498 research outputs found

    The precautionary principle in environmental science.

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    Environmental scientists play a key role in society's responses to environmental problems, and many of the studies they perform are intended ultimately to affect policy. The precautionary principle, proposed as a new guideline in environmental decision making, has four central components: taking preventive action in the face of uncertainty; shifting the burden of proof to the proponents of an activity; exploring a wide range of alternatives to possibly harmful actions; and increasing public participation in decision making. In this paper we examine the implications of the precautionary principle for environmental scientists, whose work often involves studying highly complex, poorly understood systems, while at the same time facing conflicting pressures from those who seek to balance economic growth and environmental protection. In this complicated and contested terrain, it is useful to examine the methodologies of science and to consider ways that, without compromising integrity and objectivity, research can be more or less helpful to those who would act with precaution. We argue that a shift to more precautionary policies creates opportunities and challenges for scientists to think differently about the ways they conduct studies and communicate results. There is a complicated feedback relation between the discoveries of science and the setting of policy. While maintaining their objectivity and focus on understanding the world, environmental scientists should be aware of the policy uses of their work and of their social responsibility to do science that protects human health and the environment. The precautionary principle highlights this tight, challenging linkage between science and policy

    Gender Bias in Internet Employment: A Study of the Effects of Career Advancement Opportunities for Women in the Field of ITC

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    Women as individuals experience subtle discrimination regarding career development opportunities as evidenced by research on the Glass Ceiling. This paper looks at the ramifications of technology, specifically the Internet, and how it affects women\u27s career opportunities

    Teleology and Realism in Leibniz's Philosophy of Science

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    This paper argues for an interpretation of Leibniz’s claim that physics requires both mechanical and teleological principles as a view regarding the interpretation of physical theories. Granting that Leibniz’s fundamental ontology remains non-physical, or mentalistic, it argues that teleological principles nevertheless ground a realist commitment about mechanical descriptions of phenomena. The empirical results of the new sciences, according to Leibniz, have genuine truth conditions: there is a fact of the matter about the regularities observed in experience. Taking this stance, however, requires bringing non-empirical reasons to bear upon mechanical causal claims. This paper first evaluates extant interpretations of Leibniz’s thesis that there are two realms in physics as describing parallel, self-sufficient sets of laws. It then examines Leibniz’s use of teleological principles to interpret scientific results in the context of his interventions in debates in seventeenth-century kinematic theory, and in the teaching of Copernicanism. Leibniz’s use of the principle of continuity and the principle of simplicity, for instance, reveal an underlying commitment to the truth-aptness, or approximate truth-aptness, of the new natural sciences. The paper concludes with a brief remark on the relation between metaphysics, theology, and physics in Leibniz

    Measuring kindergarteners’ motivational beliefs about writing: a mixed-methods exploration of alternate assessment formats

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    There have been a handful of studies on kindergarteners’ motivational beliefs about writing, yet measuring these beliefs in young children continues to pose a set of challenges. The purpose of this exploratory, mixed-methods study was to examine how kindergarteners understand and respond to different assessment formats designed to capture their motivational beliefs about writing. Across two studies, we administered four assessment formats — a 4-point Likert-type scale survey, a binary choice survey, a challenge preference task, and a semi-structured interview — to a sample of 114 kindergarteners engaged in a larger writing intervention study. Our overall goals were to examine the benefits and challenges of using these assessment formats to capture kindergarteners’ motivational beliefs and to gain insight on future directions for studying these beliefs in this young age group. Many participants had a difficult time responding to the 4-point Likert-type scale survey, due to challenges with the response format and the way the items were worded. However, more simplified assessment formats, including the binary choice survey and challenge preference task, may not have fully captured the nuances and complexities of participants’ motivational beliefs. The semi-structured interview leveraged participants’ voices and highlighted details that were overlooked in the other assessment formats. Participants’ interview responses were deeply intertwined with their local, everyday experiences and pushed back on common assumptions of what constitutes negatively oriented motivational beliefs about writing. Overall, our results suggest that kindergarteners’ motivational beliefs appear to be multifaceted, contextually grounded, and hard to quantify. Additional research is needed to further understand how motivational beliefs are shaped during kindergarten. We argue that motivational beliefs must be studied in context rather than in a vacuum, in order to work toward a fair and meaningful understanding of motivational beliefs about writing that can be applied to school settings

    San Francisco Delta Risk Assessment Year 1 Report Appendices

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    The Relative Contributions of Contaminants to Environmental Risk in the Upper San Francisco Estuary: Progress Report Year 1: Appendices Prepared for: The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Prepared by: Wayne G. Landis, Steven R. Eikenbary, Ethan A. Brown, Colter P. Lemons, Emma E. Sharpe, and April J. Markiewicz Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Huxley College of the Environment Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 98225 June 30, 202

    Exploring the potential of using undergraduates’ knowledge, skills and experience in research methods as a proxy for capturing learning gain

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    Learning gain is a politicised concept within contemporary HE, and as such has been aligned with agendas of teaching excellence and learning outcomes but the extent to which it captures actual learning has yet to be clarified. Here, we report the outcomes of a learning gain study which examines how students’ knowledge, skills and experiences as researchers develops throughout their studies. We examine data from a self-reporting survey administered across a university and college-based HE providers during students’ second year of undergraduate study. The data highlight disciplinary differences in student engagement with research methods and the significance of perceived relevance of research methods to students’ learning. These findings do have a bearing on the development of measures of learning gain as they are demonstrating the complexity of capturing student learning across disciplines. Our findings can be employed to develop a method of capturing learning gain that can be integrated into undergraduates’ research methods education

    San Francisco Delta Risk Assessment Year 1 Report

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    The Relative Contributions of Contaminants to Environmental Risk in the Upper San Francisco Estuary: Progress Report Year 1 Prepared for: The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Prepared by: Wayne G. Landis, Steven R. Eikenbary, Ethan A. Brown, Colter P. Lemons, Emma E. Sharpe, and April J. Markiewicz Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Huxley College of the Environment Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 98225 June 30, 202

    An X-Ray-Selected Sample of Candidate Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies

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    We present a sample of hard X-ray-selected candidate black holes (BHs) in 19 dwarf galaxies. BH candidates are identified by cross-matching a parent sample of ~44,000 local dwarf galaxies (M* = 3 × 10 9 M☉, z < 0.055) with the Chandra Source Catalog and subsequently analyzing the original X-ray data products for matched sources. Of the 19 dwarf galaxies in our sample, eight have X-ray detections reported here for the first time. We find a total of 43 point-like hard X-ray sources with individual luminosities L2-10 keV ~ 10 37 - 10 40 erg s-1. Hard X-ray luminosities in this range can be attained by stellar-mass X-ray binaries (XRBs) and by massive BHs accreting at low Eddington ratio. We place an upper limit of 53% (10/19) on the fraction of galaxies in our sample hosting a detectable hard X-ray source consistent with the optical nucleus, although the galaxy center is poorly defined in many of our objects. We also find that 42% (8/19) of the galaxies in our sample exhibit statistically significant enhanced hard X-ray emission relative to the expected galaxy-wide contribution from low-mass and high-mass XRBs, based on the [data] star formation rate relation defined by more massive and luminous systems. For the majority of these X-ray-enhanced dwarf galaxies, the excess emission is consistent with (but not necessarily due to) a nuclear X-ray source. Follow-up observations are necessary to distinguish between stellar-mass XRBs and active galactic nuclei powered by more massive BHs. In any case, our results support the notion that X-ray-emitting BHs in low-mass dwarf galaxies may have had an appreciable impact on reionization in the early universe