45 research outputs found

    A Conserved Role for SNX9-Family Members in the Regulation of Phagosome Maturation during Engulfment of Apoptotic Cells

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    Clearance of apoptotic cells is of key importance during development, tissue homeostasis and wound healing in multi-cellular animals. Genetic studies in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have identified a set of genes involved in the early steps of cell clearance, in particular the recognition and internalization of apoptotic cells. A pathway that orchestrates the maturation of phagosomes containing ingested apoptotic cells in the worm has recently been described. However, many steps in this pathway remain elusive. Here we show that the C. elegans SNX9-family member LST-4 (lateral signaling target) and its closest mammalian orthologue SNX33 play an evolutionary conserved role during apoptotic cell corpse clearance. In lst-4 deficient worms, internalized apoptotic cells accumulated within non-acidified, DYN-1-positive but RAB-5-negative phagosomes. Genetically, we show that LST-4 functions at the same step as DYN-1 during corpse removal, upstream of the GTPase RAB-5. We further show that mammalian SNX33 rescue C. elegans lst-4 mutants and that overexpression of truncated SNX33 fragments interfered with phagosome maturation in a mammalian cell system. Taken together, our genetic and cell biological analyses suggest that LST-4 is recruited through a combined activity of DYN-1 and VPS-34 to the early phagosome membrane, where it cooperates with DYN-1 to promote recruitment/retention of RAB-5 on the early phagosomal membrane during cell corpse clearance. The functional conservation between LST-4 and SNX33 indicate that these early steps of apoptotic phagosome maturation are likely conserved through evolution

    Automated Discrimination of Brain Pathological State Attending to Complex Structural Brain Network Properties: The Shiverer Mutant Mouse Case

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    Neuroimaging classification procedures between normal and pathological subjects are sparse and highly dependent of an expert's clinical criterion. Here, we aimed to investigate whether possible brain structural network differences in the shiverer mouse mutant, a relevant animal model of myelin related diseases, can reflect intrinsic individual brain properties that allow the automatic discrimination between the shiverer and normal subjects. Common structural networks properties between shiverer (C3Fe.SWV Mbpshi/Mbpshi, n = 6) and background control (C3HeB.FeJ, n = 6) mice are estimated and compared by means of three diffusion weighted MRI (DW-MRI) fiber tractography algorithms and a graph framework. Firstly, we found that brain networks of control group are significantly more clustered, modularized, efficient and optimized than those of the shiverer group, which presented significantly increased characteristic path length. These results are in line with previous structural/functional complex brain networks analysis that have revealed topologic differences and brain network randomization associated to specific states of human brain pathology. In addition, by means of network measures spatial representations and discrimination analysis, we show that it is possible to classify with high accuracy to which group each subject belongs, providing also a probability value of being a normal or shiverer subject as an individual anatomical classifier. The obtained correct predictions (e.g., around 91.6–100%) and clear spatial subdivisions between control and shiverer mice, suggest that there might exist specific network subspaces corresponding to specific brain disorders, supporting also the point of view that complex brain network analyses constitutes promising tools in the future creation of interpretable imaging biomarkers

    Environmental history of a closed-basin lake in the US Great Plains: Diatom response to variations in groundwater flow regimes over the last 8500 cal. yr BP

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    Sediment records from closed-basin lakes in the Northern Great Plains (NGP) of North America have contributed significantly to our understanding of regional paleoclimatology. A high-resolution (near decadal) fossil diatom record from Kettle Lake, ND, USA that spans the last 8500 cal. yr BP is interpreted in concert with percent abundance of aragonite in the sediment as an independent proxy of groundwater flow to the lake (and thus lake water level). Kettle Lake has been relatively fresh for the majority of the Holocene, likely because of the coarse substrata and a strong connection to the underlying aquifer. Interpretation of diatom assemblages in four groups indicative of low to high groundwater flow, based on the percent of aragonite in sediments, allow interpretations of arid periods (and probable meromictic lake conditions) that could not be detected based on diatom-based salinity reconstructions alone. At the centennial–millennial scale, the diatom record suggests humid/wet periods from 8351 to 8088, 4364 to 1406 and 872 to 620 cal. yr BP, with more arid periods intervening. During the last ~4500 years, decadal–centennial scale periods of drought have taken place, despite the generally wetter climate. These droughts appear to have had similar impacts on the Kettle Lake hydrology as the “Dust Bowl” era droughts, but were longer in duration

    Microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 alpha (LC3)-associated phagocytosis is required for the efficient clearance of dead cells

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    The recognition and clearance of dead cells is a process that must occur efficiently to prevent an autoimmune or inflammatory response. Recently, a process was identified wherein the autophagy machinery is recruited to pathogen-containing phagosomes, termed MAPLC3A (LC3)-associated phagocytosis (LAP), which results in optimal degradation of the phagocytosed cargo. Here, we describe the engagement of LAP upon uptake of apoptotic, necrotic, and RIPK3-dependent necrotic cells by macrophages. This process is dependent on some members of the classical autophagy pathway, including Beclin1, ATG5, and ATG7. In contrast, ULK1, despite being required for autophagy, is dispensable for LAP induced by uptake of microbes or dead cells. LAP is required for efficient degradation of the engulfed corpse, and in the absence of LAP, engulfment of dead cells results in increased production of proinflammatory cytokines and decreased production of anti-inflammatory cytokines. LAP is triggered by engagement of the TIM4 receptor by either phosphatidylserine (PtdSer)-displaying dead cells or PtdSer-containing liposomes. Therefore, the consequence of phagocytosis of dead cells is strongly affected by those components of the autophagy pathway involved in LAP

    Related B cell clones populate the meninges and parenchyma of patients with multiple sclerosis

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    In the central nervous system of patients with multiple sclerosis, B cell aggregates populate the meninges, raising the central question as to whether these structures relate to the B cell infiltrates found in parenchymal lesions or instead, represent a separate central nervous system immune compartment. We characterized the repertoires derived from meningeal B cell aggregates and the corresponding parenchymal infiltrates from brain tissue derived primarily from patients with progressive multiple sclerosis. The majority of expanded antigen-experienced B cell clones derived from meningeal aggregates were also present in the parenchyma. We extended this investigation to include 20 grey matter specimens containing meninges, 26 inflammatory plaques, 19 areas of normal appearing white matter and cerebral spinal fluid. Analysis of 1833 B cell receptor heavy chain variable region sequences demonstrated that antigen-experienced clones were consistently shared among these distinct compartments. This study establishes a relationship between extraparenchymal lymphoid tissue and parenchymal infiltrates and defines the arrangement of B cell clones that populate the central nervous system of patients with multiple sclerosis