178 research outputs found

    Photogrammetric survey of dinosaur skeletons

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    Geologically constrained evolutionary geomechanical modelling of diapir and basin evolution: a case study from the Tarfaya basin, West African coast

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    We systematically incorporate burial history, sea floor geometry and tectonic loads from a sequential kinematic restoration model into a 2D evolutionary geomechanical model that simulates the formation of the Sandia salt diapir, Tarfaya basin, NW African Coast. We use a poro-elastoplastic description for the sediment behaviour and a viscoplastic description for the salt. Sedimentation is coupled with salt flow and regional shortening to determine the sediment porosity and strength and to capture the interaction between salt and sediments. We find that temporal and spatial variation in sedimentation rate is a key control on the kinematic evolution of the salt system. Incorporation of sedimentation rates from the kinematic restoration at a location east of Sandia leads to a final geomechanical model geometry very similar to that observed in seismic reflection data. We also find that changes in the variation of shortening rates can significantly affect the present-day stress state above salt. Overall, incorporating kinematic restoration data into evolutionary models provides insights into the key parameters that control the evolution of geologic systems. Furthermore, it enables more realistic evolutionary geomechanical models, which, in turn, provide insights into sediment stress and porosity

    Биогеохимические исследования урбанизированных ландшафтов восточной Финляндии

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    Объектом исследования являются урбанизированные ландшафты трех городов Восточной Финляндии г. Юука, г. Оутокумпу, г. Миккели. Цель работы - биогеохимические исследования урбанизированных ландшафтов восточной Финляндии по результатам исследования проб почв, листьев и стеблей черники, лишайника, листьев древесных растений. В процессе исследования проводились обзор и анализ ранее проведенных работ, анализы литературных, нормативных и фондовых источников, анализировались статистических данные и элементный состав комплекса природных сред. В результате исследования была изучена геоэкологическая обстановка урбанизированных территорий Восточной Финляндии Степень внедрения результатов: полученный анализ эколого-геохимической ситуации урбанизированных территорий Финляндии является составной частью комплексного эколого-геохимического мониторинга территорий, проводимого кафедрой ГЭГХ ТПУ. Аналитический материал будет использован в учебном процессе. Область применения: результаты эколого-геохимического мониторинга урбанизированных территорий Финляндии могут быть использованы природоохранными организациями для ориентировочных данных по содержанию химических элементов в почвах и живых объектах городских агломераций.Object of research are urban landscapes of the three cities in the Eastern Finland city of Juuka, in Outokumpu, the city of Mikkeli. Purpose - biogeochemical studies of the urban landscape of Eastern Finland the results of the research of samples of soil, leaves and stems of bilberry, lichen, leaves of woody plants. In the process of investigation the review and analysis of earlier conducted works, literary analyses, regulatory and archival sources, analyzed statistical data and elemental composition of complex natural environments. The study was studied geo-ecological situation in the urbanized territories of Eastern Finland level of implementation of results: the analysis of environmental and geochemical situation in the urbanized territories of Finland is part of an integrated ecological-geochemical monitoring of the territories held by the Department GEGH TPU. Analytical material will be used in the educational process. Application field: the results of ecological-geochemical monitoring in the urbanized territories of Finland can be used by conservation organizations for estimates on the content of chemical elements in the soils and the living facilities of urban agglomerations

    Elimination of some unknown parameters and its effect on outlier detection

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    Outliers in observation set badly affect all the estimated unknown parameters and residuals, that is because outlier detection has a great importance for reliable estimation results. Tests for outliers (e.g. Baarda's and Pope's tests) are frequently used to detect outliers in geodetic applications. In order to reduce the computational time, sometimes elimination of some unknown parameters, which are not of interest, is performed. In this case, although the estimated unknown parameters and residuals do not change, the cofactor matrix of the residuals and the redundancies of the observations change. In this study, the effects of the elimination of the unknown parameters on tests for outliers have been investigated. We have proved that the redundancies in initial functional model (IFM) are smaller than the ones in reduced functional model (RFM) where elimination is performed. To show this situation, a horizontal control network was simulated and then many experiences were performed. According to simulation results, tests for outlier in IFM are more reliable than the ones in RFM

    Calibração em serviço de câmara digital de baixo custo com o uso de pontos de apoio altimétrico

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    O conhecimento dos parâmetros que definem a geometria interna de uma câmara é fundamental em trabalhos fotogramétricos. Porém, é de suma importância que o processo de calibração da câmara seja realizado em condições técnicas e ambientais similares ao aerolevantamento. No georreferenciamento direto os parâmetros de orientação exterior da câmara podem ser determinados com base nas observações GPS e INS. A utilização destes parâmetros, em um processo de calibração com parâmetros adicionais, possibilita a atenuação de correlações entre parâmetros de orientação interior e exterior. Este artigo investiga o uso dos parâmetros de posição da câmara e diferentes configurações de pontos de apoio altimétrico na calibração em serviço de uma câmara digital Kodak DSC Pro SLR/c. O impacto do uso de faixas cruzadas na calibração em serviço foi avaliado pela análise da correlação estatística entre os parâmetros de orientação interior e exterior. Finalmente, as exatidões planialtimétricas obtidas nos experimentos de calibração em serviço, com diferentes configurações de pontos de apoio altimétrico e faixas de voo, foram comparadas através da análise das discrepâncias de pontos de verificação

    Tagungsband: 15. Nutzerseminar des Deutschen Fernerkundungsdatenzentrums des DLR

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    Vom 14.-16. Oktober 1998 fand an der TU München die 18. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung und der DGPF und das 15. Nutzerseminar des DFD in Form einer Tagung statt. Motto: Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung - Globale und lokale Perspektiven. Vortragsthemen: Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie, Fernerkundung der Ozeane und Landoberflächen, Fernerkundung der Atmosphäre im globalen Maßstab. Aus methodischer Sicht standen Verfahren zur automatischen Objekterkennung und Bildinterpretation im Vordergrund. Informationen über neue Sensoren und Missionen sowie ein GIS-Schwerpunkt zu Gebäudeinformationssystemen rundeten das Programm ab