5,018 research outputs found

    On the distribution of career longevity and the evolution of home run prowess in professional baseball

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    Statistical analysis is a major aspect of baseball, from player averages to historical benchmarks and records. Much of baseball fanfare is based around players exceeding the norm, some in a single game and others over a long career. Career statistics serve as a metric for classifying players and establishing their historical legacy. However, the concept of records and benchmarks assumes that the level of competition in baseball is stationary in time. Here we show that power-law probability density functions, a hallmark of many complex systems that are driven by competition, govern career longevity in baseball. We also find similar power laws in the density functions of all major performance metrics for pitchers and batters. The use of performance-enhancing drugs has a dark history, emerging as a problem for both amateur and professional sports. We find statistical evidence consistent with performance-enhancing drugs in the analysis of home runs hit by players in the last 25 years. This is corroborated by the findings of the Mitchell Report [1], a two-year investigation into the use of illegal steroids in major league baseball, which recently revealed that over 5 percent of major league baseball players tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs in an anonymous 2003 survey.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2-column revtex4 format. Revision has change of title, a figure added, and minor changes in response to referee comment

    High precision quantum control of single donor spins in silicon

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    The Stark shift of the hyperfine coupling constant is investigated for a P donor in Si far below the ionization regime in the presence of interfaces using Tight-binding and Band Minima Basis approaches and compared to the recent precision measurements. The TB electronic structure calculations included over 3 million atoms. In contrast to previous effective mass based results, the quadratic Stark coefficient obtained from both theories agrees closely with the experiments. This work represents the most sensitive and precise comparison between theory and experiment for single donor spin control. It is also shown that there is a significant linear Stark effect for an impurity near the interface, whereas, far from the interface, the quadratic Stark effect dominates. Such precise control of single donor spin states is required particularly in quantum computing applications of single donor electronics, which forms the driving motivation of this work.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Nicotinic Acid Contents of Tropical Root Crops from the South Pacific

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    The thiamin, riboflavin, and nicotinic acid contents of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas, taro (Colocasia esculenta), giant taro (Alocasia macrorrhiza), giant swamp taro (Cyrtosperma chamissonis), taro (Xan-thosoma spp), yam (Dioscorea alata and D. esculenta) were determined for fresh and 40°C dried material obtained from six South Pacific countries. Losses on drying at 40°C for 2-3 days were 10-15% for the three vitamins. Sweet potato contained the largest amount of thiamin (40-120 μg/100g fresh weight) and along with Colocasia esculenta and Xanthosoma spp. the largest amounts of nicotinic acid. The root crops provided inadequate amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, and nicotinic acid with values ranging from 12-123, 12-59 and 220-1310 Hg/100g fresh weight, respectively. Losses on cooking were about the same for all vitamins and root crops, with about a 20% loss on boiling (water retained) or baking and about a 40% loss on boiling (water discarded)

    Multiwavelength Observations of a Flare from Markarian 501

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    We present multiwavelength observations of the BL Lacertae object Markarian 501 (Mrk 501) in 1997 between April 8 and April 19. Evidence of correlated variability is seen in very high energy (VHE, E > 350 GeV) gamma-ray observations taken with the Whipple Observatory gamma-ray telescope, data from the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment of the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, and quicklook results from the All-Sky Monitor of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer while the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope did not detect Mrk 501. Short term optical correlations are not conclusive but the U-band flux observed with the 1.2m telescope of the Whipple Observatory was 10% higher than in March. The average energy output of Mrk 501 appears to peak in the 2 keV to 100 keV range suggesting an extension of the synchrotron emission to at least 100 keV, the highest observed in a blazar and ~100 times higher than that seen in the other TeV-emitting BL Lac object, Mrk 421. The VHE gamma-ray flux observed during this period is the highest ever detected from this object. The VHE gamma-ray energy output is somewhat lower than the 2-100 keV range but the variability amplitude is larger. The correlations seen here do not require relativistic beaming of the emission unless the VHE spectrum extends to >5 TeV.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Cuando la morfología y los marcadores moleculares entran en conflicto: el ejemplo de los anfípodos subterráneos de la región de Pilbara, Australia Occidental

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    Fifteen species of groundwater amphipods in the genus Chydaekata have been described from the Pilbara, Western Australia, each restricted to a single bore. Dewatering at a local mine site was halted while a second survey was undertaken. Newly collected samples were identified using the existing key, and allozyme analysis was used to test species boundaries. Allozymic diversity was not associated with single bores, and only two distinct genetic groups (one of which was very rare), were identified. Based on these results, and the finding that species were found to be more widespread, the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority recommended that dewatering continue with caution at the site. This study provides an example of the problems associated with incongruent data sets, and the difficulties inherent in working with rare species, namely, interpreting the results of studies based on small samples or incomplete collections.Se han descrito quince especies de anfípodos de aguas subterráneas del género Chydaekata que habitan en la región de Pilbara, Australia Occidental, restringiéndose cada una de ellas a una única perforación. Mientras se elaboraba un segundo estudio, se interrumpió el desagüe que se estaba llevando a cabo en un emplazamiento minero local. Las nuevas muestras recolectadas se identificaron utilizando la clave existente, mientras que para verificar los límites de la especie se recurrió a un análisis alozimático. La diversidad alozimática no se asoció con perforaciones únicas y sólo se identificaron dos grupos genéticos bien diferenciados (uno de los cuales era muy poco común). Basándose en estos resultados y en el hallazgo de que la especie estaba más extendida, el Organismo de Protección Medioambiental de Australia Occidental recomendó que se actuara con cautela al proceder con el desagüe. El presente estudio brinda un ejemplo de los problemas asociados con conjuntos de datos incongruentes, así como las dificultades que conlleva trabajar con especies poco comunes, especialmente en lo que respecta a la interpretación de los resultados de estudios basados en pequeñas muestras o recolecciones incompletas

    Multiwavelength Observations of 1ES 1959+650, One Year After the Strong Outburst of 2002

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    In April-May 2003, the blazar 1ES 1959+650 showed an increased level of X-ray activity. This prompted a multiwavelength observation campaign with the Whipple 10 m gamma-ray telescope, the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, the Bordeaux Optical Observatory, and the University of Michigan Radio Astrophysical Observatory. We present the multiwavelength data taken from May 2, 2003 to June 7, 2003 and compare the source characteristics with those measured during observations taken during the years 2000 and 2002. The X-ray observations gave a data set with high signal-to-noise light curves and energy spectra; however, the gamma-ray observations did not reveal a major TeV gamma-ray flare. Furthermore, we find that the radio and optical fluxes do not show statistically significant deviations from those measured during the 2002 flaring periods. While the X-ray flux and X-ray photon index appear correlated during subsequent observations, the apparent correlation evolved significantly between the years 2000, 2002, and 2003. We discuss the implications of this finding for the mechanism that causes the flaring activity.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Search for TeV Gamma-Rays from Shell-Type Supernova Remnants

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    If cosmic rays with energies <100 TeV originate in the galaxy and are accelerated in shock waves in shell-type supernova remnants (SNRs), gamma-rays will be produced as the result of proton and electron interactions with the local interstellar medium, and by inverse Compton emission from electrons scattering soft photon fields. We report on observations of two supernova remnants with the Whipple Observatory's 10 m gamma-ray telescope. No significant detections have been made and upper limits on the >500 GeV flux are reported. Non-thermal X-ray emission detected from one of these remnants (Cassiopeia A) has been interpreted as synchrotron emission from electrons in the ambient magnetic fields. Gamma-ray emission detected from the Monoceros/Rosette Nebula region has been interpreted as evidence of cosmic-ray acceleration. We interpret our results in the context of these observations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Salt Lake City, 1999