24 research outputs found
Influence of combined emulsifier on physical characteristics of fat filling
The influence of mixture of two separate emulsifiers and a new generation of emulsifier 2 in 1, which nowadays has a tendency to replace these two, on the rheological and textural properties and sensory quality of fat filling was investigated. Emulsifiers were added in concentrations of 0.3, 0.45 and 0.75%, and calculated on the total mass of raw materials. The addition of emulsifiers in concentrations of 0.3 and 0.45% had a significant influence on the textural and rheological parameters of fat filling. These results showed that is not necessary to add a maximum amount of an emulsifier in order to achieve optimal spreadibility and hardness, which is certainly justified from an economic point of view. The addition of emulsifier 2 in 1 caused starchy taste and migration of fat to the surface of fat filling. The sample with 0.45%, which was a combination of two emulsifiers, had the best sensory quality and spreadability characteristics
Prophylactic Antimicrobial Therapy in Children with Hydronephrosis
Objective: The goal of this literature review was to examine the efficacy of prophylactic antimicrobial therapy in children with hydronephrosis.
Methods: Research articles from 2005-2011 were reviewed to identify primary studies on children with documented hydronephrosis. A total of 20 articles met these criteria, however only 10 of these articles were used in this review, focusing specifically on studies, which examined the need for treatment with prophylactic antimicrobial therapy for children with hydronephrosis, or looked at antibiotic resistance patterns in children receiving prophylactic treatment for hydronephrosis.
Results: The literature review revealed conflicting data about the efficacy of prophylactic antimicrobial therapy in preventing infection in children with hydronephrosis. A majority of the studies found that the risk for antibiotic resistance outweighed potential kidney damage and concluded that children with hydronephrosis should be placed on prophylactic antibiotic therapy. However, others concluded that the potential for antibiotic resistance places the child at a higher risk due to the inability to combat infections with the appropriate antibiotics.
Conclusion: Current literature supports the concern about the impact of prophylactic antimicrobial therapy in children but yet, there is not enough evidence-based research to change the current treatment method used for children with hydronephrosis. Recommendations point to the best treatment for children with hydronephrosis should be to manage each case individually based on the severity of the renal impairment. The various grades of hydronephrosis and the underlying condition should be treated as separate conditions because ultimately they have a different outcome
Antenatal and postnatal ultrasound in the evaluation of the risk of vesicoureteral reflux
Antenatal hydronephrosis (ANH) is a frequent anomaly detected on fetal ultrasound scans. There is no consensus recommendation for the postnatal follow-up and/or the necessity to perform a voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) to diagnose vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). We conducted a cohort/non-randomized trial of 121 patients with ANH, defined as an anterior posterior diameter (APD) â„5mm after the 20th week of gestation, to evaluate the ability of the antenatal and postnatal ultrasonography results to predict VUR. All infants had two successive ultrasounds at 5days and 1month, respectively, after birth. A VCUG was performed at 6weeks in children with a persistent APD â„5mm and/or an ureteral dilatation observed on at least one of two postnatal ultrasounds. In total, 88 patients had VCUG and nine had VUR, with five having high-grade reflux (>grade II). The risk of VUR increased significantly with the degree of APD detected on the postnatal ultrasound scan (pâ=â0.03). The odds ratios were 5.0 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.5-51.2] for APD = 7-9mm and 9.1 (95% CI 1.0-80.9) for APD â„10mm. The results of this study show that among our patient cohort antenatal ultrasound was not predictive of reflux. There was, however, a relation between the importance of the postnatal renal pelvis diameter and the risk of VUR. A cut-off of 7mm showed a fair ability of ultrasonography to predict VUR and a cut-off of 10mm enabled all severe refluxes in the 88 patients who had a VCUG to be diagnose
Vesicoureteral reflux and bladder dysfunction
The relationship between vesicoureteral reflux and bladder dysfunction is inseparable and has long been emphasized. However, the primary concern of all physicians treating patients with vesicoureteral reflux is the prevention of renal scarring and eventual deterioration of renal function.
Bladder dysfunction, urinary tract infection and vesicoureteral reflux are the three important factors which are closely related to each other and contribute to the formation of renal scar. Especially, there is ongoing discussion regarding the role of bladder dysfunction in the prognosis of both medically and surgically treated vesicoureteral reflux. The effect of bladder dysfunction on VUR is mostly via inadequate sphincter relaxation during infancy which is closer to immature bladder dyscoordination rather than true dysfunction. But after toilet training, functional obstruction caused by voluntary sphincter constriction during voiding is responsible through elevation in bladder pressure, thus distorting the architecture of bladder and ureterovesical junction. Reports suggest that voiding phase abnormalities in lower urinary tract dysfunction contributes to lower spontaneous resolution rate of VUR. However, filling phase abnormalities such as involuntary detrusor contraction can also cause VUR even in the absence of dysfunctional voiding. With regards to the effect of bladder dysfunction on treatment, meta-analysis reveals that the cure rate of VUR following endoscopic treatment is less in children with bladder bowel dysfunction but there is no difference for open surgery.ope
Strategisk marknadsföring av produkter av rapsolja
The background to this study is to find alternative ways of size rationalization. My vision is to
take the basic conditions and make the best and most profitable of them. I have chosen press
of rape oil because it's interesting and the investment to get started is relative small. The
opportunity to use outmoded and unrational buildings which often are found at many farms to
something that gives money instead of costs money is also an argument. The press of rape oil
can also be a way to increase the turnover or to increase employment in the company. The
pressing can also be an alternative to increase the worth of the rape that the company
The purpose is to give support for decisions about products and markets for rape oil in
different shapes. I have also evaluated the properties of the rape oil and made a review of fats
and how those influence us, something that is interesting because it can be used as argument
to sell. The fact that rape oil contents 6 % less of saturated fat than olive oil and considerable
more omega 3 is also something to use as sell argument.
I have also looked at products which can be made of rape oil and how the economy turns out
for those. Those products are oil for consumption, and to animal feed, RME, chainsaw oil, oil
for concrete shapes, oil for cleaning in asphalt construction and the reminder product,
rapeseed cookie for animal feed.
The conclusion is that a lot of products are possible to produce profitability.Bakgrunden till mitt arbete Ă€r att finna alternativa vĂ€gar till att storleksrationalisera och istĂ€llet utifrĂ„n de förutsĂ€ttningar man har och göra det lönsammaste av dem. Mitt val har fallit pĂ„ pressning av rapsolja, för att produkten Ă€r intressant och investeringen till att börja göra det Ă€r relativt liten. Ăven möjligheten till att kunna utnyttja orationella och omoderna lokaler som ofta finns pĂ„ gĂ„rdar till nĂ„got inkomstbringande istĂ€llet för nĂ„got kostnadskrĂ€vande har varit ett argument. Pressningen Ă€r sĂ„deles ett alternativ för att öka vĂ€rdet pĂ„ rapsen som produceras i företaget.
Syftet Àr att ge underlag för beslut om produkter och marknad för rapsolja i olika former.
Jag har ocksÄ utvÀrderat rapsoljans egenskaper och gjort en genomgÄng av fetter och hur dessa pÄverkar oss, nÄgot som Àr intressant dÄ detta kan anvÀndas som försÀljningsargument. Det faktum att rapsolja innehÄller 6 % mindre mÀttat fett Àn olivolja och avsevÀrt mycket mera Omega 3 Àr nÄgot som definitivt Àr att ta fasta pÄ.
Jag har Àven gjort en genom genomgÄng av vilka produkter som oljan kan vidareförÀdlas till och hur ekonomin ser ut för dessa. Produkterna i frÄga har varit olja för konsumtion, till foder, RME, sÄgkedjeolja, dammbindning av grusvÀgar, formslÀppolja, olja för rengöring i asfaltanlÀggningar samt biprodukten, presskaka till kor.
Slutsatsen Àr att det Àr möjligt att med god ekonomi producera en mÀngd produkter baserade pÄ rapsolja
Teamwork training using patient simulation
Teamwork is an important factor in safe healthcare. Simulation based team training (SBTT) is a
method to gain the non-technical skills important for proficient teamwork. This thesis evaluated
SBTT using different modalities and evaluation levels, looking at whole teams of either medical
students or full professionals.
In study I 15 medical students participated in a target-focused scenario-based teamwork practice
during a one-day course. Their team behaviour skills were video-recorded and their attitudes
towards safe teamwork assessed in this observational cohort study. Team behaviour skills
showed improvement after five scenarios in a full-scale patient simulator environment, while no
change in attitudes toward safe teamwork were detected.
In study II 54 medical students participated in three video-recorded scenarios (n=36). Clinical
performance improved in one variable; the frequency of sum-ups. Changes in individual
experiences could be detected early during SBTT; self-efficacy improved after training.
Individual teamwork behaviours did not change after this half-day course. Participants
communicated to a greater extent and experienced higher mental strain and concentration in the
role of leader than in the role of follower.
Study III investigated whether training with high-fidelity simulators (HFS) could increase
traineesâ experience of realism in task performance and facilitate the trainersâ task, resulting in
different behaviour and individual experiences than training with low-fidelity models (LFM). A
case control study was conducted with 34 teams using either a LFM (n=17) or a HFS (n=17).
Professionals involved in paediatric emergencies performed one video-recorded emergency
scenario in situ in an authentic emergency room. The traineesâ time to deliver oxygen was
significantly longer (p=0.014) when using a HFS, which was interpreted as more realistic
timing of task performance. Leaders experienced a higher level of mental strain during training
with a HFS. There was a reduction in the trainersâ frequency of interventions in the scenarios as
well as their mental strain, signifying potential for the trainers to focus more on traineesâ
behaviours and performance during training using a HFS.
In study IV all staff members (n=152) in an intensive care unit (ICU) were trained during one
day. An observational cohort study (case control design on sick leave and staff turnover) was
conducted. The training was performed in situ at the ICU and preceded by an interactive lecture
concerning human factors. Before training, the medical professionsâ perceptions of safety
differed. After the training period, nursesâ and physiciansâ mean self-efficacy scores improved,
and nurse assistantsâ perceived that the quality of collaboration and communication with
physician specialists improved. In addition, nurse assistantsâ perception of the Safety Attitude
Questionnaire (SAQ) factors teamwork climate, safety climate and working conditions were
more positive after the project and in concert with nursesâ perception of safety climate. In
comparison to a control ICU during the study period, the number of nurses quitting their job
and nurse assistantsâ time on sick leave was reduced.
In conclusion, the SBTT protocols applied in these studies are promising. A one-day course
seems to benefit medical studentsâ teamwork behaviour. During a half-day course, i.e. early
phase of training, aspects of clinical performance were improved as well as self-efficacy.
Equipment fidelity influenced traineesâ clinical performance to some extent, but the trainersâ
performance and experience to a larger extent. Leaders, followers and the different medical
professions reported different experiences and attitudes. This finding accords with earlier
studies on professions but has not been well studied earlier in the context of leaders and
followers. All professions benefited from one day of SBTT in an ICU, but it was expressed in
different ways
Automatiserad Valutahandel - En kvantifierad teknisk approach
Studien anvÀnder sig av en kvantitativ metod, dÀr 18 handelsstrategier har tagits fram och testats pÄ en tioÄrig tidsperiod pÄ tre olika valutapar. Studien Àmnar förstÀrka eller falsifiera den effektiva marknadshypotesen och genomförs sÄledes enligt en hypotetisk-deduktiv metod. Syftet Àr att med hjÀlp av kvantifierade investeringsstrategier undersöka huruvida det gÄr att prognostisera framtida priser för att uppnÄ en högre avkastning relativt en riskfri rÀnta. Handelsstrategiernas avkastning ligger över tid i linje med vad man kan förvÀnta sig av Random Walk-teorin och resultatet förstÀrker dÀrmed EMHThis thesis uses a quantitative method in which 18 trading strategies have been developed and have been backtested ten years on three different currency pairs. Furthermore it intends to either strengthen or falsify the Efficient Market Hypothesis in accordance with a hypothetical-deductive method. The purpose is to examine the possibility of achieving a positive return on the currency market using automated trading strategies based on technical indicators in comparison with a risk-free rate. The trading strategies are in line with what can be expected from the Random Walk theory over time, thus, the result strengthens the EMH