11,672 research outputs found

    Integrating research with NHS clinical practice: Unwelcome intrusion or constructive triangulation?

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    When embarking on research into the effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the NHS or the application of psychoanalytic principles, researchers come up against a number of hurdles: many clinicians still see empirical research as antithetical or disruptive to the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy; psychoanalytic psychotherapy has previously fared poorly in evidence-based policy guidelines and this can discourage ambition, and there are technical problems of research design, measurement and standardization. Nevertheless, in a political climate which stresses service evaluation, measurable outcomes and empirical evidence, psychoanalytic psychotherapy must participate to survive. There may be gains from conducting research beyond simply meeting the requirement to provide evidence of effectiveness. Research may be viewed by some clinicians as an unwelcome intruder but it may have the potential to offer triangulation, the perspective of the 'third', and so strengthen the foundations of clinical practice and the development of psychoanalytic thought

    Recent advances in Ni-H2 technology at NASA Lewis Research Center

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    The NASA Lewis Research Center has concentrated its efforts on advancing the Ni-H2 system technology for low Earth orbit applications. Component technology as well as the design principles were studied in an effort to understand the system behavior and failure mechanisms in order to increase performance and extend cycle life. The design principles were previously addressed. The component development is discussed, in particular the separator and nickel electrode and how these efforts will advance the Ni-H2 system technology

    High-velocity feature of the class I methanol maser in G309.38-0.13

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    The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) has been used to map class I methanol masers at 36 and 44 GHz in G309.38-0.13. Maser spots are found at nine locations in an area of 50''x30'', with both transitions reliably detected at only two locations. The brightest spot is associated with shocked gas traced by 4.5 micron emission. The data allowed us to make a serendipitous discovery of a high-velocity 36-GHz spectral feature, which is blue-shifted by about 30 km/s from the peak velocity at this frequency, but spatially located close to (within a few arcseconds of) the brightest maser spot. We interpret this as indicating an outflow parallel to the line of sight. Such a high velocity spread of maser features, which has not been previously reported in the class I methanol masers associated with a single molecular cloud, suggests that the outflow most likely interacts with a moving parcel of gas.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Morphologic Parameters for Successful Lunar Landing Sites

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    The Moon, with its abundant resources, intriguing science questions, and vast unexplored surface area, is the most attainable and useful near-term target for future human exploration. In recognition of this fact, Presidential Space Policy Directive 1 (PSPD-1) has directed the United States to return to the Moon for long-term exploration and utilization, beginning with the 7th American human lunar landing by 2024 and building to sustainable surface presence by 2028

    Homoclinic chaos and energy condition violation

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    In this letter we discuss the connection between so-called homoclinic chaos and the violation of energy conditions in locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type IX models, where the matter is assumed to be non-tilted dust and a positive cosmological constant. We show that homoclinic chaos in these models is an artifact of unphysical assumptions: it requires that there exist solutions with positive matter energy density ρ>0\rho>0 that evolve through the singularity and beyond as solutions with negative matter energy density ρ<0\rho<0. Homoclinic chaos is absent when it is assumed that the dust particles always retain their positive mass.In addition, we discuss more general models: for solutions that are not locally rotionally symmetric we demonstrate that the construction of extensions through the singularity, which is required for homoclinic chaos, is not possible in general.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe