70,048 research outputs found

    Rare or threatened vascular plant species of Wollemi National Park, central eastern New South Wales

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    Wollemi National Park (c. 32o 20’– 33o 30’S, 150o– 151oE), approximately 100 km north-west of Sydney, conserves over 500 000 ha of the Triassic sandstone environments of the Central Coast and Tablelands of New South Wales, and occupies approximately 25% of the Sydney Basin biogeographical region. 94 taxa of conservation significance have been recorded and Wollemi is recognised as an important reservoir of rare and uncommon plant taxa, conserving more than 20% of all listed threatened species for the Central Coast, Central Tablelands and Central Western Slopes botanical divisions. For a land area occupying only 0.05% of these divisions, Wollemi is of paramount importance in regional conservation. Surveys within Wollemi National Park over the last decade have recorded several new populations of significant vascular plant species, including some sizeable range extensions. This paper summarises the current status of all rare or threatened taxa, describes habitat and associated species for many of these and proposes IUCN (2001) codes for all, as well as suggesting revisions to current conservation risk codes for some species. For Wollemi National Park 37 species are currently listed as Endangered (15 species) or Vulnerable (22 species) under the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. An additional 50 species are currently listed as nationally rare under the Briggs and Leigh (1996) classification, or have been suggested as such by various workers. Seven species are awaiting further taxonomic investigation, including Eucalyptus sp. ‘Howes Swamp Creek’ (Doherty 26), known from a single location within the park, and Pultenaea sp. (Olinda) from Dunns Swamp – both these species remain undescribed, but are listed as endangered species. After applying IUCN criteria to the 94 taxa, 2 are considered Critically Endangered; 11 are considered Endangered; 23 are considered Vulnerable; 3 are considered Near Threatened; 19 are considered Data Deficient; and 36 are considered of Least Concern. It is likely that additional highly restricted plant taxa await discovery in remote locations

    Developing performance-portable molecular dynamics kernels in Open CL

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    This paper investigates the development of a molecular dynamics code that is highly portable between architectures. Using OpenCL, we develop an implementation of Sandia’s miniMD benchmark that achieves good levels of performance across a wide range of hardware: CPUs, discrete GPUs and integrated GPUs. We demonstrate that the performance bottlenecks of miniMD’s short-range force calculation kernel are the same across these architectures, and detail a number of platform- agnostic optimisations that improve its performance by at least 2x on all hardware considered. Our complete code is shown to be 1.7x faster than the original miniMD, and at most 2x slower than implementations individually hand-tuned for a specific architecture

    LibQUAL+ in the UK: a brief report on the SCONUL Pilot.

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    Reports on the pilot year of LibQUAL+ in the UK adopted for trial by SCONUL Libraries. Discusses the implementation of LibQUAL+ and presents feedback from the UK participants. Concludes that the trial was a success and further iterations of the survey should be encouraged and supported

    Complex and Hypercomplex Discrete Fourier Transforms Based on Matrix Exponential Form of Euler's Formula

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    We show that the discrete complex, and numerous hypercomplex, Fourier transforms defined and used so far by a number of researchers can be unified into a single framework based on a matrix exponential version of Euler's formula ejθ=cosθ+jsinθe^{j\theta}=\cos\theta+j\sin\theta, and a matrix root of -1 isomorphic to the imaginary root jj. The transforms thus defined can be computed using standard matrix multiplications and additions with no hypercomplex code, the complex or hypercomplex algebra being represented by the form of the matrix root of -1, so that the matrix multiplications are equivalent to multiplications in the appropriate algebra. We present examples from the complex, quaternion and biquaternion algebras, and from Clifford algebras Cl1,1 and Cl2,0. The significance of this result is both in the theoretical unification, and also in the scope it affords for insight into the structure of the various transforms, since the formulation is such a simple generalization of the classic complex case. It also shows that hypercomplex discrete Fourier transforms may be computed using standard matrix arithmetic packages without the need for a hypercomplex library, which is of importance in providing a reference implementation for verifying implementations based on hypercomplex code.Comment: The paper has been revised since the second version to make some of the reasons for the paper clearer, to include reviews of prior hypercomplex transforms, and to clarify some points in the conclusion

    Computational Methods for Sparse Solution of Linear Inverse Problems

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    The goal of the sparse approximation problem is to approximate a target signal using a linear combination of a few elementary signals drawn from a fixed collection. This paper surveys the major practical algorithms for sparse approximation. Specific attention is paid to computational issues, to the circumstances in which individual methods tend to perform well, and to the theoretical guarantees available. Many fundamental questions in electrical engineering, statistics, and applied mathematics can be posed as sparse approximation problems, making these algorithms versatile and relevant to a plethora of applications

    Enthalpy-based Thermal Evolution of Loops: II. Improvements to the Model

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    This paper develops the zero-dimensional (0D) hydrodynamic coronal loop model "Enthalpy-based Thermal Evolution of Loops" (EBTEL) proposed by Klimchuk et al (2008), which studies the plasma response to evolving coronal heating, especially impulsive heating events. The basis of EBTEL is the modelling of mass exchange between the corona and transition region and chromosphere in response to heating variations, with the key parameter being the ratio of transition region to coronal radiation. We develop new models for this parameter that now include gravitational stratification and a physically motivated approach to radiative cooling. A number of examples are presented, including nanoflares in short and long loops, and a small flare. The new features in EBTEL are important for accurate tracking of, in particular, the density. The 0D results are compared to a 1D hydro code (Hydrad) with generally good agreement. EBTEL is suitable for general use as a tool for (a) quick-look results of loop evolution in response to a given heating function, (b) extensive parameter surveys and (c) situations where the modelling of hundreds or thousands of elemental loops is needed. A single run takes a few seconds on a contemporary laptop