9,186 research outputs found

    Can prominences form in current sheets

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    Two-dimensional numerical simulations of the formation of cold condensations in a vertical current sheet have been performed using the radiative, resistive MHD equations with line-tied boundary conditions at one end of the sheet. Prominence-like condensations are observed to appear above and below an X-line produced by the onset of the tearing-mode instability. Cooling in the sheet is initiated by Ohmic decay, with the densest condensations occurring in the region downstream of a fast-mode shock. This shock, which is due to the line-tied boundary conditions, terminates one of the two supermagnetosonic reconnection jets that develop when the tearing is fully developed. The condensation properties of shock waves, which may trigger or considerably enhance the conditions for thermal condensation are emphasized

    On the thermal durability of solar prominences, or how to evaporate a prominence

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    The thermal disappearance of solar prominences under strong perturbations due to wave heating, Ohmic heating, viscous heating or conduction was investigated. Specifically, how large a thermal perturbation is needed to destroy a stable thermal equilibrium was calculated. It was found that the prominence plasma appears to be thermally very rugged. Its cold equilibrium may most likely be destroyed by either strong magnetic heating or conduction in a range of parameters which is relevant to flares

    Catastrophe versus instability for the eruption of a toroidal solar magnetic flux rope

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    The onset of a solar eruption is formulated here as either a magnetic catastrophe or as an instability. Both start with the same equation of force balance governing the underlying equilibria. Using a toroidal flux rope in an external bipolar or quadrupolar field as a model for the current-carrying flux, we demonstrate the occurrence of a fold catastrophe by loss of equilibrium for several representative evolutionary sequences in the stable domain of parameter space. We verify that this catastrophe and the torus instability occur at the same point; they are thus equivalent descriptions for the onset condition of solar eruptions.Comment: V2: update to conform to the published article; new choice for internal inductance of torus; updated Fig. 2; new Figs. 3, 5, and

    Kaon Condensation in a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) Model at High Density

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    We demonstrate a fully self-consistent microscopic realization of a kaon-condensed colour-flavour locked state (CFLK0) within the context of a mean-field NJL model at high density. The properties of this state are shown to be consistent with the QCD low-energy effective theory once the proper gauge neutrality conditions are satisfied, and a simple matching procedure is used to compute the pion decay constant, which agrees with the perturbative QCD result. The NJL model is used to compare the energies of the CFLK0 state to the parity even CFL state, and to determine locations of the metal/insulator transition to a phase with gapless fermionic excitations in the presence of a non-zero hypercharge chemical potential and a non-zero strange quark mass. The transition points are compared with results derived previously via effective theories and with partially self-consistent NJL calculations. We find that the qualitative physics does not change, but that the transitions are slightly lower.Comment: 21 pages, ReVTeX4. Clarified discussion and minor change

    Zero Temperature Thermodynamics of Asymmetric Fermi Gases at Unitarity

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    The equation of state of a dilute two-component asymmetric Fermi gas at unitarity is subject to strong constraints, which affect the spatial density profiles in atomic traps. These constraints require the existence of at least one non-trivial partially polarized (asymmetric) phase. We determine the relation between the structure of the spatial density profiles and the T=0 equation of state, based on the most accurate theoretical predictions available. We also show how the equation of state can be determined from experimental observations.Comment: 10 pages and 7 figures. (Minor changes to correspond with published version.

    Vibration effects on heat transfer in cryogenic systems Quarterly progress report, Jul. 1 - Sep. 30, 1967

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    Water test apparatus used to determine vibration effects on heat transfer in cryogenic system

    Moyal star product approach to the Bohr-Sommerfeld approximation

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    The Bohr-Sommerfeld approximation to the eigenvalues of a one-dimensional quantum Hamiltonian is derived through order 2\hbar^2 (i.e., including the first correction term beyond the usual result) by means of the Moyal star product. The Hamiltonian need only have a Weyl transform (or symbol) that is a power series in \hbar, starting with 0\hbar^0, with a generic fixed point in phase space. The Hamiltonian is not restricted to the kinetic-plus-potential form. The method involves transforming the Hamiltonian to a normal form, in which it becomes a function of the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian. Diagrammatic and other techniques with potential applications to other normal form problems are presented for manipulating higher order terms in the Moyal series.Comment: 27 pages, no figure