7,573 research outputs found

    Direct to consumer advertising via the Internet, a study of hip resurfacing

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    With increased use of the internet for health information and direct to consumer advertising from medical companies, there is a concern about the quality of the information available for patients. The aim of this study was to examine the quality of health information on the internet for hip resurfacing. An assessment tool was designed to measure quality of information. Websites were measured on credibility of source; usability; currentness of the information; content relevance; content accuracy/completeness and disclosure/bias. Each website assessed was given a total score, based on number of scores achieved from the above categories websites were further analysed on author, geographical origin and possession of an independent credibility check. There was positive correlation between the overall score for the website and the score of each website in each assessment category. Websites by implant companies, doctors and hospitals scored poorly. Websites with an independent credibility check such as Health on the Net (HoN) scored twice the total scores of websites without. Like other internet health websites, the quality of information on hip resurfacing websites is variable. This study highlights methods by which to assess the quality of health information on the internet and advocates that patients should look for a statement of an "independent credibility check" when searching for information on hip resurfacing

    Evaluation of the Antiasthmatic Activity of Methanolic Extract of Trigonella Foenum Graecum on Experimental Models of Bronchial Asthma

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    The present study deals with the phytochemical screening and evaluation of antiasthmatic activity of methanolic extract of Trigonella foenumgraecum on experimental models of bronchial asthma and anaphylaxis. The antiasthmatic activity was studied on histamine-induced bronchospasm in guinea pig (Dunkey-Hartley) for respiratory parameters such as maximum airflow, minimum airflow, tidal volume, respiratory rate, minute volume, specific airway resistance determination on double chambered whole body plethysmography on un-anesthetized guinea pigs, for mast cell degranulation by compound 48/80 (in vitro) was done using rat (Albino Wistar) peritoneal fluid. Trigonella foenum graecum treated result indicated significant protection against histamine-induced bronchospasm in guinea pigs at highest dose i.e. 400mg/kg. The bronchodilatory effect of Trigonella foenum graecum was found comparable to the protection offered by the standard drug Salbutamol on respiratory parameters in double chambered whole body plethysmography, Treatment with Trigonella foenum graecum at a dose of 400mg/kg showed a significant decrease in degranulation rate of actively and passively sensitized mast cells of sensitized rats when challenged with antigen. Trigonella foenum graecum. Possess significant anti-asthmatic activity due to its potential anti inflammatory, antioxidant and the antihistaminic activity, which reflects as anti-degranulating effect on mast cells and on respiratory parameters. Keywords: Trigonella foenum graecum; asthma; mast cell; compound 48/80; histamin


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    Objective: The survey about dengue was carried out to gather the information about dengue fever, create awareness among the people. To determined the index of knowledge, attitude and awareness among the surveyed population about dengue. Methods: The questionnaire was prepared under the guidance of a pharmacologist. Pilot study was conducted among ten nos. of the population prior actual study. Questionnaire was revised and finalized according to an input of the pilot study. This questionnaire presented to the hundred peoples of different age group. Method involves face to face interview and seeking answers for different questions. Responses were recorded for further analysis and interpretation. Responses were sorted and analyzed. Different questions were categorized into the domain of awareness, knowledge and attitude. Data was presented in the form of graphs. Results: Percentage of awareness, knowledge and attitude found to be 59, 44, 52 respectively. It is observed that three parameters are almost in the range of fifty percent. Precautions plays vital role in prevention of Dengue. Conclusion: it is concluded that there is scope for improvement for creating awareness, knowledge and attitude among the surveyed population as representative of the general population. This may help to overcome the risk of this communicable and deadly disease

    Processing of Sorghum From Different Varieties and Hybrids for Semolina and Their Products

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    The present study was undertaken with the objective to standardise procedures for preparation of semolina (rava) from sorghum, to identify the best genotype for preparation of semolina and to study the nutritional quality parameters of semolina. For processing of sorghum, ten varieties and five hybrids were used for preparation of semolina and their products. A process has been standardized for semolina preparation using ultra grinding mill from sorghum grain. The semolina yield ranged from 46.51% to 54.29%. Hybrid CSH-15R gave the highest yield of semolina (54.29%). Starch content in semolina ranged from 59.93% to 66.43%. The new genotypes Phule Vasudha, Phule Yashoda and M 35-1 showed higher levels of starch content as compared to the other genotypes. The Phule Vasudha and Selection-3 showed higher levels of total soluble sugars in grains, as well as in semolina than the other genotypes. Phule Maulee gave higher level of crude fibre content (3.12%). The amino acid profile of sorghum grain and semolina showed very minor differences in the content due to the processing of sorghum grains into various products like semolina. The new genotypes of rabi sorghum showed comparable results for the mineral with that of hybrids. The organoleptic properties of the sweet (shira), upama and idali prepared from semolina were judged on the basis of colour, texture and appearance, flavour, taste and overall acceptability of the products using semi-trained judges and 1 to 9 hedonic scales. All products prepared from semolina were like very much and gave highest rating of more than 8 hedonic scales. While considering the yield of semolina from sorghum grains as well as their nutritional composition and organoleptic properties of the niche products (shira, upama, idali) prepared from them, the varieties Phule Vasudha and Phule Yashoda were the best one as compared to the other varieties and hybrids and overall varieties were better than the hybrids

    Machine Learning Approach for Comparative Analysis of De-Noising Techniques in Ultrasound Images of Ovarian Tumors

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    Ovarian abnormalities such ovarian cysts, tumors, and polycystic ovaries are one of the serious disorders affecting women's health. In ultrasound imaging of ovarian abnormalities, noise during capturing of the image and its transmission process frequently corrupts the image. In order to make the best judgments possible at the appropriate moment, ovarian cysts in females must be accurately detected.  In computer aided diagnosis of ovarian tumors, preprocessing is a very important step. In preprocessing, de-noising of medical images is a particularly a difficult task since it must be done while maintaining image features that are essential for diagnosis. In this research work we are using various denoising filters on ultrasound images of ovarian tumors. For different noise denoising techniques, performance measures like MSE, PSNR, SSIM, and UQI etc. are calculated. According to experimental findings, Block matching 3-D filter outperforms all other methods. Radiologists can better diagnose the condition with the use of this computer-assisted system

    Sciatica (Gridhrasi) - An Ayurveda Perspective

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    Large number of population suffers from low back pain. Chronic low back pain (CLBP) prevalence increases linearly from the third decade of life on, until the 60 years of age, being more prevalent in women. Sciatica is the most common debilitating condition causes CLBP. Radiating leg pain and related disabilities are the observed in sciatica. Nearly 40% people experience sciatic pain at some point in their life. The diagnosis of sciatica and its management varies considerably within and between countries. Conventional Medicine and surgery are widely used in the management of sciatica. There is radical rise in the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in patients with sciatica. Ayurveda is one of the widely used CAM in the recent past. Sciatica resembles the disease Gridharsi of Ayurveda. Gridharsi is one among the Vataja nanatmaja vyadhi, where dysfunction of Vata affect gridharsi nadi characterized by low back pain radiating to lower limbs, stiffness and pricking type of pain. It starts from kati- prishta (pelvic region and Lumbosacral) radiating to jangha paada (Thigh, Feets) with impairment of lifting the leg. The gait of the person is very similar to vulture (Gridhra) hence the name is given as Gridharsi. In this article, attempt has been made to review the Ayurvedic classics text and related literatures to understand the disease Gridharsi with emphasis on its samprapti on the basis of Kriyakala and role of Shodhana and Shamana chikitsa in the management of Gridharsi

    Cold Dark Matter and Holographic Dark Energy Cosmological Model with Big rip singularity

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    We have explored cold dark matter and holographic dark energy cosmological models with big rip singularity. To obtain the solution of the field equation, we have supposed that scalar expansion θ\theta is proportional to shear scalar σ2\sigma ^2 which leads to p1=(p2)np_1=(p_2) ^n , where A1A_1 , A2A_2 are metric potentials and n n is constant. Big bang and Big rip singularity are investigated and analyzed the state-finder parameter. The physical and geometrical parameters of the universe are explained

    Local predictability in a simple model of atmospheric balance

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    International audienceThe 2 degree-of-freedom elastic pendulum equations can be considered as the lowest order analogue of interacting low-frequency (slow) Rossby-Haurwitz and high-frequency (fast) gravity waves in the atmosphere. The strength of the coupling between the low and the high frequency waves is controlled by a single coupling parameter, e, defined by the ratio of the fast and slow characteristic time scales. In this paper, efficient, high accuracy, and symplectic structure preserving numerical solutions are designed for the elastic pendulum equation in order to study the role balanced dynamics play in local predictability. To quantify changes in the local predictability, two measures are considered: the local Lyapunov number and the leading singular value of the tangent linear map. It is shown, both based on theoretical considerations and numerical experiments, that there exist regions of the phase space where the local Lyapunov number indicates exceptionally high predictability, while the dominant singular value indicates exceptionally low predictability. It is also demonstrated that the local Lyapunov number has a tendency to choose instabilities associated with balanced motions, while the dominant singular value favors instabilities related to highly unbalanced motions. The implications of these findings for atmospheric dynamics are also discussed

    Drug-Phospholipid Complex-loaded Matrix Film Formulation for the Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of Quercetin

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    A novel quercetin-phospholipid-complex(QPLC)-loaded matrix film for improved transdermal delivery of quercetin was developed. The QPLC formulation, prepared using a solvent-evaporation method, was optimized using a central-composite design. The optimized QPLC formulation was characterized by particle size and zeta potential analysis, thermal analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR). QPLC formulation was functionally evaluated for solubility and in vitro dissolution of quercetin. Matrix films of pure quercetin (Q-MF)or QPLC QPLC-MF) were prepared using a solvent casting method. The prepared Q-MF and QPLC-MF were characterized for weight uniformity, folding endurance, moisture content, and moisture uptake. The films were also functionally characterized for in vitro diffusion of quercetin through a dialysis membrane and ex vivo permeability of quercetin across rat skin. Finally, the anti-inflammatory activity of the films was evaluated on carrageenan-induced paw edema in Wistar albino rats. The experimental design identified the optimal formulation and process variables for the preparation of QPLC. The validation of the obtained model using these values confirmed the suitability and robustness of the model. The physical-chemical characterization of the prepared QPLC supported the formation of a stable complex. The solubility analysis of QPLC showed a 22-fold increase in quercetin aqueous solubility, compared to pure quercetin. The dissolution results exhibited a significantly higher rate and extent of quercetin dissolution from QPLC compared to that of pure quercetin. The permeability of quercetin from Q-MF and QPLC-MF across rat skin mirrored those obtained from the dissolution studies. Topical application of QPLC-MF exhibited a significant (p\u3c0.05) inhibition of carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats compared to that of Q-MF. This study provides a promising combination approach, i.e., phospholipid-based complexation and transdermal film formulation for improved transdermal delivery of quercetin and similar pharmacologically active phytoconstituents

    Solvent Effect on Fluorescence Quenching of 7, 8 Benzo‑4‑azido Methyl Coumarin by Aniline

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    Fluorescence quenching of biologically active studies of 7, 8 benzo-4-azidomethyl coumarin (7BAMC) by aniline in four different organic solvents namely benzene, dioxane, tetrahydrofuran and acetonitrile has been carried out at room temperature with a view to understand the quenching mechanisms. The Stern–Volmer (S-V) plot has been found to be non-linear with a positive deviation for all the solvents studied. In order to interpret these results we have invoked the ground state complex formation and sphere of action static quenching models. Using these models various quenching rate parameters have been determined. The magnitudes of these parameters suggest that sphere of action static quenching model agrees well with the experimental results. Hence the positive deviation is attributed to the static and dynamic quenching. Further, with the use of Finite Sink approximation model, it was possible to check these bimolecular reactions as diffusion-limited and to estimate independently distance parameter R’ and mutual diffusion coefficient D. Finally an effort has been made to correlate the values of R’ and D with the values of the encounter distance R and the mutual coefficient D determined using the Edward’s empirical relation and Stokes – Einstein relation