920 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimankah rahasia bank dalam kegiatan usaha bank syariah berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perbankan Syariah dan bagaimanakah ancaman pidana terhadap pelanggaran rahasia bank berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2008, di mana dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Pasal 1 angka 16 Undang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 1992 Jo. Undang-Undang No. 10 Tahun 1998 Tentang Perbankan merumuskan pengertian rahasia bank sebagai segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan keuangan dan hal-hal lain dari nasabah bank yang menurut kelaziman dunia perbankan wajib dirahasiakan. Berkaitan dengan itu, Pasal 40 ayat (1) mengatur bahwa, ā€œBank dilarang memberikan keterangan yang tercatat pada bank tentang keadaan keuangan dan hal-hal lain dari nasabahnya, yang wajib dirahasiakan oleh bank menurut kelaziman dalam dunia perbankan. 2. Ketentuan dalam UUP dan UU Perbankan Syariah, pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan kerahasiaan bank dikategorikan sebagai ā€œtindak pidana kejahatanā€. Oleh karena itu, pelanggar ketentuan rahasia bank, apabila dibandingkan dengan hanya sekedar dikategorikan sebagai ā€œtindak pidana pelanggaranā€, maka tentunya diberi sanksi hukum pidana yang lebih berat lagi.Ā Ā  Kata kunci: bank, rahasia bank, syaria

    Kedudukan Dan Kekuatan Hukum Memorandum of Understanding Menurut Hukum Perdata

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan Memorandum of Understanding menurut hukum pada umumnya dan bagaimana kedukan dan kekuatan hukum Memorandum of Understanding menurut hukum perdata. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dapat disimpulkan: 1. Memorandum of Understanding adalah suatu pra perjanjian yang akan diikuti dengan perjanjian lain yang lebih rinci; isinya ringkas, bahkan sering hanya terdiri dari satu halaman saja; hanya berisi hal pokok; mempunyai jangka waktu, dan biasanya dibuat dalam bentuk perjanjian di bawah tangan. Tujuan Memorandum of Understanding adalah untuk menghindari kesulitan pembatalan suatu agreement nantinya, penandatanganan kontrak masih lama sehingga daripada tidak ada ikatan apa-apa dibuatlah Memorandum of Understanding yang akan berlaku sementara waktu; adanya hal yang perlu ditinjau sebelum penandatanganan suatu kontrak, sehingga untuk sementara dibuatlah Memorandum of Understanding. 2. Memorandum of Understanding yang tidak bersifat kontrak (Gentlement agreement) adalah Memorandum of Understanding yang mempunyai sanksi moral (non material), Memorandum of Understanding tidak dikatakan sebagai suatu kontrak. Memorandum of Understanding yang di dalamnya menyebutkan tentang perlunya perjanjian lebih lanjut setelah Memorandum of Understanding tersebut bukanlah suatu kontrak, karena sifatnya tidak final. Memorandum of Understanding yang bersifat sebagai kontrak (Agreement is agreement) adalah Memorandum of Understanding yang bersifat sebagai suatu kontrak adalah Memorandum of Understanding yang bersifat final dan di dalamnya disebutkan sanksi yang jelas jika terjadi pengingkaran terhadap substansi Memorandum of Understanding tersebut. Memorandum of Understanding yang bersifat sebagai kontrak berkedudukan setara dengan kontrak dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata

    A Systems Biology Approach to the Development of Commercial Bioprocesses: 1,4-butanediol and beyond

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    Production of biobased chemicals by fermentation at competitive titer, rate, and yield involves optimizing the cellular resources normally devoted to biomass formation and directing them towards product formation. Systems and synthetic biology tools are the key to surmounting these challenges. As an example success of this approach, Genomatica has developed a complete bioprocess for commercial scale production of 1,4-butanediol (BDO) from carbohydrate feedstocks. BDO is a chemical intermediate (\u3e 3B lbs/yr) that goes into a variety of products including automotive parts and apparel, and is currently produced commercially through energy-intensive petrochemical processes. Systems biology, diagnostic ā€˜omicsā€™ experiments, and novel synthetic biology tools will be emphasized to highlight the importance of rational metabolic engineering approaches for achieving high level strain performance

    Implicit and explicit selective attention to smoking cues in smokers indexed by brain potentials

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    Abstract Substance use disorders are characterized by cognitive processing biases, such as automatically detecting and orienting attention towards drug-related stimuli. However, it is unclear how, when and what kind of attention (i.e. implicit, explicit) interacts with the processing of these stimuli. In addition, it is unclear whether smokers are hypersensitive to emotionally significant cues in general or to smoking-related cues in particular. The present event-related potential study aimed to enhance insight in drug-related processing biases by manipulating attention for smoking and other motivationally relevant (emotional) cues in smokers and non-smokers using a visual oddball task. Each of the stimulus categories served as a target (explicit attention; counting) or as a non-target (implicit attention; oddball) category. Compared with non-smokers, smokers' P300 (350-600 ms) was enhanced to smoking pictures under both attentional conditions. P300 amplitude did not differ between groups in response to positive, negative, and neutral cues. It can be concluded from this study that attention manipulation affects the P300 differently in smokers and non-smokers. Smokers display a specific bias to smoking-related cues, and this bias is present during both explicit and implicit attentional processing. Overall, it can be concluded that both explicit and implicit attentional processes appear to play an important role in drug-related processing bias


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    ABSTRACTĀ Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) and Red Cana Flower (Canna coccinea Mill.) contain natural dyes (anthocyanins) which are used as an alternative natural dyes as well as natural antioxidants. This study aims to make and discover the physical evaluation of blusher preparations using natural dyes in a combination of Purple Sweet Potato extract and Red Cana Flower with a concentration of 15%: 15%, 15%: 20 %, 20%: 20%. This research used laboratory experimental methods. The results of the physical properties test showed that the resulting preparations gave a light purple to purplish pink color, had a distinctive odor of pafrum oleum rose, had a soft texture, all preparations had a homogeneous composition, the ph value of the preparations ranged from 6.00 ā€“ 6.45, the best polish at concentrations dye 20%: 20%, for 14 days of observation the color on all preparations did not change with light, and the most preferred preparations by researcher are those with dye concentrations of 20%: 20%. It shows that it can be concluded that a combination of ethanol extract of Purple Sweet Potato and Red Cana Flower. Can be used as a natural dye in blush preparations.Ā Keywords:Ā  Ipomoea batatas L., Canna coccinea Mill., Blusher.Ā ABSTRAK Ā Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.) dan Bunga Kana Merah (Canna coccinea Mill.) mengadung pewarna alami (antosianin) yang digunakan sebagai zat pewarna alami alternatif mapun sebagai antioksidan alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat serta mengetahui evaluasi fisik sediaan perona pipi dengan memanfaatkan pewarna alami pada kombinasi ekstrak Ubi Jalar Ungu dan Bunga Kana Merah dengan konsentrasi 15%:15%, 15%:20% dan 20%:20%. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental laboratorium. Hasil pengujian sifat fisik menunjukan bahwa sediaan yang dihasilkan memberikan warna ungu muda hingga merah muda keunguan, bau khas parfum oleum rose, teksturnya lembut, semua sediaan memiliki susunan yang homogen, nilai pH sediaan berkisar 6,00 - 6,45, polesan terbaik pada konsentrasi zat warna 20%:20%, selama 14 hari pengamatan warna pada semua sediaan tidak mengalami perubahan terhadap cahaya, dan sediaan yang paling disukai oleh panelis adalah sediaan dengan konsentrasi zat warna 20%:20%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi ekstrak etanol Ubi Jalar Ungu dan Bungu Kana Merah dapat digunkan sebagai pewarna alami dalam sediaan perona pipi.Ā Kata kunci: Ipomoea batatas L., Canna coccinea Mill., Perona pip

    Flux Analysis Uncovers Key Role of Functional Redundancy in Formaldehyde Metabolism

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    Genome-scale analysis of predicted metabolic pathways has revealed the common occurrence of apparent redundancy for specific functional units, or metabolic modules. In many cases, mutation analysis does not resolve function, and instead, direct experimental analysis of metabolic flux under changing conditions is necessary. In order to use genome sequences to build models of cellular function, it is important to define function for such apparently redundant systems. Here we describe direct flux measurements to determine the role of redundancy in three modules involved in formaldehyde assimilation and dissimilation in a bacterium growing on methanol. A combination of deuterium and (14)C labeling was used to measure the flux through each of the branches of metabolism for growth on methanol during transitions into and out of methylotrophy. The cells were found to differentially partition formaldehyde among the three modules depending on the flux of methanol into the cell. A dynamic mathematical model demonstrated that the kinetic constants of the enzymes involved are sufficient to account for this phenomenon. We demonstrate the role of redundancy in formaldehyde metabolism and have uncovered a new paradigm for coping with toxic, high-flux metabolic intermediates: a dynamic, interconnected metabolic loop

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Bencana Gempa Bumi Pada Siswa SMP Kristen Kakaskasen Kota Tomohon

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    Gempa bumi termasuk bencana alam yang paling dahsyat. Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang terletak pada pertemuan empat lempeng tektonik yang sangat berpotensi sekaligus rawan bencana gempa bumi. Kurangnya pengetahuan dan kesiapan mengakibatkan timbulnya banyak korban, dimana paling banyak korban bencana gempa bumi adalah wanita dan anak-anak. Jarak SMP Kristen begitu dekat dengan gunung Lokon (kurang dari 5 km) yang masih aktif, mengakibatkan sekolah selalu menerima dampak gempa bumi sebelum gunung meletus berupa korban luka, kecemasan, dan terganggunya proses belajar. Tujuan untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Bencana Gempa Bumi Pada Siswa SMP Kristen Kakaskasen Kota Tomohon. Sampel berjumlah 60 responden dengan menggunakan teknik probability sampling. Desain penelitian yaitu one group pre-post test dan menggunakan lembar kuesioner untuk mendapatkan data dari responden. Hasil Penelitian menggunakan uji statistik Wilcoxon didapat nilai P-value sebesar 0,00 (< = 0,05). Kesimpulan menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penyuluhan kesehatan terhadap kesiapsiagaan menghadapi bencana gempa bumi pada siswa SMP Kristen Kakaskasen Kota Tomohon. Saran agar pihak sekolah lebih giat melaksanakan pendidikan kesehatan khususnya kesiapsiagaan menghadapi bencana serta untuk peneliti selanjutnya, kiranya dapat meneliti mengenai faktor-faktor lain yang dapat meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan menghadapi bencana

    Karakteristik Buruh Wanita Pengangkut Ikan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (Tpi) Tumumpa Kota Manado

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    Women's participation is absolutely necessary, because it is the basic capital in development. The use of female labor is aimed at increasing the participation or the role of women in society (Aninomous, 2000). Most women in Indonesia seek to cover the shortfall because of the husband's income needs of families of small and erratic. They are also forced to work because her husband got a disaster, illness and accidents so that women become heads of households. Women should be wise in managing household spending. Daily routine expenditures are basic needs such as food and school transport must be arranged properly. This study aims to determine the characteristics of women workers in share time with duties as a housewife, and identify factors driving and inhibiting female workers in carrying out his job as a laborer women in TPI Tumumpa Manado North Sulawesi. Data collection is done on women workers transporting fish from fishing boats catching pajeko, by observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data obtained were processed and analyzed descriptively. Descriptive analysis performed for the interpretation of the data for the conclusion. Descriptive data analysis will provide an overview description of the sentences that are connected with the existing theory, through simple calculations like; the sum, average, and percentage. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded: 1) general factors that encourage women to work as laborers because of the economic needs of the family are insufficient, 2) work as a carrier of the fishery conducted on the sidelines of time between work as a housewife and opportunities of labor demand increases during the season good fish, 3) factors inhibiting women workers in doing their jobs is job competition with male workers, and 4) women fish transport has an important economic role for the family to actively participate in productive activities and earn income which can add to the family income, but still play a role as housewife and community activities

    Studi Keberadaan Bakteri Patogen Pada Ikan Kayu (Katsuwobushi) Yang Diproses Dengan Asap Cair

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    The problems in dried bonito flakes industry nowadays is the high contents of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) which is can act as carcinogenic agent. The aim of this study was to observe and detect the presence of pathogenic bacteria that may contaminate the dried bonito flakes. The tested parameters include Total Plate Count (TPC) analysis, detection of Coliform, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Salmonella. The results showed that the early drying period had 1,3x104 cfu/g and the final drying had 3x103 cfu/g. There is no evidence of the presence of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Salmonella
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