85 research outputs found

    Flebitis pélvicas post-operatorias

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    A Delphi-method-based consensus guideline for definition of treatment-resistant depression for clinical trials

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    Criteria for treatment-resistant depression (TRD) and partially responsive depression (PRD) as subtypes of major depressive disorder (MDD) are not unequivocally defined. In the present document we used a Delphi-method-based consensus approach to define TRD and PRD and to serve as operational criteria for future clinical studies, especially if conducted for regulatory purposes. We reviewed the literature and brought together a group of international experts (including clinicians, academics, researchers, employees of pharmaceutical companies, regulatory bodies representatives, and one person with lived experience) to evaluate the state-of-the-art and main controversies regarding the current classification. We then provided recommendations on how to design clinical trials, and on how to guide research in unmet needs and knowledge gaps. This report will feed into one of the main objectives of the EUropean Patient-cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatforms, Innovative Medicines Initiative (EU-PEARL, IMI) MDD project, to design a protocol for platform trials of new medications for TRD/PRD. © 2021, The Author(s).EU/EFPIA/Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking

    Interactions between Light Waves in a Nonlinear Dielectric,” Phys.Rev. 127,

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    Quasi-phase-matching (QPM) is a method to get tailored efficient second order nonlinear interactions [5]. However, these electrodes were fabricated by wet etching and the sample thickness was limited to ~200 µm. In this work we present a new technique for 2D domain inversion in 1 mm thick RKTP and demonstrate the densest 2D lattice in a KTP isomorph. First, 2D periodic arrays of silicon pillars were constructed using isotropic dry etching ( . Second, the silicon arrays of pillars were used as contact electrode to periodically pole the RKTP crystal
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