1,318 research outputs found

    A large displacement structural analysis of a pipeline subjected to gravity and bouyancy forces

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    p. 489-508A nonlinear analysis of an elastic tube subjected to gravity forces and buoyancy pressure is carried out. An update lagrangian formulation is used. The structural analysis efficiency in terms of computer time and accuracy, has been improved when load stiffness matrices have been introduced. In this way the follower forces characteristics such as their intensity and direction changes can be well represented. A sensitivity study of different involved variables on the final deformed pipeline shape is carried out.Mosquera, JC.; Garcia-Palacios, J.; Samartin, A. (2009). A large displacement structural analysis of a pipeline subjected to gravity and bouyancy forces. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/654

    Determinación de los periodos propios de presas bóveda simétricas mediante fórmulas empíricas

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    El artículo presenta una formulación sencilla que permite obtener los seis primeros períodos propios de vibración de una presa bóveda simétrica diseñada según las recomendaciones del U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Se indican las expresiones polinómicas aproximadas de estos períodos, tanto para embalse vacío como para embalse lleno. El efecto del embalse se modeliza mediante la técnica de Westergaard modificada. Asimismo se indica una expresión que intenta tener en cuenta, de modo tentativo, el efecto de la flexibilidad del terreno.Peer Reviewe

    An origin for the main pulsation and overtones of SGR1900+14 during the August 27 (1998) superoutburst

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    The crucial observation on the occurrence of subpulses (overtones) in the Power Spectral Density of the August 27 (1998) event from SGR1900+14, as discovered by BeppoSAX (Feroci et al. 1999), has received no consistent explanation in the context of the competing theories to explain the SGRs phenomenology: the magnetar and accretion-driven models. Based on the ultra-relativistic, ultracompact X-ray binary model introduced in the accompanying paper (Mosquera Cuesta 2004a), I present here a self-consistent explanation for such an striking feature. I suggest that both the fundamental mode and the overtones observed in SGR1900+14 stem from pulsations of a massive white dwarf (WD). The fundamental mode (and likely some of its harmonics) is excited because of the mutual gravitational interaction with its orbital companion (a NS, envisioned here as point mass object) whenever the binary Keplerian orbital frequency is a multiple integer number (mm) of that mode frequency (Pons et al. 2002). Besides, a large part of the powerful irradiation from the fireball-like explosion occurring on the NS (after partial accretion of disk material) is absorbed in different regions of the star driving the excitation of other multipoles (Podsiadlowski 1991,1995), i.e., the overtones (fluid modes of higher frequency). Part of this energy is then reemitted into space from the WD surface or atmosphere. This way, the WD lightcurve carries with it the signature of these pulsations inasmuch the way as it happens with the Sun pulsations in Helioseismology. It is shown that our theoretical prediction on the pulsation spectrum agrees quite well with the one found by BeppoSAX (Feroci et al. 1999). A feature confirmed by numerical simulations (Montgomery & Winget 2000).Comment: This paper was submitted as a "Letter to the Editor" of MNRAS in July 17/2004. Since that time no answer or referee report was provided to the Author [MNRAS publication policy limits reviewal process no longer than one month (+/- half more) for the reviewal of this kind of submission]. I hope this contribution is not receiving a similar "peer-reviewing" as given to the A. Dar and A. De Rujula's "Cannonball model for gamma-ray bursts", or to the R.K. Williams' "Penrose process for energy extraction from rotating black holes". The author welcomes criticisms and suggestions on this pape

    A Robust Determination of the size of quasar accretion disks using gravitational microlensing

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    Using microlensing measurements from a sample of 27 image-pairs of 19 lensed quasars we determine a maximum likelihood estimate for the accretion disk size of an {{\em}average} quasar of rs=4.03.1+2.4r_s=4.0^{+2.4}_{-3.1} light days at rest frame =1736=1736\AA\ for microlenses with a mean mass of =0.3M=0.3M_\odot. This value, in good agreement with previous results from smaller samples, is roughly a factor of 5 greater than the predictions of the standard thin disk model. The individual size estimates for the 19 quasars in our sample are also in excellent agreement with the results of the joint maximum likelihood analysis.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Ap

    Hubble Diagram of Gamma-Rays Bursts calibrated with Gurzadyan-Xue Cosmology

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) being the most luminous among known cosmic objects carry an essential potential for cosmological studies if properly used as standard candles. In this paper we test with GRBs the cosmological predictions of the Gurzadyan-Xue (GX) model of dark energy, a novel theory that predicts, without any free parameters, the current vacuum fluctuation energy density close to the value inferred from the SNIa observations. We also compare the GX results with those predicted by the concordance scenario Λ\Lambda-CDM. According to the statistical approach by Schaefer (2007), the use of several empirical relations obtained from GRBs observables, after a consistent calibration for a specific model, enables one to probe current cosmological models. Based on this recently introduced method, we use the 69 GRBs sample collected by Schaefer (2007); and the most recently released SWIFT satellite data (Sakamoto et al. 2007) together with the 41 GRBs sample collected by Rizzuto et al. (2007), which has the more firmly determined redshifts. Both data samples span a distance scale up to redshift about 7. We show that the GX models are compatible with the Hubble diagram of the Schaefer (2007) 69 GRBs sample. Such adjustment is almost identical to the one for the concordance Λ\Lambda-CDM.Comment: 9 pages, 17 figures, 11 tables; Astr. & Astrophys. (in press

    Revealing the Structure of an Accretion Disk Through Energy Dependent X-ray Microlensing

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    We present results from monitoring observations of the gravitationally lensed quasar RX J1131-1231 performed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The X-ray observations were planned with relatively long exposures that allowed a search for energy-dependent microlensing in the soft (0.2-2 keV) and hard (2-10 keV) light curves of the images of RX J1131-1231. We detect significant microlensing in the X-ray light-curves of images A and D, and energy-dependent microlensing of image D. The magnification of the soft band appears to be larger than that in the hard band by a factor of ~ 1.3 when image D becomes more magnified. This can be explained by the difference between a compact, softer-spectrum corona that is producing a more extended, harder spectrum reflection component off the disk. This is supported by the evolution of the fluorescent iron line in image D over three consecutive time-averaged phases of the light curve. In the first period, a Fe line at E = 6.36(-0.16,+0.13) keV is detected (at > 99% confidence). In the second period, two Fe lines are detected, one at E = 5.47(-0.08,+0.06) keV (detected at > 99% confidence) and another at E = 6.02(-0.07,+0.09) keV (marginally detected at > 90% confidence), and in the third period, a broadened Fe line at 6.42(-0.15,+0.19) keV is detected (at > 99% confidence). This evolution of the Fe line profile during the microlensing event is consistent with the line distortion expected when a caustic passes over the inner disk where the shape of the fluorescent Fe line is distorted by General Relativistic and Doppler effects.Comment: 20 pages, includes 10 figures, submitted to Ap