475 research outputs found

    A type system for Continuation Calculus

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    Continuation Calculus (CC), introduced by Geron and Geuvers, is a simple foundational model for functional computation. It is closely related to lambda calculus and term rewriting, but it has no variable binding and no pattern matching. It is Turing complete and evaluation is deterministic. Notions like "call-by-value" and "call-by-name" computation are available by choosing appropriate function definitions: e.g. there is a call-by-value and a call-by-name addition function. In the present paper we extend CC with types, to be able to define data types in a canonical way, and functions over these data types, defined by iteration. Data type definitions follow the so-called "Scott encoding" of data, as opposed to the more familiar "Church encoding". The iteration scheme comes in two flavors: a call-by-value and a call-by-name iteration scheme. The call-by-value variant is a double negation variant of call-by-name iteration. The double negation translation allows to move between call-by-name and call-by-value.Comment: In Proceedings CL&C 2014, arXiv:1409.259

    Hospital quality reports in Germany: patient and physician opinion of the reported quality indicators

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Starting in 2005, Germany's health law required hospital quality reports to be published every two years by all acute care hospitals. The reports were intended to help patients and physicians make informed choices of hospitals. However, while establishing the quality indicators that form the content of the reports, the information needs of the target groups were not explicitly taken into account. Therefore, the aim of our study was to determine patient and physician opinion of the relevance of the reported quality indicators for choosing or referring to a hospital.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Convenience samples of 50 patients and 50 physicians were asked to rate the understandability (patients), suitability (physicians) and relevance (both groups) of a set of 29 quality indicators. The set was drawn from the reports (24 indicators) and supplemented by five indicators commonly used in hospital quality reports. We analysed the differences in patient and physician ratings of relevance of all indicators by applying descriptive statistics, t-tests and Wilcoxon tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only three indicators were considered not understandable by the interviewed patients and unsuitable by the interviewed physicians. The patients rated 19 indicators as highly or very relevant, whereas the physicians chose 15 indicators. The most relevant indicator for the patients was "qualification of doctors", and for the physicians "volume of specified surgical procedures". Patient and physician rankings of individual indicators differed for 25 indicators. However, three groups of indicators could be differentiated, in which the relevance ratings of patients and physicians differed only within the groups. Four of the five indicators that were added to the existing set of reported indicators ranked in the first or second group ("kindness of staff", "patient satisfaction", "recommendation", and "distance to place of living").</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Most of the content of Germany's hospital quality reports seems to be useful for patients and physicians and influence their choice of hospitals. However, the target groups revealed that approximately one third of the indicators (mostly hospital structural characteristics), were not useful and hence could have been omitted from the reports. To enhance the usefulness of the reports, indicators on patient experiences should be added.</p

    Line of continuous phase transitions in a three dimensional U(1) model with 1/r^2 current-current interactions

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    We study a lattice model of interacting loops in three dimensions with a 1/r21/r^2 interaction. Using Monte Carlo, we find that the phase diagram contains a line of second-order phase transitions between a phase where the loops are gapped and a phase where they proliferate. The correlation length exponent and critical conductivity vary continuously along this line. Our model is exactly self-dual at a special point on the critical line, which allows us to calculate the critical conductivity exactly at this point.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Exact Results for the Bipartite Entanglement Entropy of the AKLT spin-1 chain

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    We study the entanglement between two domains of a spin-1 AKLT chain subject to open boundary conditions. In this case the ground-state manifold is four-fold degenerate. We summarize known results and present additional exact analytical results for the von Neumann entanglement entropy, as a function of both the size of the domains and the total system size for {\it all} four degenerate ground-states. In the large l,Ll,L limit the entanglement entropy approaches ln(2)\ln(2) and 2ln(2)2\ln(2) for the STz=±1S^z_T=\pm 1 and STz=0S^z_T=0 states, respectively. In all cases, it is found that this constant is approached exponentially fast defining a length scale ξ=1/ln(3)\xi=1/\ln(3) equal to the known bulk correlation length.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Comprehensive embryo testing. Experts opinions regarding future directions: an expert panel study on comprehensive embryo testing

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    What do scientists in the field of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) consider to be the future direction of comprehensive embryo testing? Although there are many biological and technical limitations, as well as uncertainties regarding the meaning of genetic variation, comprehensive embryo testing will impact the IVF/PGD practice and a timely ethical reflection is needed. Comprehensive testing using microarrays is currently being introduced in the context of PGD and PGS, and it is to be expected that whole-genome sequencing will also follow. Current ethical and empirical sociological research on embryo testing focuses on PGD as it is practiced now. However, empirical research and systematic reflection regarding the impact of comprehensive techniques for embryo testing is missing. In order to understand the potential of this technology and to be able to adequately foresee its implications, we held an expert panel with seven pioneers in PGD. We conducted an expert panel in October 2011 with seven PGD pioneers from Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and the UK. Participants expected the use of comprehensive techniques in the context of PGD. However, the introduction of these techniques in embryo testing requires timely ethical reflection as it involves a shift from choosing an embryo without a particular genetic disease (i.e. PGD) or most likely to result in a successful pregnancy (i.e. PGS) to choosing the best embryo based on a much wider set of criteria. Such ethical reflection should take account of current technical and biological limitations and also of current uncertainties with regard to the meaning of genetic variance. However, ethicists should also not be afraid to look into the future. There was a general agreement that embryo testing will be increasingly preceded by comprehensive preconception screening, thus enabling smart combinations of genetic testing. The group was composed of seven participants from four Western Europe countries. As willingness to participate in this study may be connected with expectations regarding the pace and direction of future developments, selection bias cannot be excluded. The introduction of comprehensive screening techniques in embryo testing calls for further ethical reflection that is grounded in empirical work. Specifically, there is a need for studies querying the opinions of infertile couples undergoing IVF/PGS regarding the desirability of embryo screening beyond aneuploidy. This research was supported by the CSG, Centre for Society and Life Sciences (project number: 70.1.074). The authors declare no conflict of interest. N/A

    A Superglass Phase of Interacting Bosons

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    We introduce a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian with random disordered interactions as a model to study the interplay of superfluidity and glassiness in a system of three-dimensional hard-core bosons at half-filling. Solving the model using large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we show that these disordered interactions promote a stable superglass phase, where superflow and glassy density localization coexist in equilibrium without exhibiting phase separation. The robustness of the superglass phase is underlined by its existence in a replica mean-field calculation on the infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian.Comment: 4 pages 3 figures: to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett

    Intraduodenal Administration of Intact Pea Protein Effectively Reduces Food Intake in Both Lean and Obese Male Subjects

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    BACKGROUND: Human duodenal mucosa secretes increased levels of satiety signals upon exposure to intact protein. However, after oral protein ingestion, gastric digestion leaves little intact proteins to enter the duodenum. This study investigated whether bypassing the stomach, through intraduodenal administration, affects hormone release and food-intake to a larger extent than orally administered protein in both lean and obese subjects. METHODS: Ten lean (BMI:23.0±0.7 kg/m²) and ten obese (BMI:33.4±1.4 kg/m²) healthy male subjects were included. All subjects randomly received either pea protein solutions (250 mg/kg bodyweight in 0.4 ml/kg bodyweight of water) or placebo (0.4 ml/kg bodyweight of water), either orally or intraduodenally via a naso-duodenal tube. Appetite-profile, plasma GLP-1, CCK, and PYY concentrations were determined over a 2 h period. After 2 h, subjects received an ad-libitum meal and food-intake was recorded. RESULTS: CCK levels were increased at 10(p<0.02) and 20(p<0.01) minutes after intraduodenal protein administration (IPA), in obese subjects, compared to lean subjects, but also compared to oral protein administration (OPA)(p<0.04). GLP-1 levels increased after IPA in obese subjects after 90(p<0.02) to 120(p<0.01) minutes, compared to OPA. Food-intake was reduced after IPA both in lean and obese subjects (-168.9±40 kcal (p<0.01) and -298.2±44 kcal (p<0.01), respectively), compared to placebo. Also, in obese subjects, food-intake was decreased after IPA (-132.6±42 kcal; p<0.01), compared to OPA. CONCLUSIONS: Prevention of gastric proteolysis through bypassing the stomach effectively reduces food intake, and seems to affect obese subjects to a greater extent than lean subjects. Enteric coating of intact protein supplements may provide an effective dietary strategy in the prevention/treatment of obesity

    Structure of S30 with S32(p,t)S30 and the thermonuclear P29(p,γ)S30 reaction rate

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    The structure of proton unbound S30 states is important for determining the P29(p,γ)S30 reaction rate, which influences explosive hydrogen burning in classical novae and type I x-ray bursts. The reaction rate in this temperature regime had been previously predicted to be dominated by two low-lying, unobserved, Jπ= 3+ and 2+ resonances above the proton threshold in S30. To search for these levels, the structure of S30 was studied using the S32(p,t)S30 transfer reaction with a magnetic spectrograph. We have confirmed a previous detection of a state near 4700 keV, which had tentatively been assigned Jπ=3+. We have also discovered a new state at 4814(3) keV, which is a strong candidate for the other important resonance (Jπ=2+). The new P29(p,γ)S30 reaction rate is up to 4-20 times larger than previously determined rates over the relevant temperature range. The uncertainty in the reaction rate due to uncertainties in the resonance energies has been significantly reduced. © 2010 The American Physical Society