brain

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    The role of serotonin in human brain function remains elusive due, at least in part, to our inability to measure rapidly the local concentration of this neurotransmitter. We used fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to infer serotonergic signaling from the striatum of fourteen brains of human patients with Parkinson's disease. Here we report these novel measurements and show that they correlate with outcomes and decisions in a sequential investment game. We find that serotonergic concentrations transiently increase as a whole following negative reward prediction errors, while reversing when counterfactual losses predominate. This provides initial evidence that the serotonergic system acts as an opponent to dopamine signaling, as anticipated by theoretical models. Serotonin transients on one trial were also associated with actions on the next trial in a manner that correlated with decreased exposure to poor outcomes. Thus, the fluctuations observed for serotonin appear to correlate with the inhibition of over-reactions and promote persistence of ongoing strategies in the face of short-term environmental changes. Together these findings elucidate a role for serotonin in the striatum, suggesting it encodes a protective action strategy that mitigates risk and modulates choice selection particularly following negative environmental events

    Sample design for quantitative estimation of sedentary organisms of coral reefs

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    Various methods of sampling sedentary organisms on Australian coral reefs have been examined and a standardized photographic procedure has been suggested to suit the needs of an ecological study of Acanthaster planci and Linckia laevigata. To obtain reliable estimates of percentage cover of sedentary organisms and their spatial distribution metre square quadrats should be taken every fourth metre along transects orientated at right angles to the reef perimeter
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