7,828 research outputs found

    X-ray emission from the PSR B1259--63 system near apastron

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    The PSR B1259--63 system contains a 47 ms radio pulsar in a highly eccentric binary with a Be-star companion. Strongly time variable X-ray emission was reported from this system as the pulsar was near apastron in 1992-early 1993. The variability was primarily deduced from an apparent non-detection of the \psr system during a first pre-apastron \ros observation in February~1992. We have re-analyzed the \ros observations of the \psr system. Contrary to the results of a previous analysis, we find that the \psr system was detected by \ros during the first off-axis February~1992 observation. The intensity of the soft X-ray emission of the \psr system before and after the 1992 apastron appears to vary at most by a factor 2\sim 2. Our results sensibly constrain theoretical models of X-ray emission from the \psr system.Comment: LATEX, Accepted for publ. in ApJ

    On the kHz QPO frequency correlations in bright neutron star X-ray binaries

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    We re-examine the correlation between the frequencies of upper and lower kHz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) in bright neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries. By including the kHz QPO frequencies of the X-ray binary Cir X-1 and two accreting millisecond pulsars in our sample, we show that the full sample does not support the class of theoretical models based on a single resonance, while models based on relativistic precession or Alfven waves describe the data better. Moreover, we show that the fact that all sources follow roughly the same correlation over a finite frequency range creates a correlation between the linear parameters of the fits to any sub-sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 7 pages, 4 figure

    Low Luminosity States of the Black Hole Candidate GX~339--4. II. Timing Analysis

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    Here we present timing analysis of a set of eight Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observations of the black hole candidate GX 339-4 that were taken during its hard/low state. On long time scales, the RXTE All Sky Monitor data reveal evidence of a 240 day periodicity, comparable to timescales expected from warped, precessing accretion disks. On short timescales all observations save one show evidence of a persistent f approximately equal to 0.3 Hz QPO. The broad band (10^{-3}-10^2 Hz) power appears to be dominated by two independent processes that can be modeled as very broad Lorentzians with Q approximately less than 1. The coherence function between soft and hard photon variability shows that if these are truly independent processes, then they are individually coherent, but they are incoherent with one another. This is evidenced by the fact that the coherence function between the hard and soft variability is near unity between 0.005-10 Hz but shows evidence of a dip at f approximately equal to 1 Hz. This is the region of overlap between the broad Lorentzian fits to the PSD. Similar to Cyg X-1, the coherence also drops dramatically at frequencies approximately greater than 10 Hz. Also similar to Cyg X-1, the hard photon variability is seen to lag the soft photon variability with the lag time increasing with decreasing Fourier frequency. The magnitude of this time lag appears to be positively correlated with the flux of GX 339-4. We discuss all of these observations in light of current theoretical models of both black hole spectra and temporal variability.Comment: To Appear in the AStrophysical Journa

    The evolution of the high-energy cut-off in the X-Ray spectrum of the GX 339-4 across a hard-to-soft transition

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    We report on X-ray observations of the black-hole candidate GX 339-4 during its 2006/2007 outburst. The hardness-intensity diagram of all RXTE/PCA data combined shows a q-shaped track similar to that observed in previous outbursts. The evolution through the HID suggests that in the early phase of the outburst the source underwent a sequence of state transitions, from the hard to the soft state, which is supported by our timing analysis. Broadband (4-200 keV) spectra, fitted with an exponentially cutoff powerlaw, show that the hard spectral component steepens during the transition from the hard to the soft state. The high-energy cutoff decreased monotonically from 120 to 60 keV during the brightening of the hard state, but increased again to 100 keV during the softening in the hard intermediate state. In the short-lived soft intermediate state the cutoff energy was ~ 130 keV, but was no longer detected in the soft state. This is one of the first times that the high-energy cut-off has been followed in such detail across several state transitions. We find that in comparison to several other spectral parameters, the cut-off energy changes more rapidly, just like the timing properties. The observed behaviour of the high energy cutoff of GX 339-4 is also similar to that observed with RXTE-INTEGRAL-Swift during the 2005 outburst of GRO J1655-40. These results constitute a valuable reference to be considered when testing theoretical models for the production of the hard component in these systems.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS Main Journa

    Variability of X-ray binaries from an oscillating hot corona

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    The spectral and timing properties of an oscillating hot thermal corona are investigated. This oscillation is assumed to be due to a magneto-acoustic wave propagating within the corona and triggered by an external, non specified, excitation. A cylindrical geometry is adopted and, neglecting the rotation, the wave equation is solved in for different boundary conditions. The resulting X-ray luminosity, through thermal comptonization of embedded soft photons, is then computed, first analytically, assuming linear dependence between the local pressure disturbance and the radiative modulation. These calculations are also compared to Monte-Carlo simulations. The main results of this study are: (1) the corona plays the role of a low band-pass medium, its response to a white noise excitation being a at top noise Power Spectral Density (PSD) at low frequencies and a red noise at high frequency, (2) resonant peaks are present in the PSD. Their powers depend on the boundary conditions chosen and, more specifically, on the impedance adaptation with the external medium at the corona inner boundary. (3) The flat top noise level and break as well as the resonant peak frequencies are inversely proportional to the external radius rj. (4) Computed rms and f-spectra exhibit an overall increase of the variability with energy. Comparison with observed variability features, especially in the hard intermediate states of X-ray binaries are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Disk--Jet interaction model for the X--Ray Variability in Microquasars

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    We propose a simple dynamical model that may account for the observed spectral and temporal properties of GRS 1915+105 and XTE J1550-5634. The model is based on the assumption that a fraction of the radiation emitted by a hot spot lying on the accreting disk is dynamically Comptonized by the relativistic jet that typically accompanies the microquasar phenomenon. We show that scattering by the jet produces a detectable modulation of the observed flux. In particular, we found that the phase lag between hard and soft photons depends on the radial position of the hot spot and, if the angle between the jet and the line of sight is sufficiently large, the lags of the fundamental and its harmonics may be either positive or negative.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Part

    A Unified Description of the Timing Features of Accreting X-ray Binaries

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    We study an empirical model for a unified description of the power spectra of accreting neutron stars and black holes. This description is based on a superposition of multiple Lorentzians and offers the advantage that all QPO and noise components are dealt with in the same way, without the need of deciding in advance the nature of each component. This approach also allows us to compare frequencies of features with high and low coherences in a consistent manner and greatly facilitates comparison of power spectra across a wide range of source types and states. We apply the model to six sources, the low-luminosity X-ray bursters 1E 1724-3045, SLX 1735-269 and GS 1826-24, the high-latitude transient XTE J1118+480, the bright system Cir X-1, and the Z source GX 17+2. We find that it provides a good description of the observed spectra, without the need for a scale-free (1/f) component. We update previously reported correlations between characteristic frequencies of timing features in the light of this new approach and discuss similarities between different types of systems which may point towards similar underlying physics.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    The 2009 outburst of H~1743-322 as observed by RXTE

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    We analyze the RXTE observations of the 2009 outburst of H~1743-322, as well as the observations of the previous five outbursts for comparison. The hardness-intensity diagram (HID) shows a complete counter-clockwise q-track for the 2009 outburst and, interestingly, the track falls in} between a huge one in 2003, with a complete transition to high/soft state, and that of} the failed outburst in 2008. It leaves the low/hard state but does not reach the leftmost edge of the overall HID. While the lowest hardness (6--19 keV/3--6 keV) values} in the HID is about 0.3--0.4 for the 2009 outburst, similar to the ``failed state transition" seen in the persistent black hole XRB Cyg X-1, the timing analysis shows that a transition to the high soft state occurred. During the low/hard state of the 2009 outburst, the inner radius of the accretion disk is found to be closer to the central black hole and have an anti-correlation with the disk temperature. These results may be understood as the reprocessing} of the hot corona on the disk's} soft X-rays, which can lead to an underestimation of the inner radius of the accretion disk. In the luminosity diagram of the corona versus the disk, the tracks of the outbursts} in 2003 and 2009 cross the line which represents a roughly equal contribution to the entire emission from the thermal and the non-thermal components;} the track of the 2008 outburst has the turn-over falling} on this line. This may be indicative of an emission balance between the corona and the disk, which prevents the state transition from going further than the low/hard state.Comment: accepted by A&