261 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Lethal Toxin Neutralization by a Human Monoclonal Antibody Specific for the PA20 Region of Bacillus anthracis Protective Antigen

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    The primary immunogenic component of the currently approved anthrax vaccine is the protective antigen (PA) unit of the binary toxin system. PA-specific antibodies neutralize anthrax toxins and protect against infection. Recent research has determined that in humans, only antibodies specific for particular determinants are capable of effecting toxin neutralization, and that the neutralizing epitopes recognized by these antibodies are distributed throughout the PA monomer. The mechanisms by which the majority of these epitopes effect neutralization remain unknown. In this report we investigate the process by which a human monoclonal antibody specific for the amino-terminal domain of PA neutralizes lethal toxin in an in vitro assay of cytotoxicity, and find that it neutralizes LT by blocking the requisite cleavage of the amino-terminal 20 kD portion of the molecule (PA20) from the remainder of the PA monomer. We also demonstrate that the epitope recognized by this human monoclonal does not encompass the 166RKKR169 furin recognition sequence in domain 1 of PA

    The Origins of the European IFSA: The First Meetings and the Agenda Renewal

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    De l’économie de l’exploitation agricole à la politique scientifique régionale de l’INRA. L’itinéraire d’un homme du « service public »

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    Jean-Claude Tirel nous a quittés le 20 novembre 2007 Ses compétences d’économiste, son engagement pour l’INRA marqué par un fort esprit de « service public », ses qualités d’ouverture : « Toujours faire en sorte que la diversité des opinions et des approches soit mieux respectée », de diplomate pour résoudre les difficultés et réduire les « guêpiers », sa totale disponibilité, son humour, rétif à toute bureaucratie, complété d’une gentillesse exquise ont marqué l’institution et toute une géné..

    The Control of Anthrax Disease: Diagnosis, Vaccination and Investigation

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    Anthrax is a bacterial disease caused by Bacillus anthracis attacking both animal and human (zoonosis) . The disease is normally associated with domestic livestock such as sheep, goats, and cattle, but humans are also infected due to exposure or comsuming infected animals . The control of anthrax in humans and animals involves developing a diagnostic method for B. anthracis detection and confirmation of anthrax, prevention by vaccines, and disease investigation . Rapid and more accurate diagnosis techniques for anthrax should be developed for improving the conventional method used in Indonesia . Vaccines are effective against anthrax . Current anthrax vaccine used in Indonesia is spores vaccine produced from a non-encapsulated, toxigenic. Sterne strain 34F2 of B. anthracis . The use of this vaccine occasionally causes local pain, necroses at the inoculation site, subcutaneous oedema and occasionally death of the animal . Several vaccines have been developed recently such as sub unit vaccine, anthrax vaccine absorbed (AVA), that contains a protective antigen (PA) component of the anthrax toxin as the major protective immunogen and is usually used in humans. In endemic areas of anthrax, outbreaks still routinely occur almost yearly . Monitoring of the epidemiological patterns of the disease has to be carried out by field investigation . Key words: Anthrax, Bacillus anthracis, zoonotic disease, disease contro

    The Fluvial and Water-Rich History of Northern Xanthe Terra: A Reference for the ExoMars Landing Site

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    We produced a geomorphological map of a study area in northern Xanthe Terra, which shares several characteristics with the ExoMars Rover landing site

    Lettres de Jane Misme

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    Ces quelques lettres sont adressées à diverses collaboratrices, mais les plus intéressantes sont celles adressées à Marguerite Durand. Les premières lorsque Jane Misme a commencé à écrire pour La Fronde et négociait un tarif pour ses articles. D’autres mentionnent le legs que Marguerite Durand fait de ses documents féministes à la mairie du 5e arrondissement de la Ville de Paris, ou un futur article sur Séverine pour Minerva. Une autre lettre est adressée à la mère de Harlor. Cette correspondance dévoile le style professionnel de Jane Misme, son exigence sur les points de détail et son aisance familière avec ses collègues

    Современные подходы к химиотерапии туберкулеза легких

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    Current approach to chemotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.Современные подходы к химиотерапии туберкулеза легких

    El rururbano: un espacio de vulnerabilidad y riesgo. estudio cualitativo en la ciudad de bahía blanca, provincia de buenos aires, argentina

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    El trabajo caracteriza el rururbano —límite externo del periurbano— de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina), como un espacio expuesto al crecimiento urbano y como un ámbito de fragilidad y vulnerabilidad para quienes habitan estas zonas. Para ello se puntualiza en el riesgo que corren los residentes del borde frente a la amenaza de modificar sus modos de vida y de perder sus propiedades ante el avance urbano. Los resultados permiten precisar las fortalezas y debilidades de los propietarios rurales y sus modalidades de acción de acuerdo con la exposición a esta expansión y con su arraigo al lugar. La técnica de recopilación es la entrevista semiestructurada a residentes del rururbano