235 research outputs found

    Interactive effects of temperature and light during deep convection: a case study on growth and condition of the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii

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    Aim of this study was to expose phytoplankton to growth conditions simulating deep winter convection in the North Atlantic and thereby to assess changes in physiology enabling their survival. Growth rate, biochemical composition, and photosynthetic activity of the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii were determined under two different light scenarios over a temperature range of 5–15°C to simulate conditions experienced by cells during winter deep convection. These metrics were examined under a low light scenario (20 µmol m−2 s−1, 12/12 h light/dark), and compared with a scenario of short light pulses of a higher light intensity (120 µmol m−2 s−1, 2/22 h light/dark). Both experimental light conditions offered the same daily light dose. No growth was observed at temperatures below 8°C. Above 8°C, growth rates were significantly higher under low light conditions compared with those of short pulsed light exposures, indicating a higher efficiency of light utilization. This could be related to (i) a higher content of Chl a per cell in the low light trial and/or (ii) a more efficient transfer of light energy into growth as indicated by constantly low carbohydrate levels. In contrast, pulsed intense light led to an accumulation of carbohydrates, which were catabolized during the longer dark period for maintaining metabolism. Light curves measured via Chl a fluorescence indicated low light assimilation for the algae exposed to short pulsed light. We postulate that our trial with short light pluses did not provide sufficient light to reach full light saturation. In general, photosynthesis was more strongly affected by temperature under pulsed light than under low light conditions. Our results indicate that model estimates of primary production in relation to deep convection, which are based on average low light conditions, not considering vertical transportation of algae will lead to an overestimation of in situ primary production

    Contribution of Red Blood Cells and Platelets to Blood Clot Computed Tomography Imaging and Compressive Mechanical Characteristics

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    Thrombus computed tomography (CT) imaging characteristics may correspond with thrombus mechanical properties and thus predict thrombectomy success. The impact of red blood cell (RBC) content on these properties (imaging and mechanics) has been widely studied. However, the additional effect of platelets has not been considered. The objective of the current study was to examine the individual and combined effects of blood clot RBC and platelet content on resultant CT imaging and mechanical characteristics. Human blood clot analogues were prepared from a combination of preselected RBC volumes and platelet concentrations to decouple their contributions. The resulting clot RBC content (%) and platelet content (%) were determined using Martius Scarlet Blue and CD42b staining, respectively. Non-contrast and contrast-enhanced CT (NCCT and CECT) scans were performed to measure the clot densities. CECT density increase was taken as a proxy for clinical perviousness. Unconfined compressive mechanics were analysed by performing 10 cycles of 80% strain. RBC content is the major determinant of clot NCCT density. However, additional consideration of the platelet content improves the association. CECT density increase is influenced by clot platelet and not RBC content. Platelet content is the dominant component driving clot stiffness, especially at high strains. Both RBC and platelet content contribute to the clot's viscoelastic and plastic compressive properties. The current in vitro results suggest that CT density is reflective of RBC content and subsequent clot viscoelasticity and plasticity, and that perviousness reflects the clot's platelet content and subsequent stiffness. However, these indications should be confirmed in a clinical stroke cohort

    Contribution of Red Blood Cells and Platelets to Blood Clot Computed Tomography Imaging and Compressive Mechanical Characteristics

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    Thrombus computed tomography (CT) imaging characteristics may correspond with thrombus mechanical properties and thus predict thrombectomy success. The impact of red blood cell (RBC) content on these properties (imaging and mechanics) has been widely studied. However, the additional effect of platelets has not been considered. The objective of the current study was to examine the individual and combined effects of blood clot RBC and platelet content on resultant CT imaging and mechanical characteristics. Human blood clot analogues were prepared from a combination of preselected RBC volumes and platelet concentrations to decouple their contributions. The resulting clot RBC content (%) and platelet content (%) were determined using Martius Scarlet Blue and CD42b staining, respectively. Non-contrast and contrast-enhanced CT (NCCT and CECT) scans were performed to measure the clot densities. CECT density increase was taken as a proxy for clinical perviousness. Unconfined compressive mechanics were analysed by performing 10 cycles of 80% strain. RBC content is the major determinant of clot NCCT density. However, additional consideration of the platelet content improves the association. CECT density increase is influenced by clot platelet and not RBC content. Platelet content is the dominant component driving clot stiffness, especially at high strains. Both RBC and platelet content contribute to the clot's viscoelastic and plastic compressive properties. The current in vitro results suggest that CT density is reflective of RBC content and subsequent clot viscoelasticity and plasticity, and that perviousness reflects the clot's platelet content and subsequent stiffness. However, these indications should be confirmed in a clinical stroke cohort

    Solar radiation and soil moisture drive tropical forest understory responses to experimental and natural hurricanes

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    Tropical forest understory regeneration occurs rapidly after disturbance with compositional trajectories that depend on species availability and environmental conditions. To predict future tropical forest regeneration dynamics, we need a deeper understanding of how pulse disturbance events, like hurricanes, interact with environmental variability to affect understory demography and composition. We examined fern and sapling mortality, recruitment, and community composition in relation to solar radiation and soil moisture using 17 years of forest dynamics data (2003–2019) from the Canopy Trimming Experiment in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Solar radiation increased 150% and soil moisture increased 40% following canopy trimming of experimental plots relative to control plots. All plots were disturbed in 2017 by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, so experimentally trimmed plots presented the opportunity to study the effects of multiple hurricanes, while control plots isolated the effects of a single natural hurricane. Recruitment rates maximized at 0.14 individuals/plot/month for ferns and 0.20 stems/plot/month for saplings. Recruitment and mortality were distributed more evenly over the 17 years of monitoring in experimentally trimmed plots than in control plots; however, following Hurricane Maria demographic rates substantially increased in control plots only. In experimentally trimmed plots, the largest community compositional shifts occurred as a result of the trimming events, and compositional changes were greatest for control plots after Hurricane Maria in 2017. Pioneer tree and fern species increased in abundance in response to both simulated and natural hurricanes. Following Hurricane Maria, two dominant pioneer species, Cyathea arborea and Cecropia schreberiana, recruited abundantly, but only in control plots. In trimmed plots, increased solar radiation and soil moisture shifted understory species composition steadily toward pioneer and secondary-successional species, with soil moisture interacting strongly with canopy trimming. Thus, both solar radiation and soil moisture are environmental drivers affecting pioneer species recruitment following disturbance, which interact with canopy opening following hurricanes. Our results suggest that if hurricane disturbances increase in frequency and severity, as suggested by climate change predictions, the understory regeneration of late-successional species, such as Manilkara bidentata and Sloanea berteroana, which prefer deeper shade and slightly drier soil microsites, may become imperiled

    Homozygous Missense Variants in NTNG2, Encoding a Presynaptic Netrin-G2 Adhesion Protein, Lead to a Distinct Neurodevelopmental Disorder.

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    NTNG2 encodes netrin-G2, a membrane-anchored protein implicated in the molecular organization of neuronal circuitry and synaptic organization and diversification in vertebrates. In this study, through a combination of exome sequencing and autozygosity mapping, we have identified 16 individuals (from seven unrelated families) with ultra-rare homozygous missense variants in NTNG2; these individuals present with shared features of a neurodevelopmental disorder consisting of global developmental delay, severe to profound intellectual disability, muscle weakness and abnormal tone, autistic features, behavioral abnormalities, and variable dysmorphisms. The variants disrupt highly conserved residues across the protein. Functional experiments, including in silico analysis of the protein structure, in vitro assessment of cell surface expression, and in vitro knockdown, revealed potential mechanisms of pathogenicity of the variants, including loss of protein function and decreased neurite outgrowth. Our data indicate that appropriate expression of NTNG2 plays an important role in neurotypical development

    Validation of the SOS-PD scale for assessment of pediatric delirium: a multicenter study

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    BACKGROUNDS: Reports of increasing incidence rates of delirium in critically ill children are reason for concern. We evaluated the measurement properties of the pediatric delirium component (PD-scale) of the Sophia Observation Withdrawal Symptoms scale Pediatric Delirium scale (SOS-PD scale). METHODS: In a multicenter prospective observational study in four Dutch pediatric ICUs (PICUs), patients aged ≥ 3 months and admitted for ≥ 48 h were assessed with the PD-scale thrice daily. Criterion validity was assessed: if the PD-scale score was ≥ 4, a child psychiatrist clinically assessed the presence or absence of PD according to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM)-IV. In addition, the child psychiatrist assessed a randomly selected group to establish the false-negative rate. The construct validity was assessed by calculating the Pearson coefficient (rp) for correlation between the PD-scale and Cornell Assessment Pediatric Delirium (CAP-D) scores. Interrater reliability was determined by comparing paired nurse-researcher PD-scale assessments and calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS: Four hundred eighty-five patients with a median age of 27.0 months (IQR 8-102) were included, of whom 48 patients were diagnosed with delirium by the child psychiatrist. The PD-scale had overall sensitivity of 92.3% and specificity of 96.5% compared to the psychiatrist diagnosis for a cutoff score ≥4 points. The rp between the PD-scale and the CAP-D was 0.89 (CI 95%, 0.82-0.93; p < 0.001). The ICC of 75 paired nurse-researcher observations was 0.99 (95% CI, 0.98-0.99). CONCLUSIONS: The PD-scale has good reliability and validity for early screening of PD in critically ill children. It can be validly and reliably used by nurses to this aim

    Wissenschaftliche Monitoringkonzepte für die Deutsche Bucht (WIMO) - Abschlussbericht

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    The state and development of coastal marine systems and an understanding of the interaction of organisms, sea floor, water column, and biochemical and physical processes can only be obtained by a combination of long-term monitoring and modelling approaches of different complexity. A need for the development and evaluation of monitoring strategies is driven by a framework of different European and German regulations. The research project WIMO (Scientific Monitoring Concepts for the German Bight) has developed concepts and methods that aim at a fundamental scientific understanding of marine systems and also meet monitoring requirements of European legislation and regulations like the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In this final report examples of common descriptors of ecosystem state like seabed integrity, eutrophication, and biodiversity are discussed. It has been assessed to what extent established measuring procedures used to survey the characteristics of the sea floor, and newly developed technologies are eligible for governmental monitoring. The significance of integrative modelling for linking and visualising results of measurements and models is illustrated. It is shown how new concepts have been implemented into governmental monitoring in the form of web based data sheets. These insights enable continuous analyses and developments in the future
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