1,114 research outputs found

    Conditioning Analysis of Incomplete Cholesky Factorizations with Orthogonal Dropping

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    Conformal phased array with beam forming for airborne satellite communication

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    For enhanced communication on board of aircraft novel antenna systems with broadband satellite-based capabilities are required. The installation of such systems on board of aircraft requires the development of a very low-profile aircraft antenna, which can point to satellites anywhere in the upper hemisphere. To this end, phased array antennas which are conformal to the aircraft fuselage are attractive. In this paper two key aspects of conformal phased array antenna arrays are addressed: the development of a broadband Ku-band antenna and the beam synthesis for conformal array antennas. The antenna elements of the conformal array are stacked patch antennas with dual linear polarization which have sufficient bandwidth. For beam forming synthesis a method based on a truncated Singular Value Decomposition is proposed

    Phased array receive antenna steering system using a ring resonator-based optical beam forming network and filter-based optical SSB-SC modulation

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    A novel phased array receive antenna steering system is introduced. The core of this system is an optical ring resonator-based broadband, continuously tunable optical beam forming network (OBFN). In the proposed system architecture, filter-based optical single-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation and balanced coherent optical detection are used. \ud Such architecture has significant advantages over a straightforward architecture using optical double-sideband modulation and direct optical detection, namely relaxed bandwidth requirements on the optical modulators and detectors, reduced complexity of the OBFN chip, and enhanced dynamic range. Initial measurements on an actual 1×8 OBFN chip and an optical sideband filter chip are presented. Both are realized in CMOS-compatible planar optical waveguide technology.\u

    The Response of Metal Rich Gas to X-Ray Irradiation from a Massive Black Hole at High Redshift: Proof of Concept

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    Observational studies show that there is a strong link between the formation and evolution of galaxies and the growth of supermassive black holes (SMBH) at their centers. However, the underlying physics of this observed relation is poorly understood. In order to study the effects of X-ray radiation on the surroundings of the black hole, we implement X-ray Dominated Region (XDR) physics into Enzo and use the radiation transport module Moray to calculate the radiative transfer for a polychromatic spectrum. In this work, we investigate the effects of X-ray irradiation, produced by a central massive black hole (MBH) with a mass of M = 5x10^4 M_(solar), on ambient gas with solar and zero metallicity. We find that in the solar metallicity case, due to high opacity of the metals, the energy deposition rate in the central region (< 20 pc) is high and hence the temperatures in the center are on the order of 10^(5-7) K. Moreover, due to the cooling ability and high intrinsic opacity of solar metallicity gas, column densities of 10^(24) cm^(-2) are reached at a radius of 20 pc from the MBH. These column densities are about 3 orders of magnitudes higher than in the zero metallicity case. Furthermore, in the zero metallicity case an X-ray induced H II region is formed already after 5.8 Myr. This causes a significant outflow of gas (~8x10^6 M_(solar) from the central region, with the gas reaching outflow velocities up to ~100 km s^(-1). At later times, ~23 Myr after we insert the MBH, we find that the solar metallicity case also develops an X-ray induced H II region, but delayed by ~17 Myr.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures. Resubmitted to Ap

    Molecular gas heating in Arp 299

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    Understanding the heating and cooling mechanisms in nearby (Ultra) luminous infrared galaxies can give us insight into the driving mechanisms in their more distant counterparts. Molecular emission lines play a crucial role in cooling excited gas, and recently, with Herschel Space Observatory we have been able to observe the rich molecular spectrum. CO is the most abundant and one of the brightest molecules in the Herschel wavelength range. CO transitions are observed with Herschel, and together, these lines trace the excitation of CO. We study Arp 299, a colliding galaxy group, with one component harboring an AGN and two more undergoing intense star formation. For Arp 299 A, we present PACS spectrometer observations of high-J CO lines up to J=20-19 and JCMT observations of 13^{13}CO and HCN to discern between UV heating and alternative heating mechanisms. There is an immediately noticeable difference in the spectra of Arp 299 A and Arp 299 B+C, with source A having brighter high-J CO transitions. This is reflected in their respective spectral energy line distributions. We find that photon-dominated regions (PDRs) are unlikely to heat all the gas since a very extreme PDR is necessary to fit the high-J CO lines. In addition, this extreme PDR does not fit the HCN observations, and the dust spectral energy distribution shows that there is not enough hot dust to match the amount expected from such an extreme PDR. Therefore, we determine that the high-J CO and HCN transitions are heated by an additional mechanism, namely cosmic ray heating, mechanical heating, or X-ray heating. We find that mechanical heating, in combination with UV heating, is the only mechanism that fits all molecular transitions. We also constrain the molecular gas mass of Arp 299 A to 3e9 Msun and find that we need 4% of the total heating to be mechanical heating, with the rest UV heating

    On the Construction of Deflation-Based Preconditioners

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    Radiative and mechanical feedback into the molecular gas of NGC 253

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    Starburst galaxies are undergoing intense periods of star formation. Understanding the heating and cooling mechanisms in these galaxies can give us insight to the driving mechanisms that fuel the starburst. Molecular emission lines play a crucial role in the cooling of the excited gas. With SPIRE on the Herschel Space Observatory we have observed the rich molecular spectrum towards the central region of NGC 253. CO transitions from J=4-3 to 13-12 are observed and together with low-J line fluxes from ground based observations, these lines trace the excitation of CO. By studying the CO excitation ladder and comparing the intensities to models, we investigate whether the gas is excited by UV radiation, X-rays, cosmic rays, or turbulent heating. Comparing the 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO observations to large velocity gradient models and PDR models we find three main ISM phases. We estimate the density, temperature,and masses of these ISM phases. By adding 13^{13}CO, HCN, and HNC line intensities, we are able to constrain these degeneracies and determine the heating sources. The first ISM phase responsible for the low-J CO lines is excited by PDRs, but the second and third phases, responsible for the mid to high-J CO transitions, require an additional heating source. We find three possible combinations of models that can reproduce our observed molecular emission. Although we cannot determine which of these are preferable, we can conclude that mechanical heating is necessary to reproduce the observed molecular emission and cosmic ray heating is a negligible heating source. We then estimate the mass of each ISM phase; 6×1076\times 10^7 M⊙_\odot for phase 1 (low-J CO lines), 3×1073\times 10^7 M⊙_\odot for phase 2 (mid-J CO lines), and 9×1069\times 10^6 M⊙_\odot for phase 3 (high-J CO lines) for a total system mass of 1×1081\times10^{8} M⊙_\odot

    Design of a ring resonator-based optical beam forming network for phased array receive antennas

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    A novel squint-free ring resonator-based optical beam forming network (OBFN) for phased array antennas (PAA) is proposed. It is intended to provide broadband connectivity to airborne platforms via geostationary satellites. In this paper, we present the design of the OBFN and its control system. Our goal is to deliver large bandwidth Ku-band connectivity between antennas, mount conformal to the airplane fuselage and on a geostationary satellite, respectively.This way it would be possible to bring live DVB-S television to airplane passengers. In this paper, we present recent research conducted on a 4 × 1 ring resonator-based OBFN test set-up. This OBFN has four optical input ports and one optical output port. It is tuned to provide the desired signal combination with optimal constructive interference between the modulated input signals from the PAA. Therefore, combining circuitry and delay elements are required. The OBFN is tuned by electrically heating tunable true time delay (TTD) elements. These are built using optical ring resonators (ORRs). By cascading multiple ORRs with different resonance frequencies, it is possible to create a TTD with a large bandwidth. Optical beam forming is used because it provides advantages over traditional beam forming methods. These advantages are: large bandwidth, EMI resistance, and, when integrated onto a single chip, compactness and low costs. The OBFN is created using planar optical waveguide technology and consists of the following building blocks: waveguides, Mach-Zehnder interferometers, (MZIs) couplers and ORRs. The tuning of the OBFN is done by an electronic control system using a microcontroller. Communication with a PC is possible using USB. To our knowledge, this is the first integrated ORR-based OBFN circuit for PAA satellite reception

    Excitation of the molecular gas in the nuclear region of M82

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    We present high resolution HIFI spectroscopy of the nucleus of the archetypical starburst galaxy M82. Six 12CO lines, 2 13CO lines and 4 fine-structure lines are detected. Besides showing the effects of the overall velocity structure of the nuclear region, the line profiles also indicate the presence of multiple components with different optical depths, temperatures and densities in the observing beam. The data have been interpreted using a grid of PDR models. It is found that the majority of the molecular gas is in low density (n=10^3.5 cm^-3) clouds, with column densities of N_H=10^21.5 cm^-2 and a relatively low UV radiation field (GO = 10^2). The remaining gas is predominantly found in clouds with higher densities (n=10^5 cm^-3) and radiation fields (GO = 10^2.75), but somewhat lower column densities (N_H=10^21.2 cm^-2). The highest J CO lines are dominated by a small (1% relative surface filling) component, with an even higher density (n=10^6 cm^-3) and UV field (GO = 10^3.25). These results show the strength of multi-component modeling for the interpretation of the integrated properties of galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter
