923 research outputs found

    On the stratified dust distribution of the GG Tau circumbinary ring

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    Our objective is to study the vertical dust distribution in the circumbinary ring of the binary system GG Tau and to search for evidence of stratification, one of the first steps expected to occur during planet formation. We present a simultaneous analysis of four scattered light images spanning a range of wavelength from 800 nm to 3800 nm and compare them with (i) a parametric prescription for the vertical dust stratification, and (ii) with the results of SPH bi-fluid hydrodynamic calculations. The parametric prescription and hydrodynamical calculations of stratification both reproduce the observed brightness profiles well. These models also provide a correct match for the observed star/ring integrated flux ratio. Another solution with a well-mixed, but ``exotic'', dust size distribution also matches the brightness profile ratios but fails to match the star/ring flux ratio. These results give support to the presence of vertical stratification of the dust in the ring of GG Tau and further predict the presence of a radial stratification also.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Bicarbonate or Carbonate Processes for Coupling Carbon Dioxide Capture and Electrochemical Conversion

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    Designing a scalable system to capture CO₂ from the air and convert it into valuable chemicals, fuels, and materials could be transformational for mitigating climate change. Climate models predict that negative greenhouse gas emissions will be required by the year 2050 in order to stay below a 2 °C change in global temperature. The processes of CO₂ capture, CO₂ conversion, and finally product separation all require significant energy inputs; devising a system that simultaneously minimizes the energy required for all steps is an important challenge. To date, a variety of prototype or pilot-level CO₂ capture and/or conversion systems have been designed and built targeting the individual objectives of either capture or conversion. One approach has focused on CO₂ removal from the atmosphere and storage of pure pressurized CO₂. Other efforts have concentrated on CO₂ conversion processes, such as electrochemical reduction or fermentation. Only a few concepts or analyses have been developed for complete end-to-end processes that perform both CO₂ capture and transformation

    Substellar multiplicity in the Hyades cluster

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    We present the first high-angular resolution survey for multiple systems among very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the Hyades open cluster. Using the Keck\,II adaptive optics system, we observed a complete sample of 16 objects with estimated masses \lesssim0.1 Msun. We have identified three close binaries with projected separation \lesssim0.11", or \lesssim5 AU. A number of wide, mostly faint candidate companions are also detected in our images, most of which are revealed as unrelated background sources based on astrometric and/or photometric considerations. The derived multiplicity frequency, 19+13/-6 % over the 2-350 AU range, and the rarity of systems wider than 10 AU are both consistent with observations of field very low-mass objects. In the limited 3-50 AU separation range, the companion frequency is essentially constant from brown dwarfs to solar-type stars in the Hyades cluster, which is also in line with our current knowledge for field stars. Combining the binaries discovered in this surveys with those already known in the Pleiades cluster reveals that very low-mass binaries in open clusters, as well as in star-forming regions, are skewed toward lower mass ratios (0.6q0.80.6 \lesssim q \lesssim 0.8) than are their field counterparts, a result that cannot be accounted for by selection effects. Although the possibility of severe systematic errors in model-based mass estimates for very low-mass stars cannot be completely excluded, it is unlikely to explain this difference. We speculate that this trend indicates that surveys among very low-mass field stars may have missed a substantial population of intermediate mass ratio systems, implying that these systems are more common and more diverse than previously thought.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; 11 pages, 6 figure

    Determination of the high strain rate forming properties of steel sheet

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    The strain rate dependence of the plastic yield and failure properties displayed by most metals affects energies, forces and forming limits involved in high speed forming processes. In this contribution a technique is presented to assess the influence of the strain rate on the forming properties of steel sheets. In a first step, static and high strain rate tensile experiments are carried out in order to characterize the materials strain rate dependent behaviour. In a second step, the phenomenological Johnson-Cook model and physically-based Voce model are used to describe the constitutive material behaviour. The test results are subsequently used to calculate the forming limit diagrams by a technique based on the Marciniak-Kuczynski model. With the developed technique, static and dynamic forming limit diagrams are obtained for a commercial DC04 steel and a laboratory made CMnAl TRIP steel. The results clearly indicate that increasing the strain rate during a forming process can have a positive or negative effect

    Optical Excitation of a Nanoparticle Cu/p-NiO Photocathode Improves Reaction Selectivity for CO₂ Reduction in Aqueous Electrolytes

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    We report the light-induced modification of catalytic selectivity for photoelectrochemical CO₂ reduction in aqueous media using copper (Cu) nanoparticles dispersed onto p-type nickel oxide (p-NiO) photocathodes. Optical excitation of Cu nanoparticles generates hot electrons available for driving CO₂ reduction on the Cu surface, while charge separation is accomplished by hot-hole injection from the Cu nanoparticles into the underlying p-NiO support. Photoelectrochemical studies demonstrate that optical excitation of plasmonic Cu/p-NiO photocathodes imparts increased selectivity for CO₂ reduction over hydrogen evolution in aqueous electrolytes. Specifically, we observed that plasmon-driven CO₂ reduction increased the production of carbon monoxide and formate, while simultaneously reducing the evolution of hydrogen. Our results demonstrate an optical route toward steering the selectivity of artificial photosynthetic systems with plasmon-driven photocathodes for photoelectrochemical CO₂ reduction in aqueous media

    Spectroscopy of brown dwarf candidates in IC 348 and the determination of its substellar IMF down to planetary masses

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    Context. Brown dwarfs represent a sizable fraction of the stellar content of our Galaxy and populate the transition between the stellar and planetary mass regime. There is however no agreement on the processes responsible for their formation. Aims. We have conducted a large survey of the young, nearby cluster IC 348, to uncover its low-mass brown dwarf population and study the cluster properties in the substellar regime. Methods. Deep optical and near-IR images taken with MegaCam and WIRCam at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) were used to select photometric candidate members. A spectroscopic follow-up of a large fraction of the candidates was conducted to assess their youth and membership. Results. We confirmed spectroscopically 16 new members of the IC 348 cluster, including 13 brown dwarfs, contributing significantly to the substellar census of the cluster, where only 30 brown dwarfs were previously known. Five of the new members have a L0 spectral type, the latest-type objects found to date in this cluster. At 3 Myr, evolutionary models estimate these brown dwarfs to have a mass of ~13 Jupiter masses. Combining the new members with previous census of the cluster, we constructed the IMF complete down to 13 Jupiter masses. Conclusions. The IMF of IC 348 is well fitted by a log-normal function, and we do not see evidence for variations of the mass function down to planetary masses when compared to other young clusters.Comment: Accepted to A&A (8 November 2012

    Discovery of an extended debris disk around the F2V star HD 15745

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    Using the Advanced Camera for Surveys aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we have discovered dust-scattered light from the debris disk surrounding the F2V star HD 15745. The circumstellar disk is detected between 2.0" and 7.5" radius, corresponding to 128 - 480 AU radius. The circumstellar disk morphology is asymmetric about the star, resembling a fan, and consistent with forward scattering grains in an optically thin disk with an inclination of ~67 degrees to our line of sight. The spectral energy distribution and scattered light morphology can be approximated with a model disk composed of silicate grains between 60 and 450 AU radius, with a total dust mass of 10E-7 M_sun (0.03 M_earth) representing a narrow grain size distribution (1 - 10 micron). Galactic space motions are similar to the Castor Moving Group with an age of ~10E+8 yr, although future work is required to determine the age of HD 15745 using other indicators.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, ApJ Letters, in pres

    A search for passive protoplanetary disks in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region

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    We conducted a 12-month monitoring campaign of 33 T Tauri stars (TTS) in Taurus. Our goal was to monitor objects that possess a disk but have a weak Halpha line, a common accretion tracer for young stars, to determine whether they host a passive circumstellar disk. We used medium-resolution optical spectroscopy to assess the objects' accretion status and to measure the Halpha line. We found no convincing example of passive disks; only transition disk and debris disk systems in our sample are non-accreting. Among accretors, we find no example of flickering accretion, leading to an upper limit of 2.2% on the duty cycle of accretion gaps assuming that all accreting TTS experience such events. Combining literature results with our observations, we find that the reliability of traditional Halpha-based criteria to test for accretion is high but imperfect, particularly for low-mass TTS. We find a significant correlation between stellar mass and the full width at 10 per cent of the peak (W10%) of the Halpha line that does not seem to be related to variations in free-fall velocity. Finally, our data reveal a positive correlation between the Halpha equivalent width and its W10%, indicative of a systematic modulation in the line profile whereby the high-velocity wings of the line are proportionally more enhanced than its core when the line luminosity increases. We argue that this supports the hypothesis that the mass accretion rate on the central star is correlated with the Halpha W10% through a common physical mechanism.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS; 26 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    HST Scattered Light Imaging and Modeling of the Edge-on Protoplanetary Disk ESO-Hα\alpha 569

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    We present new HST ACS observations and detailed models for a recently discovered edge-on protoplanetary disk around ESO Hα\alpha 569 (a low-mass T Tauri star in the Cha I star forming region). Using radiative transfer models we probe the distribution of the grains and overall shape of the disk (inclination, scale height, dust mass, flaring exponent and surface/volume density exponent) by model fitting to multiwavelength (F606W and F814W) HST observations together with a literature compiled spectral energy distribution. A new tool set was developed for finding optimal fits of MCFOST radiative transfer models using the MCMC code emcee to efficiently explore the high dimensional parameter space. It is able to self-consistently and simultaneously fit a wide variety of observables in order to place constraints on the physical properties of a given disk, while also rigorously assessing the uncertainties in those derived properties. We confirm that ESO Hα\alpha 569 is an optically thick nearly edge-on protoplanetary disk. The shape of the disk is well described by a flared disk model with an exponentially tapered outer edge, consistent with models previously advocated on theoretical grounds and supported by millimeter interferometry. The scattered light images and spectral energy distribution are best fit by an unusually high total disk mass (gas+dust assuming a ratio of 100:1) with a disk-to-star mass ratio of 0.16.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap