2,521 research outputs found

    Permalloy-based carbon nanotube spin-valve

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    In this Letter we demonstrate that Permalloy (Py), a widely used Ni/Fe alloy, forms contacts to carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that meet the requirements for the injection and detection of spin-polarized currents in carbon-based spintronic devices. We establish the material quality and magnetization properties of Py strips in the shape of suitable electrical contacts and find a sharp magnetization switching tunable by geometry in the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) of a single strip at cryogenic temperatures. In addition, we show that Py contacts couple strongly to CNTs, comparable to Pd contacts, thereby forming CNT quantum dots at low temperatures. These results form the basis for a Py-based CNT spin-valve exhibiting very sharp resistance switchings in the tunneling magnetoresistance, which directly correspond to the magnetization reversals in the individual contacts observed in AMR experiments.Comment: 3 page

    Laser‐induced desorption of NO from NiO(100): Ab initio calculations of potential surfaces for intermediate excited states

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    In order to interpret the experimental results of the state resolved UV‐laser‐induced desorption of NO from NiO(100) (rotational and vibrational populations, velocity distributions of the desorbing NO molecules, etc.), we have performed ab initio complete active space self‐consistent field (CASSCF) and configuration interaction (CI) calculations for the interaction potential between NO and the NiO(100) surface in the electronic ground state and for those excited states which are involved in the desorption process. The NiO(100)–NO distance and the tilt angle between the NO axis and the surface normal have been varied. A cluster model containing a NiO8−5‐cluster embedded in a Madelung potential has been used for representing the NiO(100) surface. The excited states which are important for the desorption process, are charge transfer states of the substrate–adsorbate system, in which one electron is transferred from the surface into the NO‐2π‐orbital. The potential curves of these excited charge transfer states show deep minima (4 eV–5 eV) at surface/NO distances which are smaller than that in the ground state. The angular dependence of these potentials behaves similar as in the ground state. A semiempirical correction to the calculated excitation energies has been added which makes use of the bulk polarization of NiO. With this correction the charge transfer states are considerably stabilized. The lowest excitation energy amounts to about 4 eV which is in reasonable agreement with the onset of the laser desorption observed experimentally at about 3.5 eV. The density of the NO−‐like states is rather high, so that probably several excited states are involved in the desorption process. The potential energy curves for all of these states are quite similar, but the transitions from the ground state into different excited charge transfer states show strongly differing oscillator strengths, which are also strongly dependent on the surface/NO distance. This fact is important for the dynamics of the deexcitation process in the sense of a selection criterion for the states involved. The magnitude of the oscillator strengths is large in comparison with the excitation of NO in the gas phase, which might be an indication for the possibility of optical excitation processes. One dimensional wave packet calculations on two potential energy curves using fixed lifetimes for the excited state in each calculation have been performed and enable us to estimate the mean lifetime of the excited state to be 15 fs≀τ≀25 fs. This implies that the dynamics of the system is dominated by the attractive part of the excited state potential

    On Convergence of the Inexact Rayleigh Quotient Iteration with the Lanczos Method Used for Solving Linear Systems

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    For the Hermitian inexact Rayleigh quotient iteration (RQI), the author has established new local general convergence results, independent of iterative solvers for inner linear systems. The theory shows that the method locally converges quadratically under a new condition, called the uniform positiveness condition. In this paper we first consider the local convergence of the inexact RQI with the unpreconditioned Lanczos method for the linear systems. Some attractive properties are derived for the residuals, whose norms are Οk+1\xi_{k+1}'s, of the linear systems obtained by the Lanczos method. Based on them and the new general convergence results, we make a refined analysis and establish new local convergence results. It is proved that the inexact RQI with Lanczos converges quadratically provided that Οk+1≀Ο\xi_{k+1}\leq\xi with a constant Ο≄1\xi\geq 1. The method is guaranteed to converge linearly provided that Οk+1\xi_{k+1} is bounded by a small multiple of the reciprocal of the residual norm ∄rk∄\|r_k\| of the current approximate eigenpair. The results are fundamentally different from the existing convergence results that always require Οk+1<1\xi_{k+1}<1, and they have a strong impact on effective implementations of the method. We extend the new theory to the inexact RQI with a tuned preconditioned Lanczos for the linear systems. Based on the new theory, we can design practical criteria to control Οk+1\xi_{k+1} to achieve quadratic convergence and implement the method more effectively than ever before. Numerical experiments confirm our theory.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0906.223

    Rates and Characteristics of Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals Detectable by Advanced LIGO

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    Gravitational waves (GWs) from the inspiral of a neutron star (NS) or stellar-mass black hole (BH) into an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) with mass between ~50 and ~350 solar masses may be detectable by the planned advanced generation of ground-based GW interferometers. Such intermediate mass ratio inspirals (IMRIs) are most likely to be found in globular clusters. We analyze four possible IMRI formation mechanisms: (1) hardening of an NS-IMBH or BH-IMBH binary via three-body interactions, (2) hardening via Kozai resonance in a hierarchical triple system, (3) direct capture, and (4) inspiral of a compact object from a tidally captured main-sequence star; we also discuss tidal effects when the inspiraling object is an NS. For each mechanism we predict the typical eccentricities of the resulting IMRIs. We find that IMRIs will have largely circularized by the time they enter the sensitivity band of ground-based detectors. Hardening of a binary via three-body interactions, which is likely to be the dominant mechanism for IMRI formation, yields eccentricities under 10^-4 when the GW frequency reaches 10 Hz. Even among IMRIs formed via direct captures, which can have the highest eccentricities, around 90% will circularize to eccentricities under 0.1 before the GW frequency reaches 10 Hz. We estimate the rate of IMRI coalescences in globular clusters and the sensitivity of a network of three Advanced LIGO detectors to the resulting GWs. We show that this detector network may see up to tens of IMRIs per year, although rates of one to a few per year may be more plausible. We also estimate the loss in signal-to-noise ratio that will result from using circular IMRI templates for data analysis and find that, for the eccentricities we expect, this loss is negligible.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; revised version reflects changes made to the article during the acceptance proces

    Electrically Driven Light Emission from Individual CdSe Nanowires

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    We report electroluminescence (EL) measurements carried out on three-terminal devices incorporating individual n-type CdSe nanowires. Simultaneous optical and electrical measurements reveal that EL occurs near the contact between the nanowire and a positively biased electrode or drain. The surface potential profile, obtained by using Kelvin probe microscopy, shows an abrupt potential drop near the position of the EL spot, while the band profile obtained from scanning photocurrent microscopy indicates the existence of an n-type Schottky barrier at the interface. These observations indicate that light emission occurs through a hole leakage or an inelastic scattering induced by the rapid potential drop at the nanowire-electrode interface.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Constraints on post-depositional isotope modifications in East Antarctic firn from analysing temporal changes of isotope profiles

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    The isotopic composition of water in ice sheets is extensively used to infer past climate changes. In low-accumulation regions their interpretation is, however, challenged by poorly constrained effects that may influence the initial isotope signal during and after deposition of the snow. This is reflected in snow-pit isotope data from Kohnen Station, Antarctica, which exhibit a seasonal cycle but also strong interannual variations that contradict local temperature observations. These inconsistencies persist even after averaging many profiles and are thus not explained by local stratigraphic noise. Previous studies have suggested that post-depositional processes may significantly influence the isotopic composition of East Antarctic firn. Here, we investigate the importance of post-depositional processes within the open-porous firn (≳ 10 cm depth) at Kohnen Station by separating spatial from temporal variability. To this end, we analyse 22 isotope profiles obtained from two snow trenches and examine the temporal isotope modifications by comparing the new data with published trench data extracted 2 years earlier. The initial isotope profiles undergo changes over time due to downward advection, firn diffusion and densification in magnitudes consistent with independent estimates. Beyond that, we find further modifications of the original isotope record to be unlikely or small in magnitude (â‰Ș 1 ‰ RMSD). These results show that the discrepancy between local temperatures and isotopes most likely originates from spatially coherent processes prior to or during deposition, such as precipitation intermittency or systematic isotope modifications acting on drifting or loose surface snow

    Superconductivity enhanced conductance fluctuations in few layer graphene nanoribbons

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    We investigate the mesoscopic disorder induced rms conductance variance ήG\delta G in a few layer graphene nanoribbon (FGNR) contacted by two superconducting (S) Ti/Al contacts. By sweeping the back-gate voltage, we observe pronounced conductance fluctuations superimposed on a linear background of the two terminal conductance G. The linear gate-voltage induced response can be modeled by a set of inter-layer and intra-layer capacitances. ήG\delta G depends on temperature T and source-drain voltage VsdV_{sd}. ήG\delta G increases with decreasing T and ∣Vsd∣|V_{sd}|. When lowering ∣Vsd∣|V_{sd}|, a pronounced cross-over at a voltage corresponding to the superconducting energy gap Δ\Delta is observed. For |V_{sd}|\ltequiv \Delta the fluctuations are markedly enhanced. Expressed in the conductance variance GGSG_{GS} of one graphene-superconducutor (G-S) interface, values of 0.58 e^2/h are obtained at the base temperature of 230 mK. The conductance variance in the sub-gap region are larger by up to a factor of 1.4-1.8 compared to the normal state. The observed strong enhancement is due to phase coherent charge transfer caused by Andreev reflection at the nanoribbon-superconductor interface.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Non-volatile molecular memory elements based on ambipolar nanotube field effect transistors

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    We have fabricated air-stable n-type, ambipolar carbon nanotube field effect transistors (CNFETs), and used them in nanoscale memory cells. N-type transistors are achieved by annealing of nanotubes in hydrogen gas and contacting them by cobalt electrodes. Scanning gate microscopy reveals that the bulk response of these devices is similar to gold-contacted p-CNFETs, confirming that Schottky barrier formation at the contact interface determines accessibility of electron and hole transport regimes. The transfer characteristics and Coulomb Blockade (CB) spectroscopy in ambipolar devices show strongly enhanced gate coupling, most likely due to reduction of defect density at the silicon/silicon-dioxide interface during hydrogen anneal. The CB data in the ``on''-state indicates that these CNFETs are nearly ballistic conductors at high electrostatic doping. Due to their nanoscale capacitance, CNFETs are extremely sensitive to presence of individual charge around the channel. We demonstrate that this property can be harnessed to construct data storage elements that operate at the few-electron level.Comment: 6 pages text, 3 figures and 1 table of content graphic; available as NanoLetters ASAP article on the we

    The role of contacts in graphene transistors: A scanning photocurrent study

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    A near-field scanning optical microscope is used to locally induce photocurrent in a graphene transistor with high spatial resolution. By analyzing the spatially resolved photo-response, we find that in the n-type conduction regime a p-n-p structure forms along the graphene device due to the doping of the graphene by the metal contacts. The modification of the electronic structure is not limited only underneath the metal electrodes, but extends 0.2-0.3 um into the graphene channel. The asymmetric conduction behavior of electrons and holes that is commonly observed in graphene transistors is discussed in light of the potential profiles obtained from this photocurrent imaging approach. Furthermore, we show that photocurrent imaging can be used to probe single- / multi-layer graphene interfaces
