14 research outputs found

    Using survey data to study capitalization of local public services

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    We use surveys in which respondents evaluate local amenities in Norway to compute proxy variables for the quality of local public services as well as other local amenities relevant to location decisions. Average satisfaction reported by the respondents is computed for each amenity and each municipality, adjusted for sample variation in personal characteristics and included as explanatory variables in a cross-section study of house prices. We find that house prices are increasing in satisfaction with health care, cultural activities and public transportation, suggesting that the quality of local public services indeed affects the attractiveness of a residential site. When the analysis is repeated with input measures of service levels instead of satisfaction variables, we find no effects of local public services on house prices, indicating that traditional Tiebout studies based on input measures may have underestimated the importance of local public services for location decisions.Capitalization; Local public services; Survey data

    Childhood Sporting Activities and Adult Labour-Market Outcomes

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    We here ask whether sports participation at school is positively correlated with adult labour-market outcomes. There are many potential channels for this effect, although, as usual, identifying a causal relationship is difficult. We appeal to two widely-separated waves of Add Health data to map out the correlation between school sports and adult labour-market outcomes. We show that different types of school sports are associated with different types of jobs and labour-market insertion when adult. We take the issue of the endogeneity of sport seriously and use data on siblings in order to obtain estimates that are as close to unbiased as possible. Last, we compare the effect of sporting activities to that of other leisure activities

    Hak Pendidikan Anak dan Kesadaran Hukum Masyarakat Mengenai Larangan Pernikahan di Bawah Umur

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    This research is directed to two main things namely, (1) factors that influence the occurrence of underage marriage in the village of Muncang. (2) the legal awareness of the community about underage marriage to chiidren’s education right. Methods of data collection: Interview, Observation and Documentation with a qualitative approach. Data analysis using data reductio), data display and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the factors affecting underage marriages were economic problems, there had been a soulmate, and fears of the parents would be undesirable. Regarding public awareness of the law can be said that society is not aware of the law especially for those who do underage marriages. This is because public awareness is limited to the knowledge of the understanding of underage marriages. The conclusion of the study is the legal awareness of Kampung Muncang community regarding the prohibition of underage marriage to the right of children's education can be said to be not aware of the law because only knowing about the notion of marriage under Without knowing the rules governing it. Then the relation to obtaining the right of education is, if they do the marriage before the specified age limit means they have not been able to get the maximum education they can.Penelitian ini diarahkan kepada dua hal pokok yaitu, (1) Faktor Penyebab pernikahan di bawah umur. (2) kesadaran hukum masyarakat mengenai larangan pernikahan di bawah umur terhadap hak pendidikan anak perempuan. Metode pengumpulan data : Wawancara,Observasi dan Dokumentasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi pernikahan di bawah umur diantaranya adalah masalah ekonomi, sudah ada jodohnya, dan ketakutan orangtua akan terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Mengenai kesadaran hukum masyarakat dapat dikatakan bahwa masyarakat belum sadar hukum terutama bagi mereka yang melakukan pernikahan di bawah umur. Hal ini karena kesadaran masyarakat hanya sebatas pada pengetahuan mengenai pengertian dari pernikahan di bawah umur. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kesadaran hukum masyarakat Kampung Muncang mengenai larangan pernikahan di bawah umur terhadap hak pendidikan anak dapat dikatakan belum sadar hukum karena hanya mengetahui mengenai pengertian dari pernikahan di bawah umur tanpa mengetahui peraturan yang mengatur mengenai hal tersebut. Kemudian kaitannya dengan mendapatkan hak pendidikan adalah, jika mereka melakukan pernikahan sebelum batas umur yang ditetapkan artinya mereka belum bisa mendapatkan pendidikan secara maksimal yang mereka bisa. &nbsp

    Tuberculose du pancréas... par le Dr J. Lohéac,...

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    Abstract. The inextensibility constraint is encountered in many physical problems involving thin solids interacting with a fluid. It is generally imposed in numerical simulations by means of a penalty method. Here, we propose a novel saddle-point approach allowing to impose it through a Lagrange multiplier defined on the thin structure, the tension. The functional analysis of the problem allows to determine which boundary conditions are needed for this problem. The forces originating from the structure appear as a boundary condition for the fluid problem, defined on a moving boundary which represents the structure. The problem is discretised with mixed finite elements. The mesh of the thin solid is included in the mesh of the bulk, and is advected by its velocity in the course of time iterations. The appropriate choice of the finite element spaces for this mixed approach is discussed and it is shown that boundary conditions on the thin structure edges impact on this choice. Numerical tests are performed which demonstrate the convergence and robustness of the method. These examples include the simulation of a closed, membrane bound object (a vesicle) and of a filament or flag in a large Reynolds-number flow. Key words. Fluid-structure interactions, surface divergence, saddle-point problem, boundary Lagrange multiplier. AMS subject classifications. 65M60, 74K05, 74K15, 74F10, 76D05, 76D0