231 research outputs found

    Loo.py: transformation-based code generation for GPUs and CPUs

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    Today's highly heterogeneous computing landscape places a burden on programmers wanting to achieve high performance on a reasonably broad cross-section of machines. To do so, computations need to be expressed in many different but mathematically equivalent ways, with, in the worst case, one variant per target machine. Loo.py, a programming system embedded in Python, meets this challenge by defining a data model for array-style computations and a library of transformations that operate on this model. Offering transformations such as loop tiling, vectorization, storage management, unrolling, instruction-level parallelism, change of data layout, and many more, it provides a convenient way to capture, parametrize, and re-unify the growth among code variants. Optional, deep integration with numpy and PyOpenCL provides a convenient computing environment where the transition from prototype to high-performance implementation can occur in a gradual, machine-assisted form

    1H, 13C and 17O isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine coupling prediction for the tyrosyl radical using hybrid density functional methods

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    AbstractHybrid density functional calculations are used to directly calculate the principal hyperfine tensor values for 1H, 13C and 17O in two models of the tyrosyl radical, p-methylphenoxyl and p-ethylphenoxyl. Both hydrogen bonded and non-hydrogen bonded phenoxyl radicals are studied. A comparison is made between calculated values and those obtained from experimental EPR and ENDOR studies. Outstanding agreement between experiment and theory is observed

    BigraphER: rewriting and analysis engine for bigraphs

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    BigraphER is a suite of open-source tools providing an effi- cient implementation of rewriting, simulation, and visualisation for bigraphs, a universal formalism for modelling interacting systems that evolve in time and space and first introduced by Milner. BigraphER consists of an OCaml library that provides programming interfaces for the manipulation of bigraphs, their constituents and reaction rules, and a command-line tool capable of simulating Bigraphical Reactive Systems (BRSs) and computing their transition systems. Other features are native support for both bigraphs and bigraphs with sharing, stochastic reaction rules, rule priorities, instantiation maps, parameterised controls, predicate checking, graphical output and integration with the probabilistic model checker PRISM

    Contextualisation of Data Flow Diagrams for security analysis

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    Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are popular for sketching systems for subsequent threat modelling. Their limited semantics make reasoning about them difficult, but enriching them endangers their simplicity and subsequent ease of take up. We present an approach for reasoning about tainted data flows in design-level DFDs by putting them in context with other complementary usability and requirements models. We illustrate our approach using a pilot study, where tainted data flows were identified without any augmentations to either the DFD or its complementary models

    Prototyping the Semantics of a DSL using ASF+SDF: Link to Formal Verification of DSL Models

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    A formal definition of the semantics of a domain-specific language (DSL) is a key prerequisite for the verification of the correctness of models specified using such a DSL and of transformations applied to these models. For this reason, we implemented a prototype of the semantics of a DSL for the specification of systems consisting of concurrent, communicating objects. Using this prototype, models specified in the DSL can be transformed to labeled transition systems (LTS). This approach of transforming models to LTSs allows us to apply existing tools for visualization and verification to models with little or no further effort. The prototype is implemented using the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment, an IDE for the algebraic specification language ASF+SDF, which offers efficient execution of the transformation as well as the ability to read models and produce LTSs without any additional pre or post processing.Comment: In Proceedings AMMSE 2011, arXiv:1106.596

    GraphCombEx: A Software Tool for Exploration of Combinatorial Optimisation Properties of Large Graphs

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    We present a prototype of a software tool for exploration of multiple combinatorial optimisation problems in large real-world and synthetic complex networks. Our tool, called GraphCombEx (an acronym of Graph Combinatorial Explorer), provides a unified framework for scalable computation and presentation of high-quality suboptimal solutions and bounds for a number of widely studied combinatorial optimisation problems. Efficient representation and applicability to large-scale graphs and complex networks are particularly considered in its design. The problems currently supported include maximum clique, graph colouring, maximum independent set, minimum vertex clique covering, minimum dominating set, as well as the longest simple cycle problem. Suboptimal solutions and intervals for optimal objective values are estimated using scalable heuristics. The tool is designed with extensibility in mind, with the view of further problems and both new fast and high-performance heuristics to be added in the future. GraphCombEx has already been successfully used as a support tool in a number of recent research studies using combinatorial optimisation to analyse complex networks, indicating its promise as a research software tool

    The Supertree Tool Kit

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Large phylogenies are crucial for many areas of biological research. One method of creating such large phylogenies is the supertree method, but creating supertrees containing thousands of taxa, and hence providing a comprehensive phylogeny, requires hundred or even thousands of source input trees. Managing and processing these data in a systematic and error-free manner is challenging and will become even more so as supertrees contain ever increasing numbers of taxa. Protocols for processing input source phylogenies have been proposed to ensure data quality, but no robust software implementations of these protocols as yet exist.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The aim of the Supertree Tool Kit (STK) is to aid in the collection, storage and processing of input source trees for use in supertree analysis. It is therefore invaluable when creating supertrees containing thousands of taxa and hundreds of source trees. The STK is a Perl module with executable scripts to carry out various steps in the processing protocols. In order to aid processing we have added meta-data, via XML, to each tree which contains information such as the bibliographic source information for the tree and how the data were derived, for instance the character data used to carry out the original analysis. These data are essential parts of previously proposed protocols.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The STK is a bioinformatics tool designed to make it easier to process source phylogenies for inclusion in supertree analysis from hundreds or thousands of input source trees, whilst reducing potential errors and enabling easy sharing of such datasets. It has been successfully used to create the largest known supertree to date containing over 5000 taxa from over 700 source phylogenies.</p

    Protégé: A Tool for Managing and Using Terminology in Radiology Applications

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    The development of standard terminologies such as RadLex is becoming important in radiology applications, such as structured reporting, teaching file authoring, report indexing, and text mining. The development and maintenance of these terminologies are challenging, however, because there are few specialized tools to help developers to browse, visualize, and edit large taxonomies. Protégé (http://protege.stanford.edu) is an open-source tool that allows developers to create and to manage terminologies and ontologies. It is more than a terminology-editing tool, as it also provides a platform for developers to use the terminologies in end-user applications. There are more than 70,000 registered users of Protégé who are using the system to manage terminologies and ontologies in many different domains. The RadLex project has recently adopted Protégé for managing its radiology terminology. Protégé provides several features particularly useful to managing radiology terminologies: an intuitive graphical user interface for navigating large taxonomies, visualization components for viewing complex term relationships, and a programming interface so developers can create terminology-driven radiology applications. In addition, Protégé has an extensible plug-in architecture, and its large user community has contributed a rich library of components and extensions that provide much additional useful functionalities. In this report, we describe Protégé’s features and its particular advantages in the radiology domain in the creation, maintenance, and use of radiology terminology

    Annotations for Rule-Based Models

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    The chapter reviews the syntax to store machine-readable annotations and describes the mapping between rule-based modelling entities (e.g., agents and rules) and these annotations. In particular, we review an annotation framework and the associated guidelines for annotating rule-based models of molecular interactions, encoded in the commonly used Kappa and BioNetGen languages, and present prototypes that can be used to extract and query the annotations. An ontology is used to annotate models and facilitate their description

    Revisited experimental comparison of node-link and matrix representations

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    Visualizing network data is applicable in domains such as biology, engineering, and social sciences. We report the results of a study comparing the effectiveness of the two primary techniques for showing network data: node-link diagrams and adjacency matrices. Specifically, an evaluation with a large number of online participants revealed statistically significant differences between the two visualizations. Our work adds to existing research in several ways. First, we explore a broad spectrum of network tasks, many of which had not been previously evaluated. Second, our study uses a large dataset, typical of many real-life networks not explored by previous studies. Third, we leverage crowdsourcing to evaluate many tasks with many participants
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