188 research outputs found

    Uso de múltiplos antimicrobianos por pacientes clínicos: um índice prognóstico de mortalidade hospitalar

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    PURPOSE: To quantify the use of multiple and prolonged antibiotics and anti-infective drug therapy in clinical patients in a 144-bed hospital. METHODS: Adult patients (2,790 patients with 3,706 admissions over a period of 19 months) were investigated prospectively regarding treatment with anti-infective agents. The mean age was 57.4 (range, 18.8 - 97 years), and 54.3% were females (2012). RESULTS: Hospital stay was 5.5 (6.7 days (range, 2 - 226 days), with duration up to 10 days for 91.9% of the subjects. Antibiotics or other agents were administered to 1,166 subjects (31.5%), 325 (8.8%) required assistance in the ICU, and a total of 141 (3.8%) died. The association between anti-infective drug therapy and hospital mortality was statistically significant (P < .01) with a strong linear correlation (r = 0.902, P = .014). The quantity of prescribed antimicrobial drugs, age, and need for ICU assistance were independent variables for death by logistic regression analysis. The odds ratio for anti-infective drug therapy was 1.341 (1.043 to 1.725); for age, 1.042 ( 1.026 to 1.058); and for stay in the ICU, 11.226 ( 6.648 to 18.957). CONCLUSIONS: 1) The use of large amounts of anti-infective drug therapy was associated with higher hospital mortality according to both univariate and logistic regression analysis; 2) The adverse influence was less marked than that of hospitalization in ICU but of a similar order of magnitude as age; 3) Further studies should elucidate whether infectious foci, noninfectious morbidity, or drug effects underlie this undesirable concurrence.OBJETIVOS: Tendo como propósito quantificar o uso múltiplo ou prolongado de antibióticos e quimioterápicos antimicrobianos em pacientes clínicos, um estudo prospective foi executado em um hospital de 144 leitos. MÉTODOS: Enfermos adultos tratados com antibióticos e quimioterrápicos anti-infecciosos (2.790 pacientes com 3.706 internações) foram investigados. A duração da hospitalização foi de 5,5 &plusmn; 6,7 dias (2 -226), sendo o prazo de até 10 dias em 91,0% da população. A idade era de 57.4 &plusmn;18.8 anos (20 -97), e 54.3% eram mulheres (2.012). Antibióticos e outros agentes foram administrados a 1.166 indivíduos (31,5%); 325 (8,8%) necessitaram de assistência na unidade de terapia intensiva, e no total 141 (3,8%) faleceram. RESULTADOS: A associação entre medicação antiinfecciosa e mortalidade hospitalar foi estatisticamente significativa (p< 0,01) com forte correlação linear (r= 0,902, p=0,014). A quantidade de antimicrobianos prescritos, a idade e o requerimento de cuidados intensivos foram variáveis independentes para óbito na regressão logística. O cálculo do "odds ratio" para a medicação analisada assinalava probabilidade de desfecho negativo de 1,341 (1,043 a 1,725) para múltiplos antimicrobianos, para a idade de 1,042 (1,026 a 1,058), e para admissão na UTI de 11,226 (6,648 a 18,957). CONCLUSÕES: 1) O uso de grandes quantidades de agentes antimicrobianos associou-se com mortalidade hospitalar aumentada tanto pela análise univariada como na regressão logística; 2) Seu efeito adverso foi menos marcado que o associado à internação na unidade de cuidados intensivos, porém de magnitude semelhante ao da idade; 3) Estudos adicionais são necessários para elucidar se este resultado indesejável se prende à ação de focos infecciosos subjacentes, à morbidade não infecciosa ou aos efeitos colaterais das drogas utilizadas

    Alterações nos compartimentos hídricos e energéticos do organismo durante a greve de fome

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    Prolonged total food deprivation in non-obese adults is rare, and few studies have documented body composition changes in this setting. In a group of eight hunger strikers who refused alimentation for 43 days, water and energy compartments were estimated, aiming to assess the impact of progressive starvation. Measurements included body mass index (BMI), triceps skinfold (TSF), arm muscle circumference (AMC), and bioimpedance (BIA) determinations of water, fat, lean body mass (LBM), and total resistance. Indirect calorimetry was also performed in one occasion. The age of the group was 43.3±6.2 years (seven males, one female). Only water, intermittent vitamins and electrolytes were ingested, and average weight loss reached 17.9%. On the last two days of the fast (43rd-44th day) rapid intravenous fluid, electrolyte, and vitamin replenishment were provided before proceeding with realimentation. Body fat decreased approximately 60% (BIA and TSF), whereas BMI reduced only 18%. Initial fat was estimated by BIA as 52.2±5.4% of body weight, and even on the 43rd day it was still measured as 19.7±3.8% of weight. TSF findings were much lower and commensurate with other anthropometric results. Water was comparatively low with high total resistance, and these findings rapidly reversed upon the intravenous rapid hydration. At the end of the starvation period, BMI (21.5±2.6 kg/m²) and most anthropometric determinations were still acceptable, suggesting efficient energy and muscle conservation. Conclusions: 1) All compartments diminished during fasting, but body fat was by far the most affected; 2) Total water was low and total body resistance comparatively elevated, but these findings rapidly reversed upon rehydration; 3) Exaggerated fat percentage estimates from BIA tests and simultaneous increase in lean body mass estimates suggested that this method was inappropriate for assessing energy compartments in the studied population; 4) Patients were not morphologically malnourished after 43 days of fasting; however, the prognostic impact of other impairments was not considered in this analysis.A privação total e prolongada de alimentos em adultos não-obesos é raramente vista, e poucos estudos documentaram as modificações da composição corpórea neste contexto.Num grupo de oito casos de greve de fome durante 43 dias, procedeu-se à estimativa dos compartimentos hídricos e energéticos, visando averiguar a influência sobre os mesmos da desnutrição progressiva.Os métodos incluiram índice de massa corporal (IMC), prega cutânea do tríceps (PCT), circunferência muscular do braço, e determinação através da bioimpedância (BIA) da água, massa gorda, massa magra e resistência corpórea total..A calorimetria indireta foi realizada em uma ocasião apenas.A idade do grupo era de 43,3± 6,2 anos (sete homens, uma mulher), somente água e ocasionais eletrólitos e vitaminas foram ingeridos no jejum, e a perda de peso média foi de 17,9%. Por volta do 43º dia da greve iniciou-se a reposição venosa rápida de fluidos, vitaminas e eletrólitos,antes de se prosseguir com a realimentação.A gordura corporal diminuiu em aproximadamente 60% (BIA e PCT), ao passo que o IMC caiu apenas 18%.A estimativa da gordura total inicial por BIA foi de 52,2± 5,4% do peso corporal, e mesmo no 43º dia do evento o valor calculado era de 19,7± 3,8% do peso.Os valores correspondentes deduzidos da PCT mostraram-se substancialmente inferiores, e mais compatíveis com os demais índices antropométricos. A água corporal revelou-se inicialmente contraída, com resistência elevada,sendo que estes achados se reverteram rapidamente por ocasião da hidratação venosa rápida.Quando do término da greve de fome o IMC (21,5± 2,6 kg/m²) e outras variáveis antropométricas revelavam-se numericamente aceitáveis, sugerindo eficiente conservação de musculatura e energia na fase de dieta zero.Conclui-se que: 1) Todos os compartimentos orgânicos se contrairam na greve de fome, porém o tecido adiposo foi de longe o mais afetado; 2) A água corporal mostrou-se reduzida com elevada resistência total, mas estes achados inverteram-se prontamente mediante hidratação parenteral; 3) O encontro de gordura total excessiva e de aumento da massa magra com o avançar do jejum sugerem que as leituras de BIA são inapropriadas para esta população e fornecem resultados incoerentes; 4) Com base nos parâmetros expostos os doentes não estavam morfologicamente desnutridos ao cabo de 43 dias, todavia não foram aqui avaliados outros transtornos de considerável importância prognóstica

    Comparison of two peptide radiotracers for prostate carcinoma targeting

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    OBJECTIVES: Scintigraphy is generally not the first choice treatment for prostate cancer, although successful studies using bombesin analog radiopeptides have been performed. Recently, a novel peptide obtained using a phage display library demonstrated an affinity for prostate tumor cells. The aim of this study was to compare the use of a bombesin analog to that of a phage display library peptide (DUP-1) radiolabeled with technetium-99m for the treatment of prostate carcinoma. The peptides were first conjugated to S-acetyl-MAG3 with a 6-carbon spacer, namely aminohexanoic acid. METHODS: The technetium-99m labeling required a sodium tartrate buffer. Radiochemical evaluation was performed using ITLC and was confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The coefficient partition was determined, and in vitro studies were performed using human prostate tumor cells. Biodistribution was evaluated in healthy animals at various time points and also in mice bearing tumors. RESULTS: The radiochemical purity of both radiotracers was greater than 95%. The DUP-1 tracer was more hydrophilic (log P = -2.41) than the bombesin tracer (log P = -0.39). The biodistribution evaluation confirmed this hydrophilicity by revealing the greater kidney uptake of DUP-1. The bombesin concentration in the pancreas was greater than that of DUP-1 due to specific gastrin-releasing peptide receptors. Bombesin internalization occurred for 78.32% of the total binding in tumor cells. The DUP-1 tracer showed very low binding to tumor cells during the in vitro evaluation, although tumor uptake for both tracers was similar. The tumors were primarily blocked by DUP1 and the bombesin radiotracer primarily targeted the pancreas. CONCLUSION: Further studies with the radiolabeled DUP-1 peptide are recommended. With further structural changes, this molecule could become an efficient alternative tracer for prostate tumor diagnosis

    Baixos níveis de glicemia e outras complicações durante suplementação de hormônio do crescimento na sepse

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    O perfil glicêmico esperado em pacientes pós-operatórios sépticos recebendo nutrição enteral de elevado teor calórico é de valores sanguíneos no limite superior do normal ou mesmo hiperglicemia moderada.A adição de hormônio do crescimento (GH) como agente anabólico deveria reforçar ainda mais esta tendência.Num paciente com câncer submetido a gastrectomia parcial e linfadenectomia, que se complicou no pós operatório com abscesso subfrênico e sepse prolongada, administrou-se conjuntamente dieta de sonda (38,3 kcal/kg/dia) e GH (0,17 UI/kg/dia).Antes da introdução de GH as taxas glicêmicas situavam-se nos limites inferiores do normal, e esta tendência persistiu durante a maior parte do período terapêutico.Duas complicações adicionais, nominalmente parada cardíaca e edema periférico, foram documentadas nesta mesma etapa.Conclui-se que a sepse é o mais provável mecanismo de redução da glicemia neste caso, e que o emprego de dieta enteral e de GH não conseguiu prevenir tal efeito.É questionável se a parada cardíaca foi devida ao suplemento hormonal, mas o edema periférico é um secundarismo bem conhecido deste agente em estudos clínicos.Blood glucose levels in the high normal range or even moderate hyperglycemia is the expected profile in septic postoperative patients receiving high-calorie enteral alimentation. The addition of growth hormone as an anabolic agent should additionally reinforce this tendency. In a cancer patient undergoing partial gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy and suffering from postoperative subphrenic abscess and prolonged sepsis, tube feeding (38.3 kcal/kg/day) and growth hormone (0.17 IU/kg/day) were simultaneously administered for 25 days. Blood glucose levels were in the lower limits of the normal range before growth hormone introduction, and continued with a similar tendency during most of the therapeutic period. Two additional complications, namely heart arrest and peripheral edema, were documented during the same period. It is concluded that sepsis was the most likely mechanism for low glucose values, and that high-calorie enteral diet and growth hormone supplementation did not prevent that result. It is uncertain whether heart arrest was due to the drug, but its association with peripheral edema is well documented in clinical series

    Correlação entre estado nutricional e ingestão alimentar em pacientes de hemodiálise

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    BACKGROUND: Patients in end-stage renal disease often suffer from poor appetite, various comorbidities, and dietary restrictions. Despite regular hemodialysis, nutritional imbalances are frequently reported. Aiming to correlate nutritional status with food ingestion, a prospective study was done in an outpatient group. METHODS: Stable patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis for at least 3 months (n = 44) were investigated by dietary recall and standard anthropometric, biochemical, and bioimpedance determinations, including subjective and objective global assessment. The mean age of the group was 47.0 &plusmn; 16.9 years, and 63.6% were men. Body mass index was 22.2 &plusmn; 3.9 kg/m² (mean &plusmn; SD), calorie intake was 1471 &plusmn; 601 kcal/day (20.7 &plusmn; 6.7 kcal/kg/day), and protein ingestion was 74.3 &plusmn; 16.6 g protein/day (1.2 g/kg/day). Dietary and clinical findings were correlated with nutritional indices by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Malnutrition estimated by subjective global assessment was very common (>;90%), despite the fact that body mass index and serum albumin were within an acceptable range in the majority of the population. Objective global assessment yelded roughly comparable numerical findings, with 6.8% being well nourished, 61.4% at nutritional risk or lightly undernourished, 29.6% moderately malnourished, and 2.3% severely malnourished. Total calorie intake was devoid of associations, but protein, carbohydrate, and lipid input positively correlated with triceps skinfold (P=.02). Lipid ingestion was the only marker directly associated with arm circumference, and it correlated with body mass index, as well as with total body fat (bioimpedance analysis) (POBJETIVOS: Pacientes em fase final de enfermidade renal frequentemente sofrem de falta de apetite, várias comorbidades e restrições dietéticas, e a despeito de hemodiálise regular, desequilíbrios nutricionais são frequentemente relatados. Com o propósito de correlacionar estado nutricional com ingestão alimentar, um estudo prospectivo foi realizado com pacientes ambulatoriais. MÉTODOS: Doentes estáveis sibmetidos a hemodiálise crônica por no mínimo 3 meses (n= 44) foram investigados mediante recordatório alimentar e determinações convencionais antropométricas, bioquímicas e de bioimpedância , incluindo-se avaliação global subjetiva e também objetiva. A idade do grupo era de 47.0 &plusmn; 16.9 anos com 63.6% de homens. O índice de massa corporal situava-se em 22.2 &plusmn; 3.9 kg/m2, a ingestão calórica foi de 1471 &plusmn; 601 kcal/dia (20.7 &plusmn; 6.7 kcal/kg/dia) e o consumo proteico atingiu 74.3 &plusmn; 16.6 g proteina/dia (1.2 g/kg/dia) . As variáveis dietéticas e clínicas foram correlacionadas com os índices nutricionais através da análise de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: A desnutrição estimada pela avalia;áo global subjetiva foi muito comum (>;90%), apesar de que o índice de massa corporal e a taxa de albumina estavam aceitáveis na maioria da população. A avaliação objetiva global evidenciou resultados numericamente parecidos, com 6,8% bem nutridos, 61,4% com risco nutricional ou desnutrição leve, 29,6% no patamar moderado e 2,3% exibindo desnutrição grave. O ganho calórico total não apresentou associações, todavia ingressos de proteina, carboidratos e lípides se correlacionaram positivamente com a prega cutânea do tríceps (P=0.02). Apenas a ingestão lipídica associou-se diretamente com a circunferência do braço, demonstrando ainda correlação com o índice de massa corporal bem como com a gordura corpórea total (bioimpedância) (

    The rare presentations of a large polyp and an esophageal carcinoma in heterotropic gastric mucosa: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Heterotopic gastric mucosa (HGM) is commonly seen in the upper esophagus during endoscopyand is generally considered a benign disease. A hyperplastic polyp and an adenocarcinoma arising in heterotopic gastric mucosa are quite rare occurences.</p> <p>Case presentations</p> <p>We present two cases: The first is a patient who suffered from dysphagia because of a large hyperplastic polyp that arose from HGM; the polyp was excised endoscopically. Secondly, we report a rare case of adenocarcinoma arising in HGM of the cervical esophagus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Morphologic changes or malignant transformation can develop in the inlet patch. Therefore, gastroenterologists should be aware of the possibility of HGM just distal to the upper esophageal sphincter.</p

    The effect of obesity on spirometry tests among healthy non-smoking adults

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The effects of obesity on pulmonary functions have not been addressed previously among Saudi population. We aim to study the effects of obesity on spirometry tests among healthy non-smoking adults.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross sectional study conducted among volunteers healthy non-smoking adults Subjects. We divided the subjects into two groups according to their BMI. The first group consisted of non-obese subjects with BMI of 18 to 24.9 kg/m2 and the second group consisted of obese subjects with BMI of 30 kg/m2 and above. Subjects underwent spirometry tests according to American thoracic society standards with measurement of the following values: the forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), peak expiratory flow rate (PEF) and forced mid-expiratory flow (FEF25-75).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The total subjects were 294 with a mean age of 32 years. There were 178 males and 116 females subjects. We found no significant differences in FEV1 (p value = 0.686), FVC (p value = 0.733), FEV1/FVC Ratio (p value = 0.197) and FEF25-75 (p value = 0.693) between the obese and non-obese subjects. However, there was significantly difference in PEF between the two groups (p value < 0.020).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Obesity does not have effect on the spirometry tests (except PEF) among health non-smoking adults. We recommend searching for alternative diagnosis in case of findings abnormal spirometry tests results among obese subjects.</p