64 research outputs found

    Analisis Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan dengan Menggunakan Metode Economic Value Added (EVA) pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

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    The purpose of this research is to know the company's financial performance by using economic value added (EVA) method at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. During the period 2015 - 2017. Economic Value Added Analysis (EVA) is one way to explore financial performance. Economic Value Added (EVA) is an indicator of the implementation of investment. To process the data that have been collected from the results of research, the researchers in this research using the analysis of corporate financial performance using the method of Economic Value Added (EVA) by calculating Net Profit After Tax, calculate Invested Capital, calculate Average Cost Of Capital, calculate Capital Charges and Calculate Economic Value Added (EVA). After processing the results data show that the financial performance of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk during the period of 2015 until 2017 EVA value continues to increase EVA value in every year of research. This proves that the company's managers are able to create economic value added for the company by maximizing profits that contribute to the increasing value of NOPAT and minimize the return on risk in infestation that causes the decline in Capital Charges value resulting in EVA> 0 value. The results show that during the period 2015 to 2017 PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. get a positive value with the highest EVA in 2017 of Rp. 21,396,554 (in millions of rupiahs) because in that year the company had the highest NOPAT from the previous two years and had Capital Charges which is low enough so that the company can obtain higher value added from 2015 and 2016. Then in 2016 the company has EVA lower of Rp 19,298,437 (in millions of rupiah) with the difference of 9.80% compared to the year 2017 and the creation of the lowest value in 2015 amounting to Rp. 17,231,693 (in millions of rupiah) with a difference of 10.70% compared to the value of EVA in 2016

    Analisis Economic Value Added (Eva) Pada PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze and determine the financial performance of PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk, that are reviewed with economic value added method. Based on the results of research and discussion, can be concluded that PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk succeeded in creating a positive economic value added for the company Rp.1,487,357 (in Million Rupiah) in 2013, Rp.2,237,350 (in millions of rupiah) in 2014, and Rp.2,360,665 (in millions Rupiah) in 2015. The management have been working according to the wishes of shareholders, so the shareholders can entrust their investment to the company

    Pengendalian Intern Piutang Usaha pada PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Cabang Manado

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    The Bank is a financial institution that functions to collect funds from the public in the form of deposits and then redistributes them in the form of credit. In carrying out internal control of trade receivables, what must be the center of attention is how safeguards that will be efficient and effective are carried out on trade receivables, both in terms of security that will be efficiently and effectively carried out on trade receivables, both in terms of security of physical cash gains, separation assignment, until the availability of accurate accounting records data. Internal control is all organizational plans, methods, and measurementschosen by business activities to secure their assets, check accuracy and reliability of business accounting data, improve operational efficiency, and support compliance with policies Managerial that has been determined. This study aims to determine the benefits of internal trade receivables control at PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk ManadoBranch. The object of this study is PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Manado Branch located in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study uses qualitative descriptive analysis method, namely by collecting data directly from the company by observing, interviewing according to the research subject. The results of the research show that from the elements of internal control according to the COSO framework, it has been running well. Internal control of trade receivables at PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Manado Branch has run well, competent employees, and a small amount of uncollectible accounts

    Image-Based Bronchial Anatomy Codification for Biopsy Guiding in Video Bronchoscopy

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    Bronchoscopy examinations allow biopsy of pulmonary nodules with minimum risk for the patient. Even for experienced bronchoscopists, it is difficult to guide the bronchoscope to most distal lesions and obtain an accurate diagnosis. This paper presents an image-based codification of the bronchial anatomy for bronchoscopy biopsy guiding. The 3D anatomy of each patient is codified as a binary tree with nodes representing bronchial levels and edges labeled using their position on images projecting the 3D anatomy from a set of branching points. The paths from the root to leaves provide a codification of navigation routes with spatially consistent labels according to the anatomy observes in video bronchoscopy explorations. We evaluate our labeling approach as a guiding system in terms of the number of bronchial levels correctly codified, also in the number of labels-based instructions correctly supplied, using generalized mixed models and computer-generated data. Results obtained for three independent observers prove the consistency and reproducibility of our guiding system. We trust that our codification based on viewer's projection might be used as a foundation for the navigation process in Virtual Bronchoscopy systems

    Zika and travel in the news: a content analysis of US news stories during the outbreak in 2016–2017

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    Objectives: This study aimed to understand what information the US media communicated about Zika virus (ZIKV) and travel in 2016 and 2017. Study design: We conducted a content analysis of news coverage about ZIKV and travel from April 5, 2016 to March 31, 2017. Methods: We obtained a stratified, random sample of English language, US print newspaper and television news coverage about ZIKV and travel. We developed a coding scheme to assess key messages in the news, including how ZIKV is transmitted, the symptoms and outcomes of ZIKV infection, and recommended prevention behaviors. Results: Almost all news stories mentioned mosquito-borne transmission (96.8%) and just over half mentioned sexual transmission (55.3%). News stories were more likely to talk about ZIKV outcomes (78.8%) than ZIKV symptoms (40.6%). However, outcomes affecting babies were mentioned more frequently than outcomes affecting adults. Recommendations included a wide array of protective behaviors, such as delaying or avoiding travel (77.6%) and using mosquito repellent (41.0%). However, few studies (10.9%) mentioned barriers to practicing ZIKV prevention behaviors. Conclusions: Public health organizations and professionals can use these findings to help improve communication about future outbreaks of mosquito-borne illnesses. We also recommend conducting real-time monitoring of news media and frequent content analysis of news stories to ensure coverage provides the information the public needs

    Synthetic Nanoparticles for Vaccines and Immunotherapy

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    The immune system plays a critical role in our health. No other component of human physiology plays a decisive role in as diverse an array of maladies, from deadly diseases with which we are all familiar to equally terrible esoteric conditions: HIV, malaria, pneumococcal and influenza infections; cancer; atherosclerosis; autoimmune diseases such as lupus, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. The importance of understanding the function of the immune system and learning how to modulate immunity to protect against or treat disease thus cannot be overstated. Fortunately, we are entering an exciting era where the science of immunology is defining pathways for the rational manipulation of the immune system at the cellular and molecular level, and this understanding is leading to dramatic advances in the clinic that are transforming the future of medicine.1,2 These initial advances are being made primarily through biologic drugs– recombinant proteins (especially antibodies) or patient-derived cell therapies– but exciting data from preclinical studies suggest that a marriage of approaches based in biotechnology with the materials science and chemistry of nanomaterials, especially nanoparticles, could enable more effective and safer immune engineering strategies. This review will examine these nanoparticle-based strategies to immune modulation in detail, and discuss the promise and outstanding challenges facing the field of immune engineering from a chemical biology/materials engineering perspectiveNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grants AI111860, CA174795, CA172164, AI091693, and AI095109)United States. Department of Defense (W911NF-13-D-0001 and Awards W911NF-07-D-0004

    Of the importance of a leaf: the ethnobotany of sarma in Turkey and the Balkans

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    BACKGROUND: Sarma - cooked leaves rolled around a filling made from rice and/or minced meat, possibly vegetables and seasoning plants - represents one of the most widespread feasting dishes of the Middle Eastern and South-Eastern European cuisines. Although cabbage and grape vine sarma is well-known worldwide, the use of alternative plant leaves remains largely unexplored. The aim of this research was to document all of the botanical taxa whose leaves are used for preparing sarma in the folk cuisines of Turkey and the Balkans. Methods: Field studies were conducted during broader ethnobotanical surveys, as well as during ad-hoc investigations between the years 2011 and 2014 that included diverse rural communities in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey. Primary ethnobotanical and folkloric literatures in each country were also considered. Results: Eighty-seven botanical taxa, mainly wild, belonging to 50 genera and 27 families, were found to represent the bio-cultural heritage of sarma in Turkey and the Balkans. The greatest plant biodiversity in sarma was found in Turkey and, to less extent, in Bulgaria and Romania. The most commonly used leaves for preparing sarma were those of cabbage (both fresh and lacto-fermented), grape vine, beet, dock, sorrel, horseradish, lime tree, bean, and spinach. In a few cases, the leaves of endemic species (Centaurea haradjianii, Rumex gracilescens, and R. olympicus in Turkey) were recorded. Other uncommon sarma preparations were based on lightly toxic taxa, such as potato leaves in NE Albania, leaves of Arum, Convolvulus, and Smilax species in Turkey, of Phytolacca americana in Macedonia, and of Tussilago farfara in diverse countries. Moreover, the use of leaves of the introduced species Reynoutria japonica in Romania, Colocasia esculenta in Turkey, and Phytolacca americana in Macedonia shows the dynamic nature of folk cuisines. Conclusion: The rich ethnobotanical diversity of sarma confirms the urgent need to record folk culinary plant knowledge. The results presented here can be implemented into initiatives aimed at re-evaluating folk cuisines and niche food markets based on local neglected ingredients, and possibly also to foster trajectories of the avant-garde cuisines inspired by ethnobotanical knowledge