3,701 research outputs found

    Teleportation of continuous quantum variables

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    Quantum teleportation is analyzed for states of dynamical variables with continuous spectra, in contrast to previous work with discrete (spin) variables. The entanglement fidelity of the scheme is computed, including the roles of finite quantum correlation and nonideal detection efficiency. A protocol is presented for teleporting the wave function of a single mode of the electromagnetic field with high fidelity using squeezed-state entanglement and current experimental capability

    Shape-resonance-induced non-Franck–Condon effects in (2+1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization of the C 3Πg state of O2

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    We show that strong non-Franck–Condon effects observed in (2+1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization of the C 3Pig state of O2 are due to the ksigmau shape resonance previously observed in single-photon studies of diatomic molecules. Calculated vibrational branching ratios for the v=2,3 levels of the C 3Πg state are in reasonable agreement with experiment. Certain discrepancies remain in comparing theoretical results with the measured spectra, and possible electron-correlation effects which underly this are discussed

    Optical implementation of continuous-variable quantum cloning machines

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    We propose an optical implementation of the Gaussian continuous-variable quantum cloning machines. We construct a symmetric N -> M cloner which optimally clones coherent states and we also provide an explicit design of an asymmetric 1 -> 2 cloning machine. All proposed cloning devices can be built from just a single non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier and several beam splitters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTe

    The Scalar Curvature of the Bures Metric on the Space of Density Matrices

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    The Riemannian Bures metric on the space of (normalized) complex positive matrices is used for parameter estimation of mixed quantum states based on repeated measurements just as the Fisher information in classical statistics. It appears also in the concept of purifications of mixed states in quantum physics. Here we determine its scalar curvature and Ricci tensor and prove a lower bound for the curvature on the submanifold of trace one matrices. This bound is achieved for the maximally mixed state, a further hint for the quantum statistical meaning of the scalar curvature.Comment: Latex, 9 page

    Generalized uncertainty relations: Theory, examples, and Lorentz invariance

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    The quantum-mechanical framework in which observables are associated with Hermitian operators is too narrow to discuss measurements of such important physical quantities as elapsed time or harmonic-oscillator phase. We introduce a broader framework that allows us to derive quantum-mechanical limits on the precision to which a parameter---e.g., elapsed time---may be determined via arbitrary data analysis of arbitrary measurements on NN identically prepared quantum systems. The limits are expressed as generalized Mandelstam-Tamm uncertainty relations, which involve the operator that generates displacements of the parameter---e.g., the Hamiltonian operator in the case of elapsed time. This approach avoids entirely the problem of associating a Hermitian operator with the parameter. We illustrate the general formalism, first, with nonrelativistic uncertainty relations for spatial displacement and momentum, harmonic-oscillator phase and number of quanta, and time and energy and, second, with Lorentz-invariant uncertainty relations involving the displacement and Lorentz-rotation parameters of the Poincar\'e group.Comment: 39 pages of text plus one figure; text formatted in LaTe

    Weak force detection with superposed coherent states

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    We investigate the utility of non classical states of simple harmonic oscillators, particularly a superposition of coherent states, for sensitive force detection. We find that like squeezed states a superposition of coherent states allows displacement measurements at the Heisenberg limit. Entangling many superpositions of coherent states offers a significant advantage over a single mode superposition states with the same mean photon number.Comment: 6 pages, no figures: New section added on entangled resources. Changes to discussions and conclusio

    A Quantum Teleportation Game

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    We investigate a game where a sender (Alice) teleports coherent states to two receivers (Bob and Charlie) through a tripartite Gaussian state. The aim of the receivers is to optimize their teleportation fidelities by means of local operations and classical communications. We show that a non-cooperative strategy, corresponding to the standard telecloning protocol, can be outperformed by a cooperative strategy, which gives rise to a novel (cooperative) telecloning protocol.Comment: Typographic corrections 4 pages, 4 figure

    Entropy inequalities and Bell inequalities for two-qubit systems

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    Sufficient conditions for (the non-violation of) the Bell-CHSH inequalities in a mixed state of a two-qubit system are: 1) The linear entropy of the state is not smaller than 0.5, 2) The sum of the conditional linear entropies is non-negative, 3) The von Neumann entropy is not smaller than 0.833, 4) The sum of the conditional von Neumann entropies is not smaller than 0.280.Comment: Errors corrected. See L. Jakobcyk, quant-ph/040908

    How to measure squeezing and entanglement of Gaussian states without homodyning

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    We propose a scheme for measuring the squeezing, purity, and entanglement of Gaussian states of light that does not require homodyne detection. The suggested setup only needs beam splitters and single-photon detectors. Two-mode entanglement can be detected from coincidences between photodetectors placed on the two beams.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe
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