30 research outputs found

    Análises fitoquímicas em extrato das folhas de Anthurium affine Schott (milho de urubu)

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    Apesar da ampla disposição de medicamentos no mercado, muitas dificuldades ainda existem quanto ao tratamento de determinados tipos de doenças, como é o caso das dermatites nos animais domésticos, mais especificamente nos cães. Apoiando-se na hipótese de que plantas da família das Araceae podem oferecer insumos importantes no tratamento deste tipo de doença, idealizou-se este trabalho tendo-se como principal objetivo estudar mais precisamente a composição fitoquímica do Anthurium affine Schott (A. affine), conhecido popularmente como “milho de urubu”. A partir de amostras da planta colhidas na Região Metropolitana do Grande Recife, foi confeccionado o extrato hidroalcóolico (etanol a 70%), das folhas da planta, sendo colocado para maceração por sete dias. A partir desta etapa o material foi submetido a procedimentos de filtragem e caracterização do extrato final obtido. Posteriormente, alíquotas deste material foram colhidas e trabalhadas para a realização dos ensaios de identificação fitoquímica, conforme protocolo padrão disponível na literatura. Como resultados, obteve-se um extrato hidroalcóolico da planta na concentração de 85 mg/mL; as análises fitoquímicas apresentaram resposta positiva para taninos, flavonóides, alcalóides e saponinas. Verificou-se que o A. affine apresentou um potencial fitoterápico mais rico do que normalmente se apresenta, embora estudos mais precisos sejam necessários para se avaliar os reais riscos de toxicidade no uso terapêutico da planta, como também para melhor definir os mecanismos de ação por traz dos efeitos farmacológicos atribuídos aos seus extratos

    Histopathologic aspects of splenic fragments autotransplanted in rats

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    The splenic tissue autograft viability (one third of the spleen) associated to parcial splenectomy was studied to verify the evolutive kinetic of its regeneration by macroscopic and histological aspects. Twenty-eight adult male Wistar rats, weighting 300g, were distributed in four experimental groups. Each animal was submitted to parcial splenectomy and one fragment of each spleen was autotransplanted to the greater omentum, for a period of 30, 60, 90, and 120 days. After each period, the autotransplanted splenic tissues were collected and histopathologically analyzed. The results showed regeneration of the splenic capsule, blood vessels, white pulp, and red pulp. After 90 days, the microscopic architecture was similar to the normal spleen.Estudou-se a viabilidade do autotransplante de tecido esplênico, um terço do baço, associado à esplenectomia parcial, e verificou-se a cinética evolutiva de sua regeneração, sob o aspecto macroscópico e histológico. Foram utilizados 28 ratos Wistar, adultos, machos, com média de peso de 300g, distribuídos em quatro grupos experimentais. Cada animal foi submetido à esplenectomia parcial, e um fragmento de baço foi transplantado para o omento maior, por períodos de 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias. Após cada período pré-estipulado, os tecidos esplênicos autotransplantados foram coletados e analisados histologicamente. Os resultados mostraram regeneração da cápsula esplênica, dos vasos sanguíneos e das polpas branca e vermelha. Aos 90 dias, a arquitetura microscópica apresentava-se semelhante à do baço normal.UNIC Faculdade de Medicina VeterináriaUniversidade Federal Rural de PernambucoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)UNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Serological survey of toxoplasmosis and leptospirosis in neotropical wild mammals from Aracaju Zoo, Sergipe, Brazil

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    Os zoológicos modernos são instituições destinadas à manutenção da fauna selvagem com o objetivo de promover a conservação, pesquisa científica, lazer, recreação e educação ambiental. A ampla variedade de espécies selvagens, vivendo em condições diferentes do seu habitat natural, representa um ambiente propício à disseminação de doenças, muitas delas zoonóticas. Devido à escassez de dados e à relevância dos mamíferos selvagens neste contexto epidemiológico, tanto na toxoplasmose, quanto na leptospirose, foi efetuado o inquérito sorológico para toxoplasmose e leptospirose em mamíferos selvagens neotropicais do Zoológico de Aracaju, Sergipe, Brasil. Para tanto foram colhidas amostras sanguíneas de 32 animais, adultos, de ambos os sexos incluindo: 14 macacos-prego (Cebus libidinosus), quatro macacos-prego-do-peito-amarelo (Cebus xanthosternus), três onças-suçuaranas (Puma concolor), uma onça-pintada (Pantheraonca), uma raposa (Cerdocyon thous), seis guaxinins (Procyon cancrivorus), dois quatis (Nasua nasua) e um papa-mel (Eira barbara). Para a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii foi utilizado o Teste de Aglutinação Modificada (MAT ³"1:25) e para pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. foi utilizado o teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (ponto de corte ³1:100) com uma coleção de antígenos vivos que incluiu 24 variantes sorológicas de leptospiras patogênicas e duas leptospiras saprófitas. Dentre os 32 mamíferos, 17 (53,1%) apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii e quatro (12,5%) foram positivos para anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. De acordo com o sexo, 60% (9/15) dos machos e 47,1% (8/17) das fêmeas foram soropositivos para T. gondii e 26,7% (4/15) dos machos apresentaram anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. Dos mamíferos que apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii, 47% (8/17) nasceram no zoológico, 41,2% (7/17) foram oriundos de outras instituições e dois (11,8%) foram ) provenientes da natureza. Em relação aos quatro mamíferos soropositivos para Leptospira spp., três (75%) foram procedentes da natureza e um (25%) nasceu no zoológico. Este foi o primeiro inquérito sorológico de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. em primatas e carnívoros neotropicais em um zoológico do Nordeste do Brasil e descreveu pela primeira vez a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-T. gondii e anti-Leptospira spp. com sorovar mais provável Copenhageni no primata ameaçado de extinção macaco-prego-de-peito-amarelo (C. xanthosternus) em Aracaju, SEModern zoological gardens are institutions to wildlife maintenance, aiming its conservation, the performance of scientific research and leisure, recreation and environ-mental education activities. The variety of wild species living in conditions different from the one found in its natural habitats represents a propitious environment for diseases spread, specially the zoonotic ones. Due to data shortage and wild mammals' epidemio-logical relevance both for toxoplasmosis as for leptospirosis, this study aimed to determine the serological survey of toxoplasmosis and leptospirosis in Neotropical wild mammals, from Zoo of Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 32 wild mammals, adults and from both sexes: 14 wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus), four golden-bellied capuchins (Cebus xanthosternus), three pumas (Puma concolor), one jaguar (Pantheraonca), one crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), six crab-eating raccoons (Procyon cancrivorus), two South American coatis (Nasua nasua), and one tayra (Eira barbara). Sera were tested to Toxoplasma gondii antibodies by the modified agglutination test (MAT e"1:25), and by the microscopic seroaglutination test (cut-off e"1:100) using 24 serovar of pathogenic leptospiras and two serovar of saprophyte leptospiras. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 17 of 32 (53.1%) wild mammals, and antibodies to Leptospira spp. were found in 4 of 32 (12.5%) wild mammals. In relation to gender, 9 of 15 (60%) males, and 8 of 17 (47.1%) females had antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, and 4 of 15 (26.7%) males had antibodies to Leptospira spp. Considering the origin of the seropositive animals to T. gondii, 8 of 17 (47%) were born in the zoo, 7 of 17 (41.2%) were from other zoos, and 2 (11.8%) were from the wild. Three of 4 (75%) mammals seropositive to Leptospira spp. were born in zoo, and 1 of 4 (25%) was from the wild. This is the first serological survey of Leptospira spp. in Neotropical and carnivores from Northeast zoo of Brazil, and the first time that antibodies to T. gondii and Leptospira spp. (serovar Copenhageni) were observed in the threaten specie of primate golden-bellied capuchins (Cebus xanthosternus) in Aracaju, S

    Morphological analysis and description of the ovaries of female silky sharks, Carcharhinus falciformis (Müller & Henle, 1839)

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    This work aims to study the female reproductive tract of silky sharks, Carcharhinus falciformis, captured in the South and Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Samples were collected between January 2008 and March 2010 through oceanic commercial vessels that targeted tuna and swordfish, with a total of 17 females collected. The methodologies followed for analyzing the ovaries of those females included both macroscopic and histological analysis. Macroscopically, it was possible to determine that the ovaries on these sharks is suspended by mesenteries in the anterior section of the body cavity, heavily irrigated by blood vessels, and contains a wide range of oocytes. Ovaries were found in three distinct maturational stages: Stage I (Immature), Stage II (Maturing) and Stage III (Mature). Immature ovaries were small, with widths ranging from 1.0 to 3.1 cm, and had a gelatinous or granulose internal structure; maturing ovaries were slightly larger, ranging in width between 5.2 and 6.0 cm; mature ovaries ranged in width between 6.5 and 7.8 cm, and had a more rounded shape and the presence of large and well developed oocytes. Under microscopic examination, it was observed that the ovaries were covered with simple epithelial tissue during the early development stages and a simple cubic epithelium in the final stages of maturation. During the initial maturation stages the epigonal organ was not differentiated from the ovary. In mature specimens, the ovary showed a simple cubic epithelium and just below this epithelium there was a layer of dense connective tissue and muscle with the presence of vitellogenic oocytes and fat cells. A thin yolk membrane enclosing the oocytes was also evident. Finally, it was possible to distinguish a zona pellucida, separating the oocytes from the follicle wall and a basal lamina between the granular layers and the teak layer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spontaneous poisoning by Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) in cattle

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    The aim of this study is to report cases of spontaneous poisoning of cattle by Ricinus communis (castor beans) in Paraíba, a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. The cases were observed in 2 herds on neighboring properties in 2013. Clinical signs developed within 6-24 h and consisted of weakness, tachycardia, dyspnea, profuse watery diarrhea, dehydration, depression, instability, cramps, permanent lateral recumbency and death within 48-72 h. Of the 60 cattle at risk, 19 were affected and 14 died. Five fully recovered after the course of 12 days. Three animals were necropsied. The main gross lesions were hemopericardium, hemothorax, pulmonary edema, petechial hemorrhages in the epicardium and endocardium, ecchymoses at the papillary muscles and suffusions on the intercostal muscles. Hemorrhages were also observed in the abdominal cavity, spleen and mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine. The rumen content was liquid with a large amount of castor bean seeds. There were circular, whitish and focally diffuse areas in the liver parenchyma. The main microscopic lesions consisted of multifocal coagulative myocardial necrosis with the presence of mononuclear cell infiltration and varying degrees of bleeding between cardiac muscle fibers. The abomasum and small intestine mucosae and submucosa had mild edema and mononuclear and polymorphonuclear inflammatory cell infiltration. The diagnosis of R. communis was based on the history of plant consumption, clinical signs, pathology of the disease and the presence of large amounts of castor bean seeds in the forestomachs