40 research outputs found

    Aportaciones corológicas de la colección del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona a la fauna iberobalear del género Dermestes Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera, Dermestidae)

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    Se aporta información corológica sobre 15 especies ibero-baleares del género Dermestes Linnaeus, 1758. Los datos han sido obtenidos a partir de la revisión de 635 especimenes depositados en la colección entomológica del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. Se ofrece una relación del material examinado y se comenta la distribución de las especies, teniendo en cuenta tanto los registros de la colección como la bibliografía. Se amplían las áreas de distribución de la mayoría de especies.Aportacions corològiques de la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona a la fauna iberobalear del gènere Dermestes Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) S’aporta informació corològica sobre 15 espècies iberobalears del gènere Dermestes Linnaeus, 1758. Les dades han estat obtingudes a partir de la revisió de 635 espècimens dipositats a la col·lecció entomològica del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. S’ofereix una relació del material examinat i es comenta la distribució de les espècies tenint en compte tant els registres de la col·lecció com la bibliografia. S’amplien les àrees de distribució de la majoria d’espècies.Chorological contributions from the Natural History Museum of Barcelona collection to the Ibero-Balearic fauna of the genus Dermestes Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) Chorological information of 15 Ibero-Balearic species of the genus Desmestes Linnaeus, 1758 is provided. Data were obtained from the review of 635 specimens housed in the entomological collection of the Natural History Museum of Barcelona. All examined material is listed, and the distributions are discussed taking into account the collection records and bibliographical sources. The distribution areas for most species have been extended

    Anthrenus (Florilinus) loebli n. sp. (Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Anthrenini) from the Middle East

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    A new species Anthrenus (Florilinus) loebli from Israel, Lebanon and Jordania is described, illustrated and compared with the similar species classified within the subgenus Florilinus Mulsant & Rey, 1868. The new species is characterized by oval eyes, eight-segmented antenna and subtriangular, occasionally triangular, scales on the dorsum. The yellowish/light brown scales are present on the anterior and terminal part of the elytra and create three irregular, transverse bands. Antennal segment eight are at least 4.8 to 5x longer than segment 7 in male, 2.1x longer in female. The new species is most similar to A. (F.) museorum (Linnaeus, 1761); A. (H.) fuscus Olivier, 1789 and A. (F.) flavidus Solsky, 1876. An identification key to externally similar species of the genus is given. The most distinctive taxonomic characteristics concern the male genitalia and antenna (in ratio of length of segments of antennal club) and are also described

    A New Species of the Genus Hemirhopalum (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) from Bolivia

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    Hemirhopalum alleni Hava, sp. n. from Bolivia (South America) is described, illustrated and compared with two similar species: Hemirhopalum bicolor Sharp, 1902 and H. brasiliense Herrmann et Hava, 2013.Описан Hemirhopalum alleni Hava, sp. n. из Боливии. Приведены его иллюстрации и сравнение с двумя сходными видами: Hemirhopalum bicolor Sharp, 1902 and H. brasiliense Herrmann et Hava, 2013

    Two new Phradonoma species (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) from Iran

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    Phradonoma muehlei sp. n. and P. pseudoamoenulum sp. n., from Iran, are described, illustrated and compared with related species. An identification key to Iranian species of "Phradonoma nobile species group" is also presented

    A new species of Xyletinus Latreille, 1809 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Xyletininae) from Eocene Baltic amber, with a key to known fossil species

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    A new extinct species of the genus Xyletinus Latreille, 1809, namely X. (s. str.) lobanovi sp. n., is described and illustrated from Eocene Baltic amber. This new extinct species resembles X. carsteni Háva et Zahradník, 2020 but differs from it in the dull, not shiny pronotum and elytra, uniformly rufous body and appendages and the lesser body size. A new species is close to X. arturi Háva et Zahradník, 2019, but can be distinguished in the lesser body size, flat elytral intervals and the widest in anterior one-third pronotum. A key to fossil species of Xyletinus is provided. Additionally, new fossil records for Ernobius nadravicus Alekseev, 2014 and Xyletinus arturi Háva et Zahradník, 2019 are presented

    Note: Recording of some beetles in honey bee colonies

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    Honey bees are very valuable to human. These social insects contribute in the pollination of many crops. Also, the products from honey bee colonies have many nutritional and medicinal benefits. Thus, keeping honey bees are very valuable and can be considered as source of income to many families. There are many diseases and pests that attack honey bee colonies. The pests attack bee colonies include: hornets, wax moths, bee-eater birds, and beetles. Such challenges can impact the survival and productivity of honey bee colonies. In this study, some beetle species belong to Fam. Nitidulidae, Dermestidae and Mycetophagidae were detected in honey bee colonies in Egypt, during spring. Despite the presence of many beetle species in the agricultural environment, only few species preferred the invasion of the colonies for feeding. These beetles do not attack stages of honey bees. They only feed on stored pollen or bee bread, especially those fallen on the bottom of the beehives. This is an alarm to follow the feeding behavior and distribution of these beetles. These beetles’ species can be considered as potential pests to weak honey bee colonies, housed in old or damaged beehives. The presence of large numbers of these beetles in weak colonies may disturb the activities of the bees and may passively impact the survival of the colonies. Listing these beetles is very important to better understanding the interaction between honey bees and beetles. On the other side, small hive beetles were not detected in the colonies. These beetles are currently one of the major problems facing honey bees in different parts of the world. This study confirms the absence of small hive beetles from Egypt

    A New Species of the Genus Hemirhopalum (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) from Bolivia

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    Hemirhopalum alleni Hava, sp. n. from Bolivia (South America) is described, illustrated and compared with two similar species: Hemirhopalum bicolor Sharp, 1902 and H. brasiliense Herrmann et Hava, 2013.Описан Hemirhopalum alleni Hava, sp. n. из Боливии. Приведены его иллюстрации и сравнение с двумя сходными видами: Hemirhopalum bicolor Sharp, 1902 and H. brasiliense Herrmann et Hava, 2013