29 research outputs found
Gene up-regulation by DNA demethylation in 35S-gshI-transgenic poplars (Populus x canescens)
Gene expression levels of transgene 35S-gshI (γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase) cloned
from E. coli, and the endogenous gene gsh1 of poplar (Populus x canescens) were upregulated
by the DNA demethylating agent DHAC (5,6-dihydro-5'-azacytidine
hydrochloride) (10-4 M for 7 days) in aseptic leaf discs cultures. Two 35S-gshI-transgenic
(6lgl and 11ggs) and wild type (WT) poplar clones were used. The efficiency of gene
upregulation was also analyzed under herbicide paraquat stress (4 x 10-7 M). Levels of
gshI-mRNA and gsh1-mRNA were determined by RT-qPCR (reverse transcriptase
quantitative PCR) after cDNA synthesis. For internal control, the constitutively expressed
housekeeping poplar genes α-tubulin and actin were used, and the 2−HHCt method was
applied for data analysis. In long term DHAC treatment (21 days), a morphogenetic
response of de novo root development was observed on leaf discs in a wide concentration
range of DHAC (10-8 to 10-6 M). Adventitious shoots (11ggs clone) also emerged from
leaf discs after a combined treatment with DHAC (10-4 M) and paraquat (10-7 M). Shoots
were dissected, rooted and transplanted in glass houses for further analyses for
phytoremediation capacity. Since DNA methylation patterns are inherited (epigenetic
memory), these poplar plants with increased gene expression levels of both transgene
35S-gshI and endogenous gene gsh1 provide novel plant sources for in situ application
Feketenyár (Populus nigra) gametoklónok mikroszatellita változatossága; (TTCTGG)5 deléció a WPMS-20 lokuszon.
A nyárfajok (Populus ssp) extrém kis méretű genomja
(2n=4×=38; 5.5×108 bp; 2C=1.1 pg) nagyfokú genetikai
stabilitással párosul. Munkánk célja a feketenyár (Populus nigra)
genetikai variabilitásának növelése volt haploid (n) indukció
alkalmazásával, portoktenyészetben, két portok-donor klón (N-SL
és N-309) alkalmazásával. A felnevelt haploid utódok (1-35)
genetikai polimorfizmus elemzését öt SSR lokusz allél
diverzitásával jellemeztük. Összesen 20 SSR allél 280
szekvenciáját azonosítottuk, egy-egy lókuszon 1-6
allélgyakorisággal: WPMS-02 (5 allél), WPMS-04 (6 allél),
WPMS-06 (2 allél), WPMS-20 (6 allél) és PTR-04 (1 allél). Az
elemzést ALF (automatic laser fluorometer) módszerrel végeztük.
A WPMS-20 allél szekvencia elemzésével egy 5-szörös (TTCTGG)
deléciót mutattunk ki a (TTCTGG)8 lokuszon. Az SSR allélek léte,
illetve nemléte alapján dendrogramot készítettünk, amely alapján
elemeztük és meghatároztuk az új nemesítésű klónok genetikai
diverzitását. Az új SSR-klóntípusok jelentős nemesítési
alapanyagot szolgáltatnak a nyárfanemesítés számára
Metilviologén (paraquat) toleráns nyárfaklónok (Populus x canescens) szelekciója és alkalmazása fitoremediációban
Paraquat (syn.: metilviologén) toleráns nyárfa (Populus x canescens) klónok
szelekcióját végeztük el in vitro kultúrában. A szintetikus talaj összetétele: WPM
(Woody Plant Media) tápsók, 1% szacharóz, 0,8 % agar 1 mg/l benziladenin, 0,2 mg/l
naftilecetsav és paraquat koncentráció sor (2×10(-6) M, 1,47×10(-6) M, 9,3×10(-7) M, 4×10(-7)
M) volt. A regeneránsokat szelekciós táptalajon történő tesztelés után felszaporítottuk
(mikroszaporítás), gyökeresítettük, majd üvegházban felneveltük. A molekuláris (RTqPCR)
és biokémiai elemzések (aszkorbát peroxidáz, glutation peroxidáz, glutation Stranszferáz,
lipoxigenáz) igazolták egy rendkívül stabil paraquat toleráns klón sikeres
szelekcióját. A klónokat az in vitro vizsgálatokat követően in situ (Fűzfőgyártelep)
teszteljük gyomirtószer maradványok toleranciájára. | Paraquat (syn.: methylviologen) tolerant poplar (P. x canescens) clones (PQT) were
selected in in vitro cultures at concentration series of paraquat (2×10(-6) M, 1.47×10(-6) M,
9.3×10(-7) M, 4×10(-7) M). After testing on tissue culture media, regenerants were
micropropagated. After rooting, PQT-clones were transplanted to a greenhouse. PQT
clones showed significantly higher gst gene expression then wild type (WT) analyzed
by RT-qPCR (quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR). For functional analysis enzyme
activities of GST (glutathione S-transferase), APOX (ascorbate peroxides), GR
(glutathione reductase), and LOX (lipoxygenase, pH 8.0) were determined. After
rooting, PQT-clones were transplanted in glass houses, followed by field performance
analyses for phytoremediation (environmental clean up using plants) capacity in heavily
contaminated area at Balatonfűzfő, Hungar
A gst gén DNS-demetilált overexpressziója a szürkenyár (Populus x canescens) fitoremediációs kapacitásának növelésére
A szürkenyár (Populus x canescens) gst (glutation S-transzferáz) génexpresszióját
növeltük meg DHAC-indukált (5,6-dihidro-5'-azacitidin hidroklorid) DNSdemetilációval.
Három klónt vizsgáltunk, a természetes (WT) és két glutationtúltermelő
35S-gshI nyárfaklónt (11ggs, 6lgl) RT-qPCR elemzésben. A gst gén
megemelt expressziós szintje a DHAC-kezelt kontroll növényekben 4,9-szeresre
emelkedett, amely tovább nőtt paraquat stresszben (11,2-szeres), amely eredmény azt
bizonyítja, hogy a DNS demetilációjával az endogén gének expressziós szintje
nagyságrendekkel emelhető meg. Ismert, hogy a DNS demetiláció a vegetativ
klónokban öröklődik (epigenetikus memória), ezért a demetilációs eljárás (gén upreguláció)
új lehetőséget ad stressztűrő nyárfaklónok előállítására. | In the study presented gst (glutathione S-transferase) gene expression levels of
poplar (Populus x canescens) were analyzed in response to the DNA demethylating
agent DHAC (5,6-dihydro-5'-azacytidine hydrochloride). Aseptic leaf discs cultures of
wild type (WT) and two gshI-transgenic clones (6lgl and 11ggs) clones were analyzed
by RT-qPCR. High expression levels of DHAC treated control plants (4.9-fold
increment, and a further 11.2-fold increment after paraquat treatment) proves that DNA
demethylation provides powerful tools in gene-upregulation. As DNA methylation
patterns are inherited (‘epigenetic memory’) novel poplar plant sources are provided
with increased gst gene expression levels
Providing the population with safe and good quality food is one of the most important objectives
of every country. The outbreak and spread of foodborne diseases is independent of a country’s location or
development level, and may occur everywhere. As most children spend their days at educational institutions,
we shall focus on their food safety. Not only for their present state of health, but also because childhood nutrition
and diet will basically determine their health in their adulthood and thus, influence the future economic
and social performance of their society. This paper introduces background information about school catering
in Hungary, based upon the results of an overall food safety survey. The results of our research showed
that the food safety level of the different kitchen units is mostly determined by the level of food processing
activities. The technical and technological level of the school kitchens did not significantly influence the
food safety level of the kitchens. According to the results of our survey, improving the knowledge and the
attitudes of employees in school kitchens is more important than technical and technological conditions
Enhanced inducibility of glutathione S-transferase activity by paraquat in poplar leaf discs in the presence of sucrose
Leaf discs of the wildtype poplar hybrid Populus canescens and its two
transgenic lines overexpressing gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase in
the cytosol or in the chloroplasts were exposed to the herbicide
paraquat (4 x 10(-9) to 4 x 10(-6) M). Leaf discs were incubated on
tissue culture media containing 0.2, 1.0 or 2.0% sucrose. Exposure to
paraquat led to a concentration-dependent decrease of GST activities at
0.2% sucrose. However, at higher external sucrose supplies, paraquat
brought about marked inductions of GST activities in all poplar lines.
The GST induction was light-dependent. Fluorescence measurements showed
that the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus was inhibited by
high paraquat concentrations (4 x 10(-7) - 4 x 10(-6) M) in all poplar
clones. The photosynthetic efficiency (F-v/F-m) decreased also in leaf
discs incubated in continuous darkness in the presence of paraquat
The vegetable production programme
The authors' collective when drawing up the development of the vegetable branch emphasizes the supposition that
in the future the domestic products will be overwhelming on the home market,
a significant quantity of commodities will be exported into neighbouring countries,
we may be continuously present at the EU market.
All these conditions can be based only on strong state assistance
The vegetable production programme
The authors' collective when drawing up the development of the vegetable branch emphasizes the supposition that
in the future the domestic products will be overwhelming on the home market,
a significant quantity of commodities will be exported into neighbouring countries,
we may be continuously present at the EU market.
All these conditions can be based only on strong state assistance