207 research outputs found

    Gravity Wave Propagation Through a Vertically and Horizontally Inhomogeneous Background Wind

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    A combination of ray theory and 2-D time-dependent simulations is used to investigate the linear effects of a time-dependent, vertically, and horizontally inhomogeneous background horizontal wind field on the propagation, refraction, and reflection of small-scale gravity wave packets. Interactions between propagating waves of different scales are likely to be numerous and important. We find that a static medium-scale wave wind field of sufficient amplitude can channel and/or critical-level filter a small-scale wave or cause significant reflection, depending upon both waves\u27 parameters. However, the inclusion of a time-dependent phase progression of the medium-scale wave can reduce energy loss through critical-level filtering by up to ∼70% and can also reduce reflection by up to ∼60% for the cases simulated. We also find that the relative direction of propagation between the small-scale and medium-scale wave can significantly affect small-scale wave filtering. When the phases are progressing in the same horizontal direction, the small-scale wave is far more likely to become trapped and ultimately critical-level filtered than if the phases are propagating in opposite horizontal directions unless reflection occurs first. Considerations of time-dependent winds associated with medium-scale-propagating waves and their directionality are important for assessing the propagation and dispersion of small-scale waves over large horizontal distances. --From publisher\u27s website

    A Comparison of Small- And Medium-Scale Gravity Wave Interactions in the Linear and Nonlinear Limits

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    A 2-D numerical model is used to compare interactions between small-scale (SS) (25 km horizontal wavelength, 10 min period) and medium-scale (MS, 250 km horizontal wavelength, 90 min period) gravity waves (GWs) in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere within three different limits. First, the MS wave is specified as a static, horizontally homogeneous ambient atmospheric feature; second, a linear interaction is investigated between excited, time-dependent SS and MS waves, and third, a fully nonlinear interaction at finite amplitudes is considered. It is found that the finite-amplitude wave interactions can cause SS wave breaking aligned with the phase fronts of the MS waves, which induces a permanent mean flow and shear that is periodic in altitude. This impedes SS wave propagation into in the upper thermosphere and dissipation by molecular diffusion, when compared to linear amplitude simulations. Linear cases also omit self-acceleration-related instabilities of the SS wave and secondary wave generation, which modulate the MS wavefield. Neither the linear or nonlinear cases resemble the static approximation, which, by reducing a dynamic wave interaction to a static representation that is vertically varying, produces variable momentum flux distributions that depend strongly upon the amplitude and phase of the larger-scale wave. This is an approximation made by GW parameterization schemes, and results suggest that including time-dependent effects and feedback mechanisms for interactions between resolved and parameterized waves will be an important area for future investigations especially as general circulation models begin to resolve MS GWs explicitly

    Numerical Simulation of the Long-Range Propagation of Gravity Wave Packets at High Latitudes

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    We use a 2-D, nonlinear, time-dependent numerical model to simulate the propagation of wave packets under average high latitude, winter conditions. We investigate the ability of waves to propagate large horizontal distances, depending on their direction of propagation relative to the average modeled ambient winds. Wave sources were specified to represent the following: (1) the most common wave parameters inferred from observations of Nielsen et al. (2009) ((18 km λᵪ , 7.5 min period), (2) waves consistent with the average phase speed observed (40 m/s) but outlying horizontal wavelength and period values (40 km λᵪ , 17 min period), and (3) waves which would be subject to strong ducting as suggested by Snively et al. (2013) (25 km λᵪ , 6.7 min period). We find that wave energy density was sustained over large horizontal distances for waves ducted in the stratosphere. Waves traveling against winds in the upper stratosphere/lower mesosphere are more likely to be effectively ducted in the stratosphere and travel large horizontal distances, while waves which escape in the form of leakage are more likely to be freely propagating above 80 km altitude. Waves propagating principally in the direction of the stratopause winds are subject to weaker stratospheric ducting and thus increased leakage of wave energy density from the stratosphere. However, these waves are more likely to be subject to reflection and ducting at altitudes above 80 km based upon the average winds chosen. The wave periods that persist at late times in both the stratosphere and the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) range from 6.8 to 8 min for cases (1) and (3). Shorter-period waves tend to become trapped in the stratosphere, while longer-period waves can dissipate in the thermosphere with little reflection or trapping. It is suggested that the most common scenario is of partial ducting, where waves are observed in the airglow after they leak out of the stratosphere, especially at large horizontal distances from the source. Stratospheric ducting and associated leakage can contribute to a periodic and horizontally distributed forcing of the MLT

    Primary Versus Secondary Gravity Wave Responses at F-Region Heights Generated by a Convective Source

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    A 2D nonlinear, compressible model is used to simulate the acoustic-gravity wave (AGW, i.e., encompassing the spectrum of acoustic and gravity waves) response to a thunderstorm squall-line type source. We investigate the primary and secondary neutral AGW response in the thermosphere, consistent with waves that can couple to the F-region ionospheric plasma, and manifest as Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs). We find that primary waves at z = 240 km altitude have wavelengths and phase speeds in the range 170–270 km, and 180–320 m/s, respectively. The secondary waves generated have wavelengths ranging from ∼100 to 600 km, and phase speeds from 300 to 630 m/s. While there is overlap in the wave spectra, we find that the secondary waves (i.e., those that have been nonlinearly transformed or generated secondarily/subsequently from the primary wave) generally have faster phases than the primary waves. We also assess the notion that waves with fast phase speeds (that exceed proposed theoretical upper limits on passing from the mesosphere to thermosphere) observed at F-region heights must be secondary waves, for example, those generated in situ by wave breaking in the lower thermosphere, rather than directly propagating primary waves from their sources. We find that primary waves with phase speeds greater than this proposed upper limit can tunnel through a deep portion of the lower/middle atmosphere and emerge as propagating waves in the thermosphere. Therefore, comparing a TID\u27s/GWs phase speed with this upper limit is not a robust method of identifying whether an observed TID originates from a primary versus secondary AGW

    Thermospheric Dissipation of Upward Propagating Gravity Wave Packets

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    We use a nonlinear, fully compressible, two-dimensional numerical model to study the effects of dissipation on gravity wave packet spectra in the thermosphere. Numerical simulations are performed to excite gravity wave packets using either a time-dependent vertical body forcing at the bottom boundary or a specified initial wave perturbation. Three simulation case studies are performed to excite (1) a steady state monochromatic wave, (2) a spectrally broad wave packet, and (3) a quasi-monochromatic wave packet. In addition, we analyze (4) an initial condition simulation with an isothermal background. We find that, in cases where the wave is not continually forced, the dominant vertical wavelength decreases in time, predominantly due to a combination of refraction from the thermosphere and dissipation of the packets’ high frequency components as they quickly reach high altitude. In the continually forced steady state case, the dominant vertical wavelength remains constant once initial transients have passed. The vertical wavelength in all simulations increases with altitude above the dissipation altitude (the point at which dissipation effects are greater than the wave amplitude growth caused by decreasing background density) at any fixed time. However, a shift to smaller vertical wavelength values in time is clearly exhibited as high-frequency, long vertical wavelength components reach high altitudes and dissipate first, to be replaced by slower waves of shorter vertical wavelength. Results suggest that the dispersion of a packet significantly determines its spectral evolution in the dissipative thermosphere

    The Dynamics of Nonlinear Atmospheric Acoustic-Gravity Waves Generated by Tsunamis Over Realistic Bathymetry

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    The investigation of atmospheric tsunamigenic acoustic and gravity wave (TAGW) dynamics, from the ocean surface to the thermosphere, is performed through the numerical computations of the 3D compressible nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations. Tsunami propagation is first simulated using a nonlinear shallow water model, which incorporates instantaneous or temporal evolutions of initial tsunami distributions (ITD). Ocean surface dynamics are then imposed as a boundary condition to excite TAGWs into the atmosphere from the ground level. We perform a case study of a large tsunami associated with the 2011 M9.1 Tohuku-Oki earthquake and parametric studies with simplified and demonstrative bathymetry and ITD. Our results demonstrate that TAGW propagation, controlled by the atmospheric state, can evolve nonlinearly and lead to wave self-acceleration effects and instabilities, followed by the excitation of secondary acoustic and gravity waves (SAGWs), spanning a broad frequency range. The variations of the ocean depth result in a change of tsunami characteristics and subsequent tilt of the TAGW packet, as the wave\u27s intrinsic frequency spectrum is varied. In addition, focusing of tsunamis and their interactions with seamounts and islands may result in localized enhancements of TAGWs, which further indicates the crucial role of bathymetry variations. Along with SAGWs, leading long-period phases of the TAGW packet propagate ahead of the tsunami wavefront and thus can be observed prior to the tsunami arrival. Our modeling results suggest that TAGWs from large tsunamis can drive detectable and quantifiable perturbations in the upper atmosphere under a wide range of scenarios and uncover new challenges and opportunities for their observations

    Table: Spatial Extents of the Numerical Domains

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    The spatial extents of the numerical domains

    Modulation of Low-Altitude Ionospheric Upflow by Linear and Nonlinear Atmospheric Gravity Waves

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    This study examines how thermospheric motions due to gravity waves (GWs) drive ion upflow in the F region, modulating the topside ionosphere in a way that can contribute to ion outflow. We present incoherent scatter radar data from Sondrestrom, from 31 May 2003 which showed upflow/downflow motions, having a downward phase progression, in the field‐aligned velocity, indicating forcing by a thermospheric GW. The GW‐upflow coupling dynamics are investigated through the use of a coupled atmosphere‐ionosphere model to examine potential impacts on topside ionospheric upflow. Specifically, a sequence of simulations with varying wave amplitude is conducted to determine responses to a range of transient forcing reminiscent of the incoherent scatter radar data. Nonlinear wave effects, resulting from increases in amplitude of the modeled GW, are shown to critically impact the ionospheric response. GW breaking deposits energy into smaller scale wave modes, drives periods of large field‐aligned ion velocities, while also modulating ion densities. Complementary momentum transfer increases the mean flow and, through ion‐neutral drag, can increase ion densities above 300 km. Ionospheric collision frequency (cooling) and photoionization effects (heating), both dependent on ionospheric density, modify the electron temperature; these changes conduct quickly up geomagnetic field lines driving ion upflow at altitudes well above initial disturbances. This flow alters ion populations available for high‐altitude acceleration processes that may lead to outflow into the magnetosphere. We have included a representative source of transverse wave heating which, when supplemented by our GWs, illustrates strengthened upward fluxes in the topside ionosphere

    Observation and Modeling of Gravity Wave Propagation through Reflection and Critical Layers above Andes Lidar Observatory at Cerro Pachón, Chile

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    A complex gravity wave event was observed from 04:30 to 08:10 UTC on 16 January 2015 by a narrow-band sodium lidar and an all-sky airglow imager located at Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) in Cerro Pachón (30.25∘S, 70.73∘W), Chile. The gravity wave packet had a period of 18–35 min and a horizontal wavelength of about 40–50 km. Strong enhancements of the vertical wind perturbation, exceeding10 m s−1, were found at ∼90 km and ∼103 km, consistent with nearly evanescent wave behavior near a reflection layer. A reduction in vertical wavelength was found as the phase speed approached the background wind speed near ∼93 km. A distinct three-layered structure was observed in the lidar data due to refraction of the wave packet. A fully nonlinear model was used to simulate this event, which successfully reproduced the amplitudes and layered structure seen in observations. The model results provide dynamical insight, suggesting that a double reflection occurring at two separate heights caused the large vertical wind amplitudes, while the three-layered structure in the temperature perturbation was a result of relatively stable regions at those altitudes. The event provides a clear perspective on the filtering processes to which short-period, small-scale gravity waves are subject in mesosphere and lower thermosphere

    Numerical and statistical evidence for long-range ducted gravity wave propagation over Halley, Antarctica

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    Abundant short‒period, small‒scale gravity waves have been identified in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over Halley, Antarctica, via ground‒based airglow image data. Although many are observed as freely propagating at the heights of the airglow layers, new results under modeled conditions reveal that a significant fraction of these waves may be subject to reflections at altitudes above and below. The waves may at times be trapped within broad thermal ducts, spanning from the tropopause or stratopause to the base of the thermosphere (∼140 km), which may facilitate long‒range propagation (∼1000s of km) under favorable wind conditions