73 research outputs found

    Condemning Colonization: Abraham Lincoln’s Rejected Proposal for a Central American Colony

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    This article focuses on a proposal by Abraham Lincoln to settle freed African Americans in Central American countries. The backlash from several countries reveals that other countries besides the warring United States were also struggling with reconciling racial issues. This also reveals how interwoven racial issues were with political crises during the Civil War because it not only effected domestic policies but also international relations

    German Mission in Abyssinia: Wilhelm Staiger from Baden, 1835–1904

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    This article deals with the story of the Christian mission among the Jews of Ethiopia during the 1860s as related in the memoirs of the German missionary, Wilhelm Staiger, publicised here for the first time. Staiger who had, together with scores of other European missionaries, become caught up in the political turmoil between Great Britain and Teodoros, King of Ethiopia, describes the affair in the first person

    Fine-needle Aspiration Biopsy For Breast Lesions: A Comparison Between Two Devices For Obtaining Cytological Samples

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    Context and Objective: Fine-needle aspiration biopsy has been accepted worldwide for breast lesions. However, some questions remain, including the appropriateness of the puncture method. The objective of this work was to compare aspirates obtained by the auto-vacuum device and by the syringe pistol holder. Design and Setting: Randomized trial for validation of diagnostic method, at Hospital das Clinicas do Universidade Federal de GoiĂĄs and Hospital AraĂșjo Jorge, GoiĂąnio. Methods: 351 patients presenting breast lumps underwent fine-needle aspiration biopsy, either with the auto-vacuum device or the syringe pistol holder. A single cytopathologist analyzed all of the cytology slides. The rates of insufficient material, cellularity, cell distortion and background hemorrhage were evaluated. Results: The percentages of insufficient material were 16% and 22% (p = 0.18), for the auto-vacuum and pistol aspirates, respectively. Good cellularity was seen in 34% of autovacuum and 29% of pistol samples (p = 0.4). Cell distortion was seen in 31 and 26 cases, respectively (p = 07). Background hemorrhage occurred in 63 (35%) and 54 cases (31%) (p = 0.2), for auto-vacuum and pistol. The sensitivity was 88% and 86%; specificity 99% and 100%, positive predictive value 96% and and 100%, negative predictive value 96% and 95% and total occuracy 76% and 75% for the auto-vacuum and pistol, respectively. Conclusion: The results obtained from the two fine-needle aspiration biopsy methods were equivalent. Therefore, the auto-vacuum device is a good option for obtaining aspirates for cytology.1236271276Catania, S., Ciatto, S., Breast cytology: Instruments and technique (1992) Breast Cytology in Clinical Practice, pp. 11-60. , In: Ciatto S, editor. London: Martin DunitzDe Freitas Jr., R., Hamed, H., Fentiman, I., Fine needle aspiration cytology of palpable breast lesions (1992) Br J Clin Pract, 46 (3), pp. 187-190Franzen, S., Zajicek, J., Aspiration biopsy in diagnosis of palpable lesions of the breast. Critical review of 3479 consecutive biopsies Acta (1968) Radiol Ther Phys Biol, 7 (4), pp. 241-262Souza, J.A., Freitas Jr., R., Moreita, M.A.R., Philocreon, G.R., AcurĂĄcia da sensação tĂĄtil da PAAF no diagnĂłstico de less̄ocs mamĂĄrias (1995) Rev Bras Mastologia, 5 (3), pp. 7-10Freitas JĂșnior, R., Hamed, H., Millis, R.R., Tomas, N.M.A., Fentiman, I.S., Fine needle aspiration of breast lesions using auto-vacuum dispositive (1996) Rev Bras Mastologia, 6 (3), pp. 126-128de Freitas JĂșnior, R., Giraldo, P.C., Rerrori, O., Vieira-Matos, A.N., Tambascia, J.K., Fine needle aspiration biopsy of solid tumours by auto-vacuum system: A study in rats (1992) Eur J Surg Oncol, 18 (6), pp. 605-607Boccato, P., How to treat the aspirated material (1992) Breast Cytology in Clinical Practice, pp. 61-64. , In: Ciatto, S, editor London: Martin Dunitz(1987) International Union Against Cancer, , UICC. TNM classification of malignant tumors. Berlin: Springer-Verlag(1982) Am J Clin Pathol, 78 (6), pp. 806-816. , The World Health Organization Histological Typing of Breast Tumors - Second Edition. The World OrganizationGelabert, H.A., Hsiu, J.G., Mullen, J.T., Jaffe, A.H., D'Amato, N.A., Prospective evaluation of the rate of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis and management of patiencs with palpable solid breast lesions (1990) Am Surg, 56 (4), pp. 263-267Rouquayrol, M.Z., Epidemiologia e saĂșde (1988), Rio de Janeiro: Medsi - Editora CientĂ­ficaRoberts, J.C., Rainsbury, R.M., 'Tactile sensation: A new clinical sign during fine needle aspiration of breast lumps Ann (1994) R Coll Surg Eng, 76 (2), pp. 136-138Henderson, M.A., McCready, D.R., A simple technique for fine needle aspiration cytology (1994) J Am Coll Surg, 179 (4), pp. 471-473Sasaki, J., Izu, K., Automatic fine needle aspiration pistol specially designed for small tumors (1998) Acta Cytol, 42 (3), pp. 829-830Tao, L.C., Smith, J.W., Fine-needle aspiration biopsy using a newly-developed pencil-grip syringe holder (1999) Diagn Cytopathol, 20 (2), pp. 99-104Parel, J.J., Garrell, P.C., Smallwood, J.A., Fine needle aspiration cytology of breast masses: An evaluation of its accuracy and reasons for diagnostic failure (1987) Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 69 (4), pp. 156-159Abele, J., Stanley, M.W., Rollnis, S.D., Miller, T.R., What constitutes an adequate smear in fine-needle aspiration cytology of the breast? (1998) Cancer, 84 (1), pp. 57-61Zajdela, A., Ghossein, N.A., Pilleron, J.P., Ennuyer, A., The value of aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of breast cancer: Experience at the Fondation Curie (1975) Cancer, 35 (2), pp. 499-506Layfield, L.J., Dodd, L.G., Cytologically low grade malignancies: An important interpretative pitfall responsible for false negative diagnoses in fine-needle aspiration of the breast (1996) Diagn Cytopathol, 15 (3), pp. 250-259Feichter, G.E., HaberthĂŒr, F., Gobat, S., Dalquen, P., Breast cytology. Statistical analysis and cytohistologic correlations (1997) Acta Cytol, 41 (2), pp. 327-332Arisio, R., Cuccorese, C., Accinelli, G., Mano, M.P., Bordon, R., Fessia, L., Role of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in breast lesions: Analysis of a series of 4,110 cases (1998) Diagn Cytopathol, 18 (6), pp. 462-467Ariga, R., Bloom, K., Reddy, V.B., Fine-needle aspiration of clinically suspicious palpable breast masses with histopathologic correlation (2002) Am J Surg, 184 (5), pp. 410-41

    Transnational Surfistas and the Development of Nicaragua’s Emerald Coast

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    This article weaves together data from the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR), online mainstream media sources, and surfing magazines, to tell the story of the development of the Emerald Coast, a historically overlooked periphery in southwestern Nicaragua that evolved into one of the country’s most high-profile and sought-after tourism destinations. The argument is that it is impossible to effectively explain the development of the Emerald Coast without first understanding the role surfing played in this phenomenon. This also serves to contextualize these foreign surfers as part of another wave of transnational engagement with Nicaragua, a country that has long been impacted by foreign actors from the United States and Europe. The convergence of opportunity – cultural, economic, and political forces – and environment facilitated the rise of Nicaragua’s surf tourism industry, which in turn engendered subsequent forms of leisure tourism. Over the course of three decades, this new industry shifted the economic focus of Nicaragua, as tourism became the leading contributor, in terms of revenue, to Nicaragua’s overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This article places foreign surfers at the center of this phenomenon by telling the story of the development and evolution of the Emerald Coast through the lens of surfing

    Empire at Play: The United States’ Cultural Influence on Nicaragua’s National Sports’ Identity

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    ‘Empire at Play’ seeks to contextualize the inception of a Nicaraguan surfing subculture in the first decade of the twenty-first century by situating it within the broader scope of the United States’ influence on Nicaragua’s sporting history. By weaving together primary and secondary sources, as well as oral histories from expatriate surfers, Nicaraguan nationals, and members from the local indigenous communities, this article shows how international actors from the United States introduced Nicaragua to three of their major sports: baseball, boxing, and surfing—all of which became part of Nicaragua’s cultural identity. As these three sports grew in popularity domestically, so too did the infrastructure capable of hosting major international events, subsequently garnering international recognition as authentically Nicaraguan sports. While these activities are merely extracurricular in and of themselves, examining their proliferation as part of the expansion of American empire in the twentieth century helps to underscore the varying forms of American imperialism that facilitated each sport’s introduction and popularization—surfing being the most recent of the three

    Initial Plant Growth in Sand Mine Spoil Amended with Peat Moss and Fertilizer Under Greenhouse Conditions: Potential Species for Use in Reclamation

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    The Great Lakes Basin exhibits the largest collection of freshwater sand dunes in the world. Sand dunes are ecologically important and support a unique assemblage of flora and fauna. Sand dunes are also economically valuable. However, when sand dunes are mined, soil quality is drastically reduced. Therefore, soil quality improvements followed by revegetation maybe necessary for successful reclamation. This study evaluates the germination and initial growth of 2 legume species, sundial lupine (Lupinus perennis) and Illinois bundleflower (Desmanthus illinoensis), and 2 warm-season grass species, Indian grass (Sorghastrum nutans) and little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), in the presence of 2 soil amendments (inorganic fertilizer and sphagnum peat moss) added to spoil from a local sand mine. We sowed species in pots and propagated them under greenhouse conditions. Results indicate that sundial lupine and Illinois bundleflower exhibited the greatest germination and growth among species. Peat moss had the greatest overall impact on germination and growth while the addition of fertilizer positively affected initial growth. Based on these results, sundial lupine is recognized as a primary candidate for sand mine reclamation, while Illinois bundleflower is also recommended as an appropriate species for revegetation efforts. We recommend using soil amendments that are functionally equivalent to peat in increasing soil water holding capacity. We further suggest that fertilization may be accomplished by including legumes in plant species mixes used for revegetation. Results presented here may help to identify appropriate species and soil amendments for the reclamation of former sand mines or restoration of freshwater sand dunes

    “They are not of our race”: Northern Republican Senators, Anti-Cuban Prejudices, and the American Opposition to Cuban Acquisition in 1859

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    Which factors do U.S. statesmen consider when incorporating new U.S. territories? Which populations and territories are deemed compatible with the project of the American nation, and which aren’t? At the U.S. Congress in 1859, upon the presentation of Senate Bill 497, U.S. Senators were debating whether to allocate a millionaire sum of money to President James Buchanan in order to acquire Cuba. The Congress debates were divided between Northern Republican and Southern Democrat Senators, of whom the former consistently opposed the annexation of Cuba. The reasons for opposition were various, but this study focuses on the senator’s suggestion that the Cuban population was unfit for self-government. By analyzing the speeches of several Northern Republican Senators, this study analyses how religious, cultural, and racial prejudices against Cubans deterred Americans from annexation. This analysis ultimately reveals that the anti-slavery convictions of Northern Republican Senators extended only to territories where the white American population could predominate, which they deemed impossible in Cuba

    Misleading Presentations of Malignant Breast Diseases – Role of Clinical Cytology

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    We described two examples with misleading presentations to draw attention to the role of clinical cytology as a part of multidisciplinary approach to breast lesions. In the first case – Paget’s disease of the nipple, there was no obvious clinical and radiological evidence of breast cancer, while the second case – primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the breast imitated advanced breast carcinoma. The question is whether accurate and fast diagnoses can be made without cytological examinations. It must be kept in mind that first-hand clinical information and contact with the patient is necessary in rendering accurate cytological diagnoses

    DIPL 6801 US Foreign Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    This seminar examines the major foreign policy doctrines applied by the United States in Latin America from the Monroe Doctrine through the Good Neighbor Policy and the Alliance for Progress until the recent agendas combining the “War on Terror” and “Free Trade.” We will ask questions such as how US policy is shaped, why it has changed over time, which policies are most effective in securing mutually beneficial relationships, and what the policy options are with regard to key issues such as trade, immigration, drugs, and democracy promotion. The seminar focuses on developing analytical, writing, and presentational skills
