553 research outputs found

    Assessment and treatment of distorted schemas in sexual offenders

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    The aim of this review is to examine the literature related to the assessment and treatment of sex offenders’ distorted schemas. Where appropriate, the review draws upon current insights from the field of social cognition to aid in the critical evaluation of the findings. First, the review considers the various different methodologies for assessing distorted schemas, discussing their strengths and limitations. Second, the review examines the work related to the treatment of sex offenders’ schemas. Suggestions for future research, and the implications for clinical practice, are highlighted in the article

    Semi-simple group unification in the supersymmetric brane world

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    The conventional supersymmetric grand unified theories suffer from two serious problems, the large mass splitting between doublet and triplet Higgs multiplets, and the too long lifetime of the proton. A unification model based on a semi-simple group SU(5)_{GUT} \times U(3)_H has been proposed to solve both of the problems simultaneously. Although the proposed model is perfectly consistent with observations, there are various mysteries. In this paper, we show that such mysterious features in the original model are naturally explained by embedding the model into the brane world in a higher dimensional space-time. In particular, the relatively small gauge coupling constant of the SU(5)_{GUT} at the unification energy scale is a consequence of relatively large volume of extra dimensions. Here, we put the SU(5)_{GUT} gauge multiplet in a 6-dimensional bulk and assume all fields in the U(3)_H sector to reside on a 3-dimensional brane located in the bulk. On the other hand, all chiral multiplets of quarks, leptons and Higgs are assumed to reside on a 3-brane at a T^2/Z_4 orbifold fixed point. The quasi-N=2 supersymmetry in the hypercolor U(3)_H sector is understood as a low-energy remnant of the N=4 supersymmetry in a 6-dimensional space-time. We further extend the 6-dimensional model to a 10-dimensional theory. Possible frameworks of string theories are also investigated to accommodate the present brane-world model. We find that the type IIB string theory with D3-D7 brane structure is an interesting candidate.Comment: 45 pages, including 1 figure, minor correctio

    Gravitational ultrarelativistic spin-orbit interaction and the weak equivalence principle

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    It is shown that the gravitational ultrarelativistic spin-orbit interaction violates the weak equivalence principle in the traditional sense. This fact is a direct consequence of the Mathisson-Papapetrou equations in the frame of reference comoving with a spinning test particle. The widely held assumption that the deviation of a spinning test body from a geodesic trajectory is caused by tidal forces is not correctComment: 12 page

    Neutrino Masses within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We investigate the possibility of accommodating neutrino masses compatible with the MSW study of the Solar neutrino deficit within the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model. The ``gravity-induced'' seesaw mechanism based on an interplay of nonrenormalizable and renormalizable terms in the superpotential allows neutrino masses mνmu2/MIm_\nu\propto m_u^2/M_I, with mum_u the corresponding quark mass and MI4×1011M_I\simeq 4\times10^{11} GeV, while at the same time ensuring the grand desert with the gauge coupling unification at MU2×1016M_U\simeq 2\times10^{16} GeV. The proposed scenario may be realized in a class of string vacua, {\it i.e.,} large radius (R2/α=O(20)R^2/\alpha '={\cal O}(20)) (0,2)(0,2) Calabi-Yau spaces. In this case MU2=MC2/O(2R2/α)M_U^2=M_C^2/{\cal O} (2R^2/\alpha') and MI=O(eR2/α)MCM_I= {\cal O}(e^{-R^2/\alpha'})M_C. Here MC=g×5.2×1017M_C=g\times 5.2\times 10^{17}GeV is the scale of the tree level (genus zero) gauge coupling (gg) unification.Comment: 14 pg. (The value of the tree level gauge coupling unification scale in string theory has been revised. In addition, the authors would like to appologize to the readers for erroneously submitting the paper to the HEPTH bulletin board instead of the HEPPH one.

    Grand Unification in Higher Dimensions

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    We have recently proposed an alternative picture for the physics at the scale of gauge coupling unification, where the unified symmetry is realized in higher dimensions but is broken locally by a symmetry breaking defect. Gauge coupling unification, the quantum numbers of quarks and leptons and the longevity of the proton arise as phenomena of the symmetrical bulk, while the lightness of the Higgs doublets and the masses of the light quarks and leptons probe the symmetry breaking defect. Moreover, the framework is extremely predictive if the effective higher dimensional theory is valid over a large energy interval up to the scale of strong coupling. Precise agreement with experiments is obtained in the simplest theory --- SU(5) in five dimensions with two Higgs multiplets propagating in the bulk. The weak mixing angle is predicted to be sin^2theta_w = 0.2313 \pm 0.0004, which fits the data with extraordinary accuracy. The compactification scale and the strong coupling scale are determined to be M_c \simeq 5 x 10^{14} GeV and M_s \simeq 1 x 10^{17} GeV, respectively. Proton decay with a lifetime of order 10^{34} years is expected with a variety of final states such as e^+pi^0, and several aspects of flavor, including large neutrino mixing angles, are understood by the geometrical locations of the matter fields. When combined with a particular supersymmetry breaking mechanism, the theory predicts large lepton flavor violating mu -> e and tau -> mu transitions, with all superpartner masses determined by only two free parameters. The predicted value of the bottom quark mass from Yukawa unification agrees well with the data. This paper is mainly a review of the work presented in hep-ph/0103125, hep-ph/0111068 and hep-ph/0205067.Comment: A review for a wide audience based on conference talks given by the authors; 30 pages, 15 figure

    A Constrained Standard Model from a Compact Extra Dimension

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    A SU(3) \times SU(2) \times U(1) supersymmetric theory is constructed with a TeV sized extra dimension compactified on the orbifold S^1/(Z_2 \times Z_2'). The compactification breaks supersymmetry leaving a set of zero modes which correspond precisely to the states of the 1 Higgs doublet standard model. Supersymmetric Yukawa interactions are localized at orbifold fixed points. The top quark hypermultiplet radiatively triggers electroweak symmetry breaking, yielding a Higgs potential which is finite and exponentially insensitive to physics above the compactification scale. This potential depends on only a single free parameter, the compactification scale, yielding a Higgs mass prediction of 127 \pm 8 GeV. The masses of the all superpartners, and the Kaluza-Klein excitations are also predicted. The lightest supersymmetric particle is a top squark of mass 197 \pm 20 GeV. The top Kaluza-Klein tower leads to the \rho parameter having quadratic sensitivity to unknown physics in the ultraviolet.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, 2 eps figures, minor correction

    Intersecting Flavor Branes

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    We consider an instance of the AdS/CFT duality where the bulk theory contains an open string tachyon, and study the instability from the viewpoint of the boundary field theory. We focus on the specific example of the AdS_5 X S^5 background with two probe D7 branes intersecting at general angles. For generic angles supersymmetry is completely broken and there is an open string tachyon between the branes. The field theory action for this system is obtained by coupling to N =4 super Yang-Mills two N =2 hyper multiplets in the fundamental representation of the SU(N) gauge group, but with different choices of embedding of the two N=2 subalgebras into N=4. On the field theory side we find a one-loop Coleman-Weinberg instability in the effective potential for the fundamental scalars. We identify a mesonic operator as the dual of the open string tachyon. By AdS/CFT, we predict the tachyon mass for small 't Hooft coupling (large bulk curvature) and confirm that it violates the AdS stability bound.Comment: 36 page

    Ancestral roles of the Fam20C family of secreted protein kinases revealed in C. elegans.

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    Fam20C is a secreted protein kinase mutated in Raine syndrome, a human skeletal disorder. In vertebrates, bone and enamel proteins are major Fam20C substrates. However, Fam20 kinases are conserved in invertebrates lacking bone and enamel, suggesting other ancestral functions. We show that FAMK-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans Fam20C orthologue, contributes to fertility, embryogenesis, and development. These functions are not fulfilled when FAMK-1 is retained in the early secretory pathway. During embryogenesis, FAMK-1 maintains intercellular partitions and prevents multinucleation; notably, temperature elevation or lowering cortical stiffness reduces requirement for FAMK-1 in these contexts. FAMK-1 is expressed in multiple adult tissues that undergo repeated mechanical strain, and selective expression in the spermatheca restores fertility. Informatic, biochemical, and functional analysis implicate lectins as FAMK-1 substrates. These findings suggest that FAMK-1 phosphorylation of substrates, including lectins, in the late secretory pathway is important in embryonic and tissue contexts where cells are subjected to mechanical strain

    Informing the design of a national screening and treatment programme for chronic viral hepatitis in primary care: qualitative study of at-risk immigrant communities and healthcare professionals

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    n Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise statedThis paper presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under the Programme Grants for Applied Research programme (RP-PG-1209-10038).