1,341 research outputs found

    Variational Quantum Fidelity Estimation

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    Computing quantum state fidelity will be important to verify and characterize states prepared on a quantum computer. In this work, we propose novel lower and upper bounds for the fidelity F(ρ,σ) based on the “truncated fidelity'” F(ρ_m,σ) which is evaluated for a state ρ_m obtained by projecting ρ onto its mm-largest eigenvalues. Our bounds can be refined, i.e., they tighten monotonically with mm. To compute our bounds, we introduce a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm, called Variational Quantum Fidelity Estimation, that involves three steps: (1) variationally diagonalize ρ, (2) compute matrix elements of σ in the eigenbasis of ρ, and (3) combine these matrix elements to compute our bounds. Our algorithm is aimed at the case where σ is arbitrary and ρ is low rank, which we call low-rank fidelity estimation, and we prove that no classical algorithm can efficiently solve this problem under reasonable assumptions. Finally, we demonstrate that our bounds can detect quantum phase transitions and are often tighter than previously known computable bounds for realistic situations

    Slide-Down Prevention for Wheeled Mobile Robots on Slopes

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    Wheeled mobile robots on inclined terrain can slide down due to loss of traction and gravity. This type of instability, which is different from tip-over, can provoke uncontrolled motion or get the vehicle stuck. This paper proposes slide-down prevention by real-time computation of a straightforward stability margin for a given ground-wheel friction coefficient. This margin is applied to the case study of Lazaro, a hybrid skid-steer mobile robot with caster-leg mechanism that allows tests with four or five wheel contact points. Experimental results for both ADAMS simulations and the actual vehicle demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Tecnología para la vigilancia de la biodiversidad

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    Los sistemas de seguimiento y de comunicación unidos a ciencias como la aeroespacial permiten hoy día llevar a cabo un estricto control de factores como la evolución de la vegetación, los desiertos o los glaciares. Infrarrojos, cámaras térmicas o el mismo GPS son sólo una muestra de su potencial

    Human and Object Recognition with a High-resolution tactile sensor

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    This paper 1 describes the use of two artificial intelligence methods for object recognition via pressure images from a high-resolution tactile sensor. Both meth- ods follow the same procedure of feature extraction and posterior classification based on a supervised Supported Vector Machine (SVM). The two approaches differ on how features are extracted: while the first one uses the Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) descriptor, the other one employs a pre-trained Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN). Besides, this work shows its applica- tion to object recognition for rescue robotics, by distinguishing between differ- ent body parts and inert objects. The performance analysis of the proposed methods is carried out with an experiment with 5-class non-human and 3-class human classification, providing a comparison in terms of accuracy and compu-tational load. Finally, it is discussed how feature-extraction based on SURF can be obtained up to five times faster compared to DCNN. On the other hand, the accuracy achieved using DCNN-based feature extraction can be 11.67% superior to SURF.Proyecto DPI2015-65186-R European Commission under grant agreement BES-2016-078237. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    3D Segmentation Method for Natural Environments based on a Geometric-Featured Voxel Map

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    This work proposes a new segmentation algorithm for three-dimensional dense point clouds and has been specially designed for natural environments where the ground is unstructured and may include big slopes, non-flat areas and isolated areas. This technique is based on a Geometric-Featured Voxel map (GFV) where the scene is discretized in constant size cubes or voxels which are classified in flat surface, linear or tubular structures and scattered or undefined shapes, usually corresponding to vegetation. Since this is not a point-based technique the computational cost is significantly reduced, hence it may be compatible with Real-Time applications. The ground is extracted in order to obtain more accurate results in the posterior segmentation process. The scene is split into objects and a second segmentation in regions inside each object is performed based on the voxel’s geometric class. The work here evaluates the proposed algorithm in various versions and several voxel sizes and compares the results with other methods from the literature. For the segmentation evaluation the algorithms are tested on several differently challenging hand-labeled data sets using two metrics, one of which is novel.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Optimizing Scan Homogeneity for Building Full-3D Lidars based on Rotating a Multi-Beam Velodyne Rangefinder

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    Multi-beam lidar (MBL) scanners are compact, light, and accessible 3D sensors with high data rates, but they offer limited vertical resolution and field of view (FOV). Some recent robotics research has profited from the addition of a degree-of-freedom (DOF) to an MBL to build rotating multi-beam lidars (RMBL) that can achieve high-resolution scans with full spherical FOV. In a previous work, we offered a methodology to analyze the complex 3D scan measurement distributions produced by RMBLs with a rolling DOF and no pitching. In this paper, we investigate the effect of introducing constant pitch angles in the construction of the RMBLs with the purpose of finding a kinematic configuration that optimizes scan homogeneity with a spherical FOV. To this end, we propose a scalar index of 3D sensor homogeneity that is based on the spherical formulation of Ripley's K function. The optimization is performed for the widely used Puck (VLP-16) and HDL-32 sensors by Velodyne.This work was partially funded by the Spanish project {DPI2015-65186-R}. The publication has received support from Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Andalucía Tech

    Experimental phase functions of mm-sized cosmic dust grains

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    We present experimental phase functions of three types of millimeter-sized dust grains consisting of enstatite, quartz and volcanic material from Mount Etna, respectively. The three grains present similar sizes but different absorbing properties. The measurements are performed at 527 nm covering the scattering angle range from 3 to 170 degrees. The measured phase functions show two well defined regions i) soft forward peaks and ii) a continuous increase with the scattering angle at side- and back-scattering regions. This behavior at side- and back-scattering regions are in agreement with the observed phase functions for the Fomalhaut and HR 4796A dust rings. Further computations and measurements (including polarization) for millimeter sized-grains are needed to draw some conclusions about the fluffy or compact structure of the dust grains

    Fuzzy Inference System for VOLT/VAR control in distribution substations in isolated power systems

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    This paper presents a fuzzy inference system for voltage/reactive power control in distribution substations. The purpose is go forward to automation distribution and its implementation in isolated power systems where control capabilities are limited and it is common using the same applications as in continental power systems. This means that lot of functionalities do not apply and computational burden generates high response times. A fuzzy controller, with logic guidelines embedded based upon heuristic rules resulting from operators at dispatch control center past experience, has been designed. Working as an on-line tool, it has been tested under real conditions and it has managed the operation during a whole day in a distribution substation. Within the limits of control capabilities of the system, the controller maintained successfully an acceptable voltage profile, power factor values over 0,98 and it has ostensibly improved the performance given by an optimal power flow based automation system