3,591 research outputs found

    Chiral two-loop pion-pion scattering parameters from crossing-symmetric constraints

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    Constraints on the parameters in the one- and two-loop pion-pion scattering amplitudes of standard chiral perturbation theory are obtained from explicitly crossing-symmetric sum rules. These constraints are based on a matching of the chiral amplitudes and the physical amplitudes at the symmetry point of the Mandelstam plane. The integrals over absorptive parts appearing in the sum rules are decomposed into crossing-symmetric low- and high-energy components and the chiral parameters are finally related to high-energy absorptive parts. A first application uses a simple model of these absorptive parts. The sensitivity of the results to the choice of the energy separating high and low energies is examined with care. Weak dependence on this energy is obtained as long as it stays below ~560 MeV. Reliable predictions are obtained for three two-loop parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures in .eps files, Latex (RevTex), our version of RevTex runs under Latex2.09, submitted to Phys. Rev. D,minor typographical corrections including the number at the end of the abstract, two sentences added at the end of Section 5 in answer to a referee's remar

    On the precision of the theoretical predictions for pi pi scattering

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    In a recent paper, Pelaez and Yndurain evaluate some of the low energy observables of pi pi scattering and obtain flat disagreement with our earlier results. The authors work with unsubtracted dispersion relations, so that their results are very sensitive to the poorly known high energy behaviour of the scattering amplitude. They claim that the asymptotic representation we used is incorrect and propose an alternative one. We repeat their calculations on the basis of the standard, subtracted fixed-t dispersion relations, using their asymptotics. The outcome fully confirms our earlier findings. Moreover, we show that the Regge parametrization proposed by these authors for the region above 1.4 GeV violates crossing symmetry: Their ansatz is not consistent with the behaviour observed at low energies.Comment: Added more material, mostly in Sects. 7, 8 and 9, in support of the same conclusions. Latex, 28 pages, 3 figure

    Assessing movements of three buoy line types using DSTmilli Loggers: Implications for entanglements of bottlenose dolphins in the crab pot fishery

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    A study was conducted in October 2006 in the Charleston, South Carolina area to test the movements of three different buoy line types to determine which produced a preferred profile that could reduce the risk of dolphin entanglement. Tests on diamond-braided nylon commonly used in the crab pot fishery were compared with stiffened line of Esterpro and calf types in both shallow and deep water environments using DSTmilli data loggers. Loggers were placed at intervals along the lines to record depth, and thus movements, over a 24 hour period. Three observers viewed video animations and charts created for each of the six trial days from the collected logger data and provided their opinions on the most desirable line type that fit set criteria. A quantitative analysis (ANCOVA) of the data was conducted taking into consideration daily tidal fluctuations and logger movements. Loggers tracking the tides had an r2 value approaching 1.00 and produced little movement other than with the tides. Conversely, r2 values approaching 0.00 were less affected by tidal movement and influenced by currents that cause more erratic movement. Results from this study showed that stiffened line, in particular the medium lay Esterpro type, produced the more desirable profiles that could reduce risk of dolphin entanglement. Combining the observer’s results with the ANCOVA results, Esterpro was chosen nearly 60% of the time as opposed to the nylon line which was only chosen 10% of the time. ANCOVA results showed that the stiffened lines performed better in both the shallow and deep water environments, while the nylon line only performed better during one trial in a deep water set, most probably due to the increased current velocities experienced that day. (58pp.)(PDF contains 68 pages

    String Theory and Water Waves

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    We uncover a remarkable role that an infinite hierarchy of non-linear differential equations plays in organizing and connecting certain {hat c}<1 string theories non-perturbatively. We are able to embed the type 0A and 0B (A,A) minimal string theories into this single framework. The string theories arise as special limits of a rich system of equations underpinned by an integrable system known as the dispersive water wave hierarchy. We observe that there are several other string-like limits of the system, and conjecture that some of them are type IIA and IIB (A,D) minimal string backgrounds. We explain how these and several string-like special points arise and are connected. In some cases, the framework endows the theories with a non-perturbative definition for the first time. Notably, we discover that the Painleve IV equation plays a key role in organizing the string theory physics, joining its siblings, Painleve I and II, whose roles have previously been identified in this minimal string context.Comment: 49 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of the Higgs Boson of strong interaction via Compton scattering by the nucleon

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    It is shown that the Quark-Level Linear σ\sigma Model (QLLσ\sigmaM) leads to a prediction for the diamagnetic term of the polarizabilities of the nucleon which is in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The bare mass of the σ\sigma meson is predicted to be mσ=666m_\sigma=666 MeV and the two-photon width Γ(σγγ)=(2.6±0.3)\Gamma(\sigma\to\gamma\gamma)=(2.6\pm 0.3) keV. It is argued that the mass predicted by the QLLσ\sigmaM corresponds to the γγσNN\gamma\gamma\to\sigma\to NN reaction, i.e. to a tt-channel pole of the γNNγ\gamma N\to N\gamma reaction. Large -angle Compton scattering experiments revealing effects of the σ\sigma meson in the differential cross section are discussed. Arguments are presented that these findings may be understood as an observation of the Higgs boson of strong interaction while being part of the constituent quark.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Location, correlation, radiation: where is the σ\sigma, what is its structure and what is its coupling to photons?

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    Scalar mesons are a key expression of the infrared regime of QCD. The lightest of these is the σ\sigma. Now that its pole in the complex energy plane has been precisely located, we can ask whether this state is transiently qˉq{\bar q}q or qqˉqq{\bar {qq}} qq or a multi-meson molecule or largely glue? The two photon decay of the σ\sigma can, in principle, discriminate between these possibilities. We review here how the γγπ+π\gamma\gamma\to\pi^+\pi^-, π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 cross-sections can be accurately computed. The result not only agrees with experiment, but definitively fixes the radiative coupling of the σ\sigma. This equates to a two photon width of (4.1±0.3)(4.1 \pm 0.3) keV, which accords with the simple non-relativistic quark model expectation for a uˉu,dˉd{\bar u}u, {\bar d}d scalar. Nevertheless, robust predictions from relativistic strong coupling QCD are required for each of the possible compositions before we can be sure which one really delivers the determined γγ\gamma\gamma coupling.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. To be published in Modern Physics Letters A A number of references updated and three sentences changed in the text to reflect thes

    Effectors of filamentous plant pathogens: Commonalities amid diversity

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    Fungi and oomycetes are filamentous microorganisms that include a diversity of highly developed pathogens of plants. These are sophisticated modulators of plant processes that secrete an arsenal of effector proteins to target multiple host cell compartments and enable parasitic infection. Genome sequencing revealed complex catalogues of effectors of filamentous pathogens, with some species harboring hundreds of effector genes. Although a large fraction of these effector genes encode secreted proteins with weak or no sequence similarity to known proteins, structural studies have revealed unexpected similarities amid the diversity. This article reviews progress in our understanding of effector structure and function in light of these new insights. We conclude that there is emerging evidence for multiple pathways of evolution of effectors of filamentous plant pathogens but that some families have probably expanded from a common ancestor by duplication and diversification. Conserved folds, such as the oomycete WY and the fungal MAX domains, are not predictive of the precise function of the effectors but serve as a chassis to support protein structural integrity while providing enough plasticity for the effectors to bind different host proteins and evolve unrelated activities inside host cells. Further effector evolution and diversification arise via short linear motifs, domain integration and duplications, and oligomerization

    Research and education in management of large-scale technical programs

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    A research effort is reported which was conducted by NASA in conjunction with Drexel University, and which was aimed at an improved understanding of large scale systems technology and management

    Atlantis II : cruise 102 : preliminary CTD data from Jasin 1978

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    102 profiles of conductivity, temperature, and depth (pressure) (CTD) were taken in the JASIN area northwest of Scotland in July-September 1978. These stations consisted of single and yo-yo profiles. The data set includes 14 stations taken near Anton Dohrn Seamount at 57°30'N, 11°W . Plotted profiles of temperature, salinity, sigma-theta, and buoyancy frequency, and a listing of the data, are included for most stations.Prepared for the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-76-G-0197, NR 083-400, and for the National Science Foundation under Grant OCE77-25803