26,904 research outputs found

    Active Thrusting and Folding Along the Northern Tien Shan and Late Cenozoic Rotation of the Tarim Relative to Dzungaria and Kazakhstan

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    We have studied geometries and rates of late Cenozoic thrust faulting and folding along the northern piedmont of the Tien Shan mountain belt, West of Urumqi, where the M= 8.3 Manas earthquake occurred on December 23, 1906. The northern range of the Tien Shan, rising above 5000 m, overthrusts a flexural foredeep, filled with up to 11,000 m of sediment, of the Dzungarian basement. Our fieldwork reveals that the active thrust reaches the surface 30 km north of the range front, within a 200-km-long zone of Neogene-Quaternary anticlines. Fault scarps are clearest across inset terraces within narrow valleys incised through the anticlines by large rivers flowing down from the range. In all the valleys, the scarps offset vertically the highest terrace surface by the same amount (10.2±0.7 m). Inferring an early Holocene age (10±2 kyr) for this terrace, which is continuous with the largest recent fans of the piedmont, yields a rate of vertical throw of 1.0±0.3mm/yr on the main active thrust at the surface. A quantitative morphological analysis of the degradation of terrace edges that are offset by the thrust corroborates such a rate and yields a mass diffusivity of 5.5±2.5 m^2/kyr. A rather fresh surface scarp, 0.8±0.15 m high, that is unlikely to result from shallow earthquakes with 6 < M < 7 in the last 230 years, is visible at the extremities of the main fold zone. We associate this scarp with the 1906 Manas earthquake and infer that a structure comprising a deep basement ramp under the range, gently dipping flats in the foreland, and shallow ramps responsible for the formation of the active, fault propagation anticlines could have been activated by that earthquake. If so, the return period of a 1906 type event would be 850 ±380 years. The small size of the scarp for an earthquake of this magnitude suggests that a large fraction of the slip at depth (≈2/3) is taken up by incremental folding near the surface. Comparable earthquakes might activate flat detachments and ramp anticlines at a distance from the front of other rising Quaternary ranges such as the San Gabriel mountains in California or the Mont Blanc-Aar massifs in the Alps. We estimate the finite Cenozoic shortening of the folded Dzungarian sediments to be of the order of 30 km and the Cenozoic shortening rate to have been 3 ± 1.5 mm/yr. Assuming comparable shortening along the Tarim piedmont and minor additional active thrusting within the mountain belt, we infer the rate of shortening across the Tien Shan to be at least 6 ± 3 mm/yr at the longitude of Manas (≈85.5°E). A total shortening of 125±30 km is estimated from crustal thickening, assuming local Airy isostatic equilibrium. Under the same assumption, serial N-S sections imply that Cenozoic shortening across the belt increases westwards to 203±50 km at the longitude of Kashgar (≈ 76 °E), as reflected by the westward increase of the width of the belt. This strain gradient implies a clockwise rotation of Tarim relative to Dzungaria and Kazakhstan of 7±2.5° around a pole located near the eastern extremity of the Tien Shan, west of Hami (≈96°E, 43.5°N), comparable to that revealed by paleomagnetism between Tarim and Dzungaria (8.6° ± 8.7°). A 6 mm/yr rate of shortening at the longitude of Manas would imply a rate of rotation of 0.45°/m.y. and would be consistent with a shortening rate of 12 mm/yr north of Kashgar. Taking such values to be representative of Late Cenozoic rates would place the onset of reactivation of the Tien Shan by the India-Asia collision in the early to middle Miocene (16 +22/−9 m.y.), in accord with the existence of particularly thick late Neogene and Quaternary deposits. Such reactivation would thus have started much later than the collision, roughly at the time of the great mid-Miocene changes in tectonic regimes, denudation and sedimentation rates observed in southeast Asia, the Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal, and of the correlative rapid change in seawater Sr isotopic ratio (20 to 15 Ma). Like these other changes, the rise of the Tien Shan might be a distant consequence of the end of Indochina's escape

    Sequential nature of damage annealing and activation in implanted GaAs

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    Rapid thermal processing of implanted GaAs reveals a definitive sequence in the damage annealing and the electrical activation of ions. Removal of implantation-induced damage and restoration of GaAs crystallinity occurs first. Irrespective of implanted species, at this stage the GaAs is n-type and highly resistive with almost ideal values of electron mobility. Electrical activation is achieved next when, in a narrow anneal temperature window, the material becomes n- or p-type, or remains semi-insulating, commensurate to the chemical nature of the implanted ion. Such a two-step sequence in the electrical doping of GaAs by ion implantation may be unique of GaAs and other compound semiconductors

    Effect of aging on the reinforcement efficiency of carbon nanotubes in epoxy matrix

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    The reinforcement efficiency of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in epoxy matrix was investigated in the elastic regime. Cyclic uniaxial tensile tests were performed at constant strain amplitude and increasing maximum strain. Post-curing of the epoxy and its composite at a temperature close to the glass transition temperature allowed us to explore the effect of aging on the reinforcement efficiency of CNT. It is found that the reinforcement efficiency is compatible with a mean field mixture rule of stress reinforcement by random inclusions. It also diminishes when the maximum strain increased and this effect is amplified by aging. The decrease of elastic modulus with increasing cyclic maximum strain is quite similar to the one observed for filled elastomers with increasing strain amplitude, a phenomenon often referred as the Payne effect

    Radio/X-ray Offsets of Large Scale Jets Caused by Synchrotron Time Lags

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    In the internal shock scenario, we argue that electrons in most kpc (or even larger) scale jets can be accelerated to energies high enough to emit synchrotron X-rays, if shocks exist on these scales. These high energy electrons emit synchrotron radiation at high frequencies and cool as they propagate downstream along the jet, emitting at progressively lower frequencies and resulting in time lags and hence radio/X-ray (and optical/X-ray if the optical knot is detectable) offsets at bright knots, with the centroids of X-ray knots being closer to the core. Taking into account strong effects of jet expansion, the behaviour of radio/X-ray and optical/X-ray offsets at bright knots in M87, Cen A, 3C 66B, 3C 31, 3C 273, and PKS 1127-145 is consistent with that of synchrotron time lags due to radiative losses. This suggests that the large scale X-ray and optical jets in these sources are due to synchrotron emission.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Breaking Discrete Symmetries in Broken Gauge Theories

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    We study the spontaneous breaking of discrete symmetries in theories with broken gauge symmetry. The intended application is to CP breaking in theories with gauged flavor symmetries, but the analysis described here is preliminary. We dispense with matter fields and take the gauge theory to be weakly coupled and broken spontaneously by unspecified, short-distance forces. We develop an effective-field-theory description of the resultant low energy theory, and ask whether this theory by itself can describe the subsequent breaking of discrete symmetries. We conclude that this can happen depending on the parameters of the effective theory, and that the intrinsic violation is naturally of order unity.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, corrected typos, added a referenc

    Error Propagation Mitigation in Sliding Window Decoding of Braided Convolutional Codes

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    We investigate error propagation in sliding window decoding of braided convolutional codes (BCCs). Previous studies of BCCs have focused on iterative decoding thresholds, minimum distance properties, and their bit error rate (BER) performance at small to moderate frame length. Here, we consider a sliding window decoder in the context of large frame length or one that continuously outputs blocks in a streaming fashion. In this case, decoder error propagation, due to the feedback inherent in BCCs, can be a serious problem.In order to mitigate the effects of error propagation, we propose several schemes: a \emph{window extension algorithm} where the decoder window size can be extended adaptively, a resynchronization mechanism where we reset the encoder to the initial state, and a retransmission strategy where erroneously decoded blocks are retransmitted. In addition, we introduce a soft BER stopping rule to reduce computational complexity, and the tradeoff between performance and complexity is examined. Simulation results show that, using the proposed window extension algorithm, resynchronization mechanism, and retransmission strategy, the BER performance of BCCs can be improved by up to four orders of magnitude in the signal-to-noise ratio operating range of interest, and in addition the soft BER stopping rule can be employed to reduce computational complexity.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1801.0323

    How many radio-loud quasars can be detected by the Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope?

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    In the unification scheme, radio quasars and FR II radio galaxies come from the same parent population, but viewed at different angles. Based on the Comptonization models for the gamma-ray emission from active galactic nuclei (AGNs), we estimate the number of radio quasars and FR II radio galaxies to be detected by the Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) using the luminosity function (LF) of their parent population derived from the flat-spectrum radio quasar (FSRQ) LF. We find that ~1200 radio quasars will be detected by GLAST, if the soft seed photons for Comptonization come from the regions outside the jets. We also consider the synchrotron self-Comptonization (SSC) model, and find it unlikely to be responsible for gamma-ray emission from radio quasars. We find that no FR II radio galaxies will be detected by GLAST. Our results show that most radio AGNs to be detected by GLAST will be FSRQs (~99 % for the external Comptonization model, EC model), while the remainder (~1 %) will be steep-spectrum radio quasars (SSRQs). This implies that FSRQs will still be good candidates for identifying gamma-ray AGNs even for the GLAST sources. The contribution of all radio quasars and FR II radio galaxies to the extragalactic gamma-ray background (EGRB) is calculated, which accounts for ~30 % of the EGRB.Comment: 4 pages, accepted by ApJ Letter

    Measurement of the mass of the Ï„ lepton

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    A data-driven energy scan in the immediate vicinity of the τ pair production threshold has been performed using the Beijing Spectrometer at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider. Approximately 5 pb^(-1) of data, distributed over 12 scan points, have been collected. A previous mass value for the τ lepton, obtained using only the eμ final state, has been published. In this paper, the final BES result on the mass measurement is presented. The analysis is based on the combined data from the ee, eμ, eh, μμ, μh, and hh final states, where h denotes a charged π or K. A maximum likelihood fit to the τ pair production cross section data yields the value m_τ=1776.96_(-0.21)-0.17^(+0.18+0.25) MeV
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